This bot monitors the number of failed transactions to a specific contract addresses. Alert type and severity are specified per contract address. An existing bot of this type may be modified to to add/remove/update contracts in the bot configuration file.
(required) - The Integer value for this key corresponds to how long failed transactions should be counted against a contract's failed transactions limit before being removed. -
(required) - The Object value for this key corresponds to contracts that we want to monitor the number of failed transactions for. Each key in the Object is a contract name that we can specify, where that name is simply a string that we use as a label when referring to the contract (the string can be any valid string that we choose, it will not affect the monitoring by the bot). The Object corresponding to each contract name requires an address key/value pair, a key/value pair for the limit of failed transactions allowed, a Finding type key/value pair, and a Finding severity key/value pair (Note that using a Finding type and/or Finding severity that is not listed in the Forta SDK will cause the bot to throw an error). For example, to monitor the Uniswap V3 Factory for failed transactions, we would need the contract address, the number of failed transactions that are allowed to occur before an alert is generated, and a type and severity for the alert:
"contracts": {
"UniswapV3Factory": {
"address": "0x1F98431c8aD98523631AE4a59f267346ea31F984",
"transactionFailuresLimit": 2,
"type": "Info",
"severity": "Medium"
Note that any unused entries in the configuration file must be deleted for the bot to work. The original version of the configuration file contains several placeholders to show the structure of the file, but these are not valid entries for running the bot.