sysbench workload plugin for Arcaflow
arca-sysbench is a workload plugin of the sysbench benchmark tool
using the Arcaflow python SDK .
Supported sysbench input parameters are defined in the CommonInputParameters
along with it's subclasses in file.
You define your test parameters in a YAML file to be passed to the plugin command as shown in either sysbench_cpu_example.yaml or sysbench_memory_example.yaml .
In order to run the arca-sysbench plugin run the following steps:
Cone this repository
Create the container with docker build -t arca-sysbench -f Dockerfile
Run cat configs/sysbench_cpu_example.yaml | docker run -i arca-sysbench -s sysbenchcpu -f -
to run sysbench for cpu
Run cat configs/sysbench_memory_example.yaml | docker run -i arca-sysbench -s sysbenchmemory -f -
to run sysbench for memory
Prerequisite: sysbench should already be installed on your system.
Clone this repository
Create a venv
in the current directory with python3 -m venv $(pwd)/venv
Activate the venv
by running source venv/bin/activate
Run pip install -r requirements.txt
Run ./ -f configs/sysbench_cpu_example.yaml -s sysbenchcpu
to run sysbench for cpu
Run ./ -f configs/sysbench_memory_example.yaml -s sysbenchmemory
to run sysbench for memory
Autogenerated Input/Output Documentation by Arcaflow-Docsgen Below
Sysbench CPU Workload (sysbenchcpu
Run CPU performance test using the sysbench workload
Type: scope
Root object: SysbenchCpuInputParams
Properties cpu-max-prime (int
Name: CPU max prime Description: The upper limit of the number of prime numbers generated Required: No Type: int
events (int
Name: Number of events Description: Maximum number of events Required: No Type: int
forced-shutdown (int
Name: Forced Shutdown Seconds Description: Number of seconds to wait after the 'time' limit before forcing shutdown, or exclude parameter to disable forced shutdown Required: No Type: int
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations Required: No Type: int
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100
rand-pareto-h (float
Name: Rand pareto h Description: parameter h for pareto distribution Required: No Type: float
rand-seed (int
Name: Rand seed Description: seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-iter (int
Name: Rand spec iterations Description: Number of iterations used for numbers generation Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-pct (int
Name: Rand spec percentage Description: Percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-res (int
Name: Rand spec res Description: Percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-type (enum[string]
Name: Random Number Type Description: Random numbers distribution Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GAUSSIANpareto
: PARETOspecial
: SPECIALuniform
rate (int
Name: Transaction rate Description: average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate Required: No Type: int
thread-stack-size (string
Name: Thread stack size Description: size of stack per thread Required: No Type: string
threads (int
Name: Threads Description: Number of worker threads to create Required: No Type: int
time (int
Name: Time Description: Limit for total execution time in seconds Required: No Type: int
validate (enum[string]
Name: Validate Description: perform validation checks where possible Required: No Type: enum[string]
Objects SysbenchCpuInputParams (object
Type: object
Properties cpu-max-prime (int
Name: CPU max prime Description: The upper limit of the number of prime numbers generated Required: No Type: int
events (int
Name: Number of events Description: Maximum number of events Required: No Type: int
forced-shutdown (int
Name: Forced Shutdown Seconds Description: Number of seconds to wait after the 'time' limit before forcing shutdown, or exclude parameter to disable forced shutdown Required: No Type: int
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations Required: No Type: int
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100
rand-pareto-h (float
Name: Rand pareto h Description: parameter h for pareto distribution Required: No Type: float
rand-seed (int
Name: Rand seed Description: seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-iter (int
Name: Rand spec iterations Description: Number of iterations used for numbers generation Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-pct (int
Name: Rand spec percentage Description: Percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-res (int
Name: Rand spec res Description: Percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-type (enum[string]
Name: Random Number Type Description: Random numbers distribution Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GAUSSIANpareto
: PARETOspecial
: SPECIALuniform
rate (int
Name: Transaction rate Description: average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate Required: No Type: int
thread-stack-size (string
