All notable changes to the "vscode-openai" extension will be documented in this file.
- Feature/20240227 package bump by @arbs-io in #227
- Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.1.7 in /webview-ui/conversationsWebview by @dependabot in #234
- Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.1.7 in /webview-ui/messageWebview by @dependabot in #235
- Feature/20240309 add custom scm model by @arbs-io in #238
- Feature/20240428-AddingChatCompletionConfigFactory by @arbs-io in #241
- Feature/20240501-CleanupReactComponents by @arbs-io in #242
- Feature/20240506-CodeCleanup by @arbs-io in #243
- Feature/20240124 allow custom scm prompt by @arbs-io in #219
- Feature/20240124 remove character length limit by @arbs-io in #220
⚠️ Reduce min vscode engine dependancy from 1.85.0 to 1.78.0
- Feature/20231218 remove response format by @arbs-io in #204
- Feature/20231218 add const descriptions by @arbs-io in #205
- Feature/20231218 general chat const by @arbs-io in #206
- Bump vite from 4.4.9 to 4.4.12 in /webview-ui/messageWebview by @dependabot in #197
- Bump vite from 4.4.9 to 4.4.12 in /webview-ui/conversationsWebview by @dependabot in #196
- Modified src/commands/scm/generateComments.ts to change import from… by @arbs-io in #199
- Feature/20231214 package bump by @arbs-io in #200
- Feature/20231214 code cleanup by @arbs-io in #201
- Modified src/apis/git/getComments.ts: by @arbs-io in #202
- Feature/20231216 improve prompts by @arbs-io in #203
- fix: synchronization issue in compareFileToClipboard by @doradsoft in #193
- Feature/20231204 allow disable assistant rules by @arbs-io in #194
- @doradsoft made their first contribution in #193
- Feature/20231125 move config to context by @arbs-io in #188
- Added createErrorNotification import from @app/apis/node. by @arbs-io in #189
- Added createInfoNotification import in generateComments.ts by @arbs-io in #190
- Feature/20231126 add custom instance support by @arbs-io in #191
- Feature/20231120 adding accessibility tts by @arbs-io in #186
- Added custom conversation colors
- Added env and UIKind imports from vscode by @arbs-io in #177
- package upgrade by @arbs-io in #179
- Feature/20231105 adding reset option by @arbs-io in #181
- Feature/20231022 explicit util module by @arbs-io in #172
- version bump by @arbs-io in #173
- Added the badge for the GitHub Actions workflow for codeql-analysis. by @arbs-io in #174
- updated project description by @arbs-io in #175
- Bump postcss from 8.4.27 to 8.4.31 in /webview-ui/messageWebview by @dependabot in #167
- Bump postcss from 8.4.27 to 8.4.31 in /webview-ui/conversationsWebview by @dependabot in #168
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.19 to 7.23.2 in /webview-ui/messageWebview by @dependabot in #169
- Bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.19 to 7.23.2 in /webview-ui/conversationsWebview by @dependabot in #170
- Feature/20231022 vscode server fix crypo lib by @arbs-io in #171
- Feature/20230912 package upgrade fluent UI by @arbs-io in #162
- Feature/20230916 removing redundant code by @arbs-io in #163
- Modified src/apis/openai/api/listModelsOpenAI.ts to simplify the as… by @arbs-io in #164
- Feature/20230827 adding unicode pdf support by @arbs-io in #159
- Feature/20230829 package upgrades (openai sdk fixing azure bug) by @arbs-io in #160
- Feature/20230805 code cleanup by @arbs-io in #148
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #151
- Feature/20230808 custom copy context menu by @arbs-io in #153
- Feature/20230812 conversation context menu by @arbs-io in #154
- Bump import-in-the-middle and @azure/opentelemetry-instrumentation-azure-sdk by @dependabot in #155
- Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation and @azure/opentelemetry-instrumentation-azure-sdk by @dependabot in #156
