Arcaptcha Component Library for ReactJS.
Arcaptcha is a drop-replacement for reCAPTCHA and hCaptcha that protects user privacy, rewards websites, and helps companies get their data labeled.
Sign up at Arcaptcha to get your sitekey today. You need a sitekey to use this library.
You can install this library via npm with:
npm i arcaptcha-react
The requirement for usage are the site-key prop. The component will automatically include and load the Arcaptcha API library and append it to the body.
- Basic:
import React from "react";
import { ArcaptchaWidget } from "arcaptcha-react";
class YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME extends Component {
constructor() {
this.ArRef = React.createRef();
getToken = (token) => {
//do something with your token.
render() {
return (
theme="dark" //it's not required. Default is light
lang="en" //it's not required. Default is fa
- Invisible:
import React from "react";
import { ArcaptchaWidget } from "arcaptcha-react";
class ArcaptchaReact extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.ArRef = React.createRef();
onSuccess = (token) => {
//do something with your token.
execute = () => {
reset = () => {
render() {
return (
<button type="button" onClick={this.execute}>
<button type="button" onClick={this.reset}>
export default ArcaptchaReact;
- Invisible with promise:
import React from "react";
import { ArcaptchaWidget } from "arcaptcha-react";
class ArcaptchaReact extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.ArRef = React.createRef();
execute = () => {
this.ArRef.current.execute().then((token) => {
reset = () => {
render() {
return (
<button type="button" onClick={this.execute}>
<button type="button" onClick={this.reset}>
export default ArcaptchaReact;
Name | Values/Type | Required | Default | Description |
site-key | string | Yes | - | This is your sitekey, this allows you to load captcha. If you need a sitekey, please visit Arcaptcha, and sign up to get your sitekey |
domain | string | NO | window.location.hostname |
Whenever there is no access to window (Mobile enviroments) you can set domain manually |
invisible | Boolean | NO | False | This allows you to use invisible captcha for you forms |
lang | string | NO | fa | This allows you to choose language by this prop. you can choose 'en' or 'fa' for english and persion language |
theme | string | NO | light | This allows you to choose theme for your widget. The themes are light and dark |
color | String | No | normal | Color of every colored element in widget and challenge. |
api_url | String | No | | This allows you to change default widget api. |
callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after solving captcha |
rendered_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after rendering checkbox |
closed_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after closing captcha challenge |
opened_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after opening captcha challenge |
error_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after error |
reset_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after reseting captcha |
expired_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after expiring |
chlexpired_callback | Function | NO | null | This function would be called after challange expiration |
Method | Description |
execute() | Programmatically trigger a challenge request. You can use this, to load invisible captcha after trigger a button |
close() | Programmatically trigger a close challenge request. You can use this to close challenge container |
resetCaptcha() | Reset the current challenge |