Name: Thread stack size Description: size of stack per thread Required: No Type: string
threads (int
Name: Threads Description: Number of worker threads to create Required: No Type: int
time (int
Name: Time Description: Limit for total execution time in seconds Required: No Type: int
validate (enum[string]
Name: Validate Description: perform validation checks where possible Required: No Type: enum[string]
Type: scope
Root object: WorkloadError
Properties error (string
Name: Failure Error Description: Reason for failure Required: Yes Type: string
exit_code (int
Name: Exit Code Description: Exit code returned by the program in case of a failure Required: Yes Type: int
Objects WorkloadError (object
Type: object
Properties error (string
Name: Failure Error Description: Reason for failure Required: Yes Type: string
exit_code (int
Name: Exit Code Description: Exit code returned by the program in case of a failure Required: Yes Type: int
Type: scope
Root object: WorkloadResultsCpu
Properties sysbench_output_params (reference[SysbenchCpuOutputParams]
Name: Sysbench Cpu Output Parameters Description: Ouptut parameters for a successful sysbench cpu workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchCpuOutputParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchCpuOutputParams
sysbench_results (reference[SysbenchCpuResultParams]
Name: Sysbench Cpu Result Parameters Description: Result parameters for a successful sysbench cpu workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchCpuResultParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchCpuResultParams
Objects CPUmetrics (object
Type: object
Properties eventspersecond (float
Name: Events per second Description: Number of events per second to measure CPU speed Required: Yes Type: float
LatencyAggregates (object
Type: object
Properties avg (float
Name: Average Description: Average Latency Required: Yes Type: float
max (float
Name: Maximum Description: Maximum Latency Required: Yes Type: float
min (float
Name: Minimum Description: Minimum latency Required: Yes Type: float
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: Latency percentile selected for reporting Required: Yes Type: int
percentile_value (float
Name: Latency Percentile Value Description: Latency percentile value Required: Yes Type: float
sum (float
Name: Sum Description: Sum of latencies Required: Yes Type: float
SysbenchCpuOutputParams (object
Type: object
Properties Numberofthreads (int
Name: Number of threads Description: Number of threads used by the workload Required: Yes Type: int
Primenumberslimit (int
Name: Prime numbers limit Description: Number of prime numbers to use for CPU workload Required: Yes Type: int
Validationchecks (string
Name: Validation checks Description: Validation on/off Required: No Type: string
totalnumberofevents (int
Name: Total number of events Description: Total number of events performed by the workload Required: Yes Type: int
totaltime (float
Name: Total time Description: Total execution time of workload Required: Yes Type: float
SysbenchCpuResultParams (object
Type: object
Properties CPUspeed (reference[CPUmetrics]
Name: CPU speed Description: No of events per second Required: Yes Type: reference[CPUmetrics]
Referenced object: CPUmetrics
Latency (reference[LatencyAggregates]
Name: Latency Description: CPU latency in milliseconds Required: Yes Type: reference[LatencyAggregates]
Referenced object: LatencyAggregates
Threadsfairness (reference[ThreadsFairness]
Name: Threads fairness Description: Event distribution by threads for number of executed events by threads and total execution time by thread Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadsFairness]
Referenced object: ThreadsFairness
ThreadFairnessAggregates (object
Type: object
Properties avg (float
Name: Average Description: Average value across all threads Required: Yes Type: float
stddev (float
Name: Standard Deviation Description: Standard deviation of all threads Required: Yes Type: float
ThreadsFairness (object
Type: object
Properties events (reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Name: Thread Fairness events Description: number of events executed by the threads Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Referenced object: ThreadFairnessAggregates
executiontime (reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Name: Thread Fairness execution time Description: Execution time of threads Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Referenced object: ThreadFairnessAggregates
WorkloadResultsCpu (object
Type: object
Properties sysbench_output_params (reference[SysbenchCpuOutputParams]
Name: Sysbench Cpu Output Parameters Description: Ouptut parameters for a successful sysbench cpu workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchCpuOutputParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchCpuOutputParams
sysbench_results (reference[SysbenchCpuResultParams]
Name: Sysbench Cpu Result Parameters Description: Result parameters for a successful sysbench cpu workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchCpuResultParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchCpuResultParams
Sysbench I/O Workload (sysbenchio
Run the I/O test using the sysbench workload
Type: scope
Root object: SysbenchIoInputParams
Properties events (int
Name: Number of events Description: Maximum number of events Required: No Type: int
file-async-backlog (int
Name: File Async Backlog Description: Number of asynchronous operatons to queue per thread Required: No Type: int
file-block-size (int
Name: File Block Size Description: Block size to use in all IO operations Required: No Type: int
file-extra-flags (enum[string]
Name: File I/O Mode Description: File operations mode {sync,async,mmap} Required: No Type: enum[string]
: DIRECTdsync
: DSYNCsync
file-fsync-all (enum[string]
Name: File Fsync Frequency Description: Do fsync() after this number of requests (0 - don't use fsync()) Required: No Type: enum[string]
file-fsync-end (enum[string]
Name: File Fsync At End Description: Do fsync() at the end of test Required: No Type: enum[string]
file-fsync-freq (int
Name: File Fsync Frequency Description: Do fsync() after this number of requests (0 - don't use fsync()) Required: No Type: int
file-fsync-mode (enum[string]
Name: File Fsync Mode Description: Which method to use for synchronization {fsync, fdatasync} Required: No Type: enum[string]
file-io-mode (enum[string]
Name: File I/O Mode Description: File operations mode {sync,async,mmap} Required: No Type: enum[string]
: ASYNCmmap
: MMAPsync
file-merged-requests (int
Name: File Fsync Frequency Description: Merge at most this number of IO requests if possible (0 - don't merge) Required: No Type: int
file-num (int
Name: Files number Description: Number of files to create Required: No Type: int
file-rw-ratio (float
Name: File R/W Ratio Description: Reads/writes ratio for combined test Required: No Type: float
file-test-mode (enum[string]
Name: File Test Mode Description: Test mode {seqwr, seqrewr, seqrd, rndrd, rndwr, rndrw} Required: No Type: enum[string]
: RNDRrndrw
: RNDRWrndwr
: RNDWRseqrd
: SEQRDseqrewr
: SEQREWRseqwr
file-total-size (string
Name: File Total Size Description: Total size of files to create Required: No Type: string
forced-shutdown (int
Name: Forced Shutdown Seconds Description: Number of seconds to wait after the 'time' limit before forcing shutdown, or exclude parameter to disable forced shutdown Required: No Type: int
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations Required: No Type: int
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100
rand-pareto-h (float
Name: Rand pareto h Description: parameter h for pareto distribution Required: No Type: float
rand-seed (int
Name: Rand seed Description: seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-iter (int
Name: Rand spec iterations Description: Number of iterations used for numbers generation Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-pct (int
Name: Rand spec percentage Description: Percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-res (int
Name: Rand spec res Description: Percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-type (enum[string]
Name: Random Number Type Description: Random numbers distribution Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GAUSSIANpareto
: PARETOspecial
: SPECIALuniform
rate (int
Name: Transaction rate Description: average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate Required: No Type: int
thread-stack-size (string
Name: Thread stack size Description: size of stack per thread Required: No Type: string
threads (int
Name: Threads Description: Number of worker threads to create Required: No Type: int
time (int
Name: Time Description: Limit for total execution time in seconds Required: No Type: int
validate (enum[string]
Name: Validate Description: perform validation checks where possible Required: No Type: enum[string]
Objects SysbenchIoInputParams (object
Type: object
Properties events (int
Name: Number of events Description: Maximum number of events Required: No Type: int
file-async-backlog (int
Name: File Async Backlog Description: Number of asynchronous operatons to queue per thread Required: No Type: int
file-block-size (int
Name: File Block Size Description: Block size to use in all IO operations Required: No Type: int
file-extra-flags (enum[string]
Name: File I/O Mode Description: File operations mode {sync,async,mmap} Required: No Type: enum[string]
: DIRECTdsync
: DSYNCsync
file-fsync-all (enum[string]
Name: File Fsync Frequency Description: Do fsync() after this number of requests (0 - don't use fsync()) Required: No Type: enum[string]
file-fsync-end (enum[string]
Name: File Fsync At End Description: Do fsync() at the end of test Required: No Type: enum[string]