- fixed github issues and removed duplicated info by @arbs-io in #139
- Adding Perform CodeQL Analysis workflow by @arbs-io in #140
- Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 by @dependabot in #141
- bumping package versions by @arbs-io in #142
- Feature/20230725 configure summary settings by @arbs-io in #143
- adding custom header to openai model listing function by @arbs-io in #144
- tsx to update the placeholder text and the key combination for restor… by @arbs-io in #145
- Feature/20230801 remove mammoth extract office open xml document by @arbs-io in #146
- Feature/20230721-Enable Enterprise Auth on OpenAI
- Feature/20230721-Improve conversation summary
- BugFix/20230721-Resolving Code Smells
- BugFix/20230721-Enable Enterprise Auth on Azure
- Feature/20230721-Add Support Search in Conversation view
- Feature/20230721-Resolve Summary Length
- BugFix/20230721-Reduce Conversation Memory Footprint
- Feature/20230722-Cross vscode instnace refresh
- Feature/20230722-Enhance The Chat Input Placeholder
- Feature/20230723-Static Code Analysis
- BugFix/20230721-Adding Custom Header To ListModel
- Feature/202314-Fixed input box prompt
- Feature/20230720-Embedding wasm added
- Feature/20230720-Adding custom api headers
- Feature/20230720-Azure Openai Embedding Model Check
- Feature/20230713 quickpick models
- Feature/20230708-Reduce Embedding Memory
- Feature/20230708-Handle Multiple File Drops
- Bugfix/20230709-Reloading conversation auto save threshold.
- Feature/20230709-Moving Embedding Global Storage
- Feature/20230707-Marketplace Error Fixed Failed Release
- Feature/20230704-Resource Query for all resources
- Feature/20230705-Improved Resource Query context results
- Feature/20230706-Adding user configuration for conversation and embeddings
- Feature/20230701-Add support for
- Feature/20230703-Enable Credai Setup
- Feature/20230628-Remove All Conversation Feature
- Feature/20230628-Embedding Index Buttons
- Feature/20230630-Support Api-Keys & OAuth2 Tokens
- BugFix/20230628-EnabledResourceQueryFeature
- BugFix/20230627-PdfTextExtractFailing
- Feature/20230622-Exponential Backoff
- Feature/20230622-Embedding model selections
- Features/20230614 Support All openai gpt models
- Features/20230612 fixing workflow dependancies
- Features/20230611 Utility scripts added automate testing
- Features/20230606 open conversation on click by @arbs-io in #93
- Feature/20230525 custom source integration by @arbs-io in #90
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #91
- removed CodeQL Analysis by @arbs-io in #92
- Feature/20230521 additional telemetry by @arbs-io in #87
- Feature/20230521 embedding files by @arbs-io in #88
- Feature/20230523 cleanup vscode ux by @arbs-io in #89
- Feature/20230520 replace download for open by @arbs-io in #86
- Feature/20230519 conversation download by @arbs-io in #80
- Feature/20230520 message to markdown by @arbs-io in #81
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #82
- Feature/20230520 refactor webview provider by @arbs-io in #83
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #84
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #85
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #79
- Feature/20230514 lazy load message webview by @arbs-io in #78
- Feature/20230513 handle error wrapper on extension activate by @arbs-io in #76
- Feature/20230513 telemetry by @arbs-io in #77
- Feature/20230511 improve error tracing by @arbs-io in #75
- Feature/20230508 editor prompt override by @arbs-io in #73
- Feature/20230510 adding source map support by @arbs-io in #74
- Feature/20230405 log configuration service by @arbs-io in #72
- The changes made in this commit include: by @arbs-io in #71
- Feature/20230503 prompt enhauncements by @arbs-io in #70