file-fsync-freq (int
Name: File Fsync Frequency Description: Do fsync() after this number of requests (0 - don't use fsync()) Required: No Type: int
file-fsync-mode (enum[string]
Name: File Fsync Mode Description: Which method to use for synchronization {fsync, fdatasync} Required: No Type: enum[string]
file-io-mode (enum[string]
Name: File I/O Mode Description: File operations mode {sync,async,mmap} Required: No Type: enum[string]
: ASYNCmmap
: MMAPsync
file-merged-requests (int
Name: File Fsync Frequency Description: Merge at most this number of IO requests if possible (0 - don't merge) Required: No Type: int
file-num (int
Name: Files number Description: Number of files to create Required: No Type: int
file-rw-ratio (float
Name: File R/W Ratio Description: Reads/writes ratio for combined test Required: No Type: float
file-test-mode (enum[string]
Name: File Test Mode Description: Test mode {seqwr, seqrewr, seqrd, rndrd, rndwr, rndrw} Required: No Type: enum[string]
: RNDRrndrw
: RNDRWrndwr
: RNDWRseqrd
: SEQRDseqrewr
: SEQREWRseqwr
file-total-size (string
Name: File Total Size Description: Total size of files to create Required: No Type: string
forced-shutdown (int
Name: Forced Shutdown Seconds Description: Number of seconds to wait after the 'time' limit before forcing shutdown, or exclude parameter to disable forced shutdown Required: No Type: int
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations Required: No Type: int
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100
rand-pareto-h (float
Name: Rand pareto h Description: parameter h for pareto distribution Required: No Type: float
rand-seed (int
Name: Rand seed Description: seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-iter (int
Name: Rand spec iterations Description: Number of iterations used for numbers generation Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-pct (int
Name: Rand spec percentage Description: Percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-res (int
Name: Rand spec res Description: Percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-type (enum[string]
Name: Random Number Type Description: Random numbers distribution Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GAUSSIANpareto
: PARETOspecial
: SPECIALuniform
rate (int
Name: Transaction rate Description: average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate Required: No Type: int
thread-stack-size (string
Name: Thread stack size Description: size of stack per thread Required: No Type: string
threads (int
Name: Threads Description: Number of worker threads to create Required: No Type: int
time (int
Name: Time Description: Limit for total execution time in seconds Required: No Type: int
validate (enum[string]
Name: Validate Description: perform validation checks where possible Required: No Type: enum[string]
Type: scope
Root object: WorkloadError
Properties error (string
Name: Failure Error Description: Reason for failure Required: Yes Type: string
exit_code (int
Name: Exit Code Description: Exit code returned by the program in case of a failure Required: Yes Type: int
Objects WorkloadError (object
Type: object
Properties error (string
Name: Failure Error Description: Reason for failure Required: Yes Type: string
exit_code (int
Name: Exit Code Description: Exit code returned by the program in case of a failure Required: Yes Type: int
Type: scope
Root object: WorkloadResultsIo
Properties sysbench_output_params (reference[SysbenchIoOutputParams]
Name: Sysbench Io Output Parameters Description: Ouptut parameters for a successful sysbench io workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchIoOutputParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchIoOutputParams
sysbench_results (reference[SysbenchIoResultParams]
Name: Sysbench io Result Parameters Description: Result parameters for a successful io Memory workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchIoResultParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchIoResultParams
Objects FileOperationMetrics (object
Type: object
Properties fsyncs_s (float
Name: Fsync/sec Description: Number of fsync() per second Required: Yes Type: float
reads_s (float
Name: Read Ops/sec Description: Read operations per second Required: Yes Type: float
writes_s (float
Name: Write Ops/s Description: Write Operations per second Required: Yes Type: float
LatencyAggregates (object
Type: object
Properties avg (float
Name: Average Description: Average Latency Required: Yes Type: float
max (float
Name: Maximum Description: Maximum Latency Required: Yes Type: float
min (float
Name: Minimum Description: Minimum latency Required: Yes Type: float
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: Latency percentile selected for reporting Required: Yes Type: int
percentile_value (float
Name: Latency Percentile Value Description: Latency percentile value Required: Yes Type: float
sum (float
Name: Sum Description: Sum of latencies Required: Yes Type: float
SysbenchIoOutputParams (object
Type: object
Properties Extrafileopenflags (string
Name: File Open Flags Description: File Open Flags Required: Yes Type: string
NumberofIOrequests (int
Name: Number of I/O requests Description: Number of I/O requests Required: No Type: int
Numberofthreads (int
Name: Number of threads Description: Number of threads used by the workload Required: Yes Type: int
ReadWriteratioforcombinedrandomIOtest (float
Name: R/W Ratio Random Test Description: Read/Write Ratio for combined random I/O test Required: No Type: float
Validationchecks (string
Name: Validation checks Description: Validation on/off Required: No Type: string
totalnumberofevents (int
Name: Total number of events Description: Total number of events performed by the workload Required: Yes Type: int
totaltime (float
Name: Total time Description: Total execution time of workload Required: Yes Type: float
SysbenchIoResultParams (object
Type: object
Properties Fileoperations (reference[FileOperationMetrics]
Name: FileOperations Description: File Operation Metrics Required: Yes Type: reference[FileOperationMetrics]
Referenced object: FileOperationMetrics
Latency (reference[LatencyAggregates]
Name: Latency Description: latency in milliseconds Required: Yes Type: reference[LatencyAggregates]
Referenced object: LatencyAggregates
Threadsfairness (reference[ThreadsFairness]
Name: Threads fairness Description: Event distribution by threads for number of executed events by threads and total execution time by thread Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadsFairness]
Referenced object: ThreadsFairness
Throughput (reference[ThroughputMetrics]
Name: Throughput Description: Throughput metrics Required: Yes Type: reference[ThroughputMetrics]
Referenced object: ThroughputMetrics
ThreadFairnessAggregates (object
Type: object
Properties avg (float
Name: Average Description: Average value across all threads Required: Yes Type: float
stddev (float
Name: Standard Deviation Description: Standard deviation of all threads Required: Yes Type: float
ThreadsFairness (object
Type: object
Properties events (reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Name: Thread Fairness events Description: number of events executed by the threads Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Referenced object: ThreadFairnessAggregates
executiontime (reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Name: Thread Fairness execution time Description: Execution time of threads Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Referenced object: ThreadFairnessAggregates
ThroughputMetrics (object
Type: object
Properties read_MiB_s (float
Name: Read Mebibytes/s Description: Read Mebibyte (2^20 bytes) per second Required: Yes Type: float
written_MiB_s (float
Name: Written Mebibytes/s Description: Written Mebibyte (2^20 bytes) per second Required: Yes Type: float
WorkloadResultsIo (object
Type: object
Properties sysbench_output_params (reference[SysbenchIoOutputParams]
Name: Sysbench Io Output Parameters Description: Ouptut parameters for a successful sysbench io workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchIoOutputParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchIoOutputParams
sysbench_results (reference[SysbenchIoResultParams]
Name: Sysbench io Result Parameters Description: Result parameters for a successful io Memory workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchIoResultParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchIoResultParams
Sysbench Memory Workload (sysbenchmemory
Run the Memory functions speed test using the sysbench workload
Type: scope
Root object: SysbenchMemoryInputParams
Properties events (int
Name: Number of events Description: Maximum number of events Required: No Type: int
forced-shutdown (int
Name: Forced Shutdown Seconds Description: Number of seconds to wait after the 'time' limit before forcing shutdown, or exclude parameter to disable forced shutdown Required: No Type: int
memory-access-mode (enum[string]
Name: Memory Access Mode Description: memory access mode (seq,rnd) Required: No Default (JSON encoded): Type: enum[string]
memory-block-size (string
Name: Block Size Description: size of memory block for test in KiB/MiB/GiB Required: No Type: string
memory-hugetlb (enum[string]
Name: Memory hugetlb Description: Allocate memory from HugeTLB pool (on/off) Required: No Type: enum[string]
memory-oper (enum[string]
Name: Memory Operation Description: Type of memory operation(write/read) Required: No Type: enum[string]
: NONEread
: READwrite
memory-scope (enum[string]
Name: Memory Scope Description: Memory Access Scope(global/local) Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GLOBALlocal
memory-total-size (string
Name: Total Size Description: Total size of data to transfer in GiB Required: No Type: string