- Feature/20230502 code cleaup by @arbs-io in #69
- Feature/20230501 scm integration by @arbs-io in #68
- Feature/20230430 refactor providers by @arbs-io in #67
- Bugfix/20230427 fixed design pattern output by @arbs-io in #65
- fixed loading logic webview callback on init by @arbs-io in #66
- Feature/20230426 agi format output by @arbs-io in #63
- store tokens, they are long lived for the minute... by @arbs-io in #64
- adding api gateway policies (alpha) by @arbs-io in #61
- Feature/20230423 sponsored instance by @arbs-io in #62
- Description switched by @arbs-io in #59
- version bump and logLevel description by @arbs-io in #60
- Feature/20230413 setup openai service by @arbs-io in #50
- save configurations by @arbs-io in #51
- Feature/20230418 sponsored instance config by @arbs-io in #52
- Feature/20230419 add components to index by @arbs-io in #53
- revert back to original service provider by @arbs-io in #54
- using path modules by @arbs-io in #55
- Feature/20230420 fixed vs code debug tracked by @arbs-io in #56
- Feature/20230420 improve error message by @arbs-io in #57
- added info for api-key verify by @arbs-io in #58
- Feature/20230412 limit conversation history by @arbs-io in #47
- adding vscode-openai icon woff by @arbs-io in #48
- adding rules to system persona prompts by @arbs-io in #49
- updating interface and persona info by @arbs-io in #44
- upgrade packages by @arbs-io in #45
- fixed vscode version by @arbs-io in #46
- Feature/20230407 select first persona by @arbs-io in #42
- Feature/20230410 simplify configuration by @arbs-io in #43
- display error with stack by @arbs-io in #41
- Feature/20230406 adding inference tokens by @arbs-io in #40
- compress images by @arbs-io in #38
- Feature/20230405 simplify detecting issues by @arbs-io in #39
- Feature/20230305 mac os azure open ai by @arbs-io in #37
- Feature/20230401 confirm deletion by @arbs-io in #35
- Feature/20230401 send chat to openai by @arbs-io in #36
- Feature/20230331 stack layout by @arbs-io in #33
- Feature/20230331 align editor prompts by @arbs-io in #34
- fixed continue converstaion by @arbs-io in #31
- Feature/20230330 multi lined input by @arbs-io in #32
- Feature/20230325 adding badges to readme by @arbs-io in #30
- Feature/20230324 hotload settings by @arbs-io in #27
- config service moved by @arbs-io in #28
- Feature/20230325 conversation format by @arbs-io in #29
- split summary update by @arbs-io in #25
- Feature/20230322 azure support by @arbs-io in #26
- Feature/20230321 fixed question post by @arbs-io in #24
- Feature/20230319 conversation service by @arbs-io in #22
- Feature/20230314 switch web to treeview by @arbs-io in #16
- Feature/20230315 cleanup by @arbs-io in #17
- Feature/20230316 ux tidy up by @arbs-io in #18
- fixed showStatusBar Information and Error by @arbs-io in #19
- Features/20230317 conversation summary by @arbs-io in #20
- Feature/20230318 adding models by @arbs-io in #21
- Feature/20230309 chat message sidebar by @arbs-io in #12
- Feature/20230310 chat history by @arbs-io in #13
- Feature/20230311 api integration by @arbs-io in #14
- Feature/20230312 loading new conversation by @arbs-io in #15
- Feature/20230305 vscode chat gpt by @arbs-io in #9
- Feature/20230307 chat gpt chat message thread by @arbs-io in #10
- Feature/20230308 chat thread by @arbs-io in #11
- Feature/20230224 add setting and properties by @arbs-io in #1
- Feature/20230227 api key validation by @arbs-io in #2
- Feature/20230227 set default model by @arbs-io in #3
- Feature/20230228 adding comment completion by @arbs-io in #4
- Feature/20230301 completion prompt comments by @arbs-io in #5
- Feature/20230302 refactor project structure by @arbs-io in #6
- Feature/20230302 open ai upgrade by @arbs-io in #7
- Feature/20230303 dog food refactor by @arbs-io in #8
- Initial release