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations Required: No Type: int
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100
rand-pareto-h (float
Name: Rand pareto h Description: parameter h for pareto distribution Required: No Type: float
rand-seed (int
Name: Rand seed Description: seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-iter (int
Name: Rand spec iterations Description: Number of iterations used for numbers generation Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-pct (int
Name: Rand spec percentage Description: Percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-res (int
Name: Rand spec res Description: Percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-type (enum[string]
Name: Random Number Type Description: Random numbers distribution Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GAUSSIANpareto
: PARETOspecial
: SPECIALuniform
rate (int
Name: Transaction rate Description: average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate Required: No Type: int
thread-stack-size (string
Name: Thread stack size Description: size of stack per thread Required: No Type: string
threads (int
Name: Threads Description: Number of worker threads to create Required: No Type: int
time (int
Name: Time Description: Limit for total execution time in seconds Required: No Type: int
validate (enum[string]
Name: Validate Description: perform validation checks where possible Required: No Type: enum[string]
Objects SysbenchMemoryInputParams (object
Type: object
Properties events (int
Name: Number of events Description: Maximum number of events Required: No Type: int
forced-shutdown (int
Name: Forced Shutdown Seconds Description: Number of seconds to wait after the 'time' limit before forcing shutdown, or exclude parameter to disable forced shutdown Required: No Type: int
memory-access-mode (enum[string]
Name: Memory Access Mode Description: memory access mode (seq,rnd) Required: No Default (JSON encoded): Type: enum[string]
memory-block-size (string
Name: Block Size Description: size of memory block for test in KiB/MiB/GiB Required: No Type: string
memory-hugetlb (enum[string]
Name: Memory hugetlb Description: Allocate memory from HugeTLB pool (on/off) Required: No Type: enum[string]
memory-oper (enum[string]
Name: Memory Operation Description: Type of memory operation(write/read) Required: No Type: enum[string]
: NONEread
: READwrite
memory-scope (enum[string]
Name: Memory Scope Description: Memory Access Scope(global/local) Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GLOBALlocal
memory-total-size (string
Name: Total Size Description: Total size of data to transfer in GiB Required: No Type: string
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: percentile to calculate in latency statistics (1-100). Use the special value of 0 to disable percentile calculations Required: No Type: int
Minimum: 0 Maximum: 100
rand-pareto-h (float
Name: Rand pareto h Description: parameter h for pareto distribution Required: No Type: float
rand-seed (int
Name: Rand seed Description: seed for random number generator. When 0, the current time is used as a RNG seed. Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-iter (int
Name: Rand spec iterations Description: Number of iterations used for numbers generation Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-pct (int
Name: Rand spec percentage Description: Percentage of values to be treated as 'special' (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-spec-res (int
Name: Rand spec res Description: Percentage of 'special' values to use (for special distribution) Required: No Type: int
rand-type (enum[string]
Name: Random Number Type Description: Random numbers distribution Required: No Type: enum[string]
: GAUSSIANpareto
: PARETOspecial
: SPECIALuniform
rate (int
Name: Transaction rate Description: average transactions rate. 0 for unlimited rate Required: No Type: int
thread-stack-size (string
Name: Thread stack size Description: size of stack per thread Required: No Type: string
threads (int
Name: Threads Description: Number of worker threads to create Required: No Type: int
time (int
Name: Time Description: Limit for total execution time in seconds Required: No Type: int
validate (enum[string]
Name: Validate Description: perform validation checks where possible Required: No Type: enum[string]
Type: scope
Root object: WorkloadError
Properties error (string
Name: Failure Error Description: Reason for failure Required: Yes Type: string
exit_code (int
Name: Exit Code Description: Exit code returned by the program in case of a failure Required: Yes Type: int
Objects WorkloadError (object
Type: object
Properties error (string
Name: Failure Error Description: Reason for failure Required: Yes Type: string
exit_code (int
Name: Exit Code Description: Exit code returned by the program in case of a failure Required: Yes Type: int
Type: scope
Root object: WorkloadResultsMemory
Properties sysbench_output_params (reference[SysbenchMemoryOutputParams]
Name: Sysbench Memory Output Parameters Description: Ouptut parameters for a successful sysbench memory workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchMemoryOutputParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchMemoryOutputParams
sysbench_results (reference[SysbenchMemoryResultParams]
Name: Sysbench Memory Result Parameters Description: Result parameters for a successful sysbench Memory workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchMemoryResultParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchMemoryResultParams
Objects LatencyAggregates (object
Type: object
Properties avg (float
Name: Average Description: Average Latency Required: Yes Type: float
max (float
Name: Maximum Description: Maximum Latency Required: Yes Type: float
min (float
Name: Minimum Description: Minimum latency Required: Yes Type: float
percentile (int
Name: Percentile Description: Latency percentile selected for reporting Required: Yes Type: int
percentile_value (float
Name: Latency Percentile Value Description: Latency percentile value Required: Yes Type: float
sum (float
Name: Sum Description: Sum of latencies Required: Yes Type: float
SysbenchMemoryOutputParams (object
Type: object
Properties Numberofthreads (int
Name: Number of threads Description: Number of threads used by the workload Required: Yes Type: int
Totaloperations (int
Name: Total operations Description: Total number of operations performed by the memory workload Required: Yes Type: int
Totaloperationspersecond (float
Name: Total operations per second Description: Total number of operations performed by the memory workload per second Required: Yes Type: float
Validationchecks (string
Name: Validation checks Description: Validation on/off Required: No Type: string
blocksize (string
Name: Block size Description: Block size in KiB Required: Yes Type: string
memory_access_mode (enum[string]
Name: Memory Access Mode Description: memory access mode (seq,rnd) Required: Yes Type: enum[string]
operation (string
Name: Operation Description: memory operation performed Required: Yes Type: string
scope (string
Name: Scope Description: scope of operation Required: Yes Type: string
totalnumberofevents (int
Name: Total number of events Description: Total number of events performed by the workload Required: Yes Type: int
totalsize (string
Name: Total size Description: Total size in MiB Required: Yes Type: string
totaltime (float
Name: Total time Description: Total execution time of workload Required: Yes Type: float
SysbenchMemoryResultParams (object
Type: object
Properties Latency (reference[LatencyAggregates]
Name: Latency Description: Memory Latency in milli seconds Required: Yes Type: reference[LatencyAggregates]
Referenced object: LatencyAggregates
Threadsfairness (reference[ThreadsFairness]
Name: Threads fairness Description: Event distribution by threads for number of executed events by threads and total execution time by thread Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadsFairness]
Referenced object: ThreadsFairness
transferred_MiB (float
Name: Transferred memory Description: Total Memory Transferred Required: Yes Type: float
transferred_MiBpersec (float
Name: Transferred memory per second Description: Total Memory Transferred per second Required: Yes Type: float
ThreadFairnessAggregates (object
Type: object
Properties avg (float
Name: Average Description: Average value across all threads Required: Yes Type: float
stddev (float
Name: Standard Deviation Description: Standard deviation of all threads Required: Yes Type: float
ThreadsFairness (object
Type: object
Properties events (reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Name: Thread Fairness events Description: number of events executed by the threads Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Referenced object: ThreadFairnessAggregates
executiontime (reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Name: Thread Fairness execution time Description: Execution time of threads Required: Yes Type: reference[ThreadFairnessAggregates]
Referenced object: ThreadFairnessAggregates
WorkloadResultsMemory (object
Type: object
Properties sysbench_output_params (reference[SysbenchMemoryOutputParams]
Name: Sysbench Memory Output Parameters Description: Ouptut parameters for a successful sysbench memory workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchMemoryOutputParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchMemoryOutputParams
sysbench_results (reference[SysbenchMemoryResultParams]
Name: Sysbench Memory Result Parameters Description: Result parameters for a successful sysbench Memory workload execution Required: Yes Type: reference[SysbenchMemoryResultParams]
Referenced object: SysbenchMemoryResultParams