We're going to use AWS Lambda jobs for each of the regularly scheduled tasks that the ebs snapper performs. There will be one job as well as one Lambda job simply to fan out / parallelize doing snapshots for each region that we're interested in. Even though we will be running snapshots for volumes in all regions, the lambda jobs will all be running in us-east-1 for now. Each customer would have a separate install of this lambda job; we will not share the Lambda job across multiple customers.
There are one main data storage location for this project: DynamoDB to store the configuration data below. There is one exception -- tags on EC2 volume snapshots will be used to store only the expiration date of the snapshot itself. We chose to store the expiration date of a snapshot as a tag on the snapshot because it's essentially metadata about that snapshot. All other configuration data isn't snapshot specific, and might not even be instance-specific; we expect many customers will have an empty configuration (no snapshots anywhere) or a small configuration stanza (to match just a small number of instances)
Note: All instances will be filtered by whether they are running or stopped, using:
{'Name': 'instance-state-name', 'Values': ['running', 'stopped']}
Configuration elements:
Matching elements (multiple elements are AND'd together by AWS describe* APIs [1]):
- Instance ID
- Tag on Instance
- ASG ID for membership
- Name of Instance
Settings for each match + allowed values
- Retention of snapshots (R days, weeks)
- Minimum number of snapshots (M, integer, defaults to 1)
- Frequency of snapshots (F hours, days, weeks, minimum is 1 hour) or a crontab expression as described here
Ignore section
- An array of instance or volume ids to ignore when doing snapshots or cleanups
ignore_retention flag
- a JSON boolean value, if enabled, causes EBS Snapper to ignore snapshot retention settings when it can't calculate the minimum number of snapshots present, and delete a snapshots with an appropriate
tag regardless
- a JSON boolean value, if enabled, causes EBS Snapper to ignore snapshot retention settings when it can't calculate the minimum number of snapshots present, and delete a snapshots with an appropriate
[1] http://boto3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/services/ec2.html#EC2.Client.describe_instances
Example of a JSON document from the DynamoDB table's configuration
field (see cloudformation template):
"match": {
"instance-id": "i-abc12345",
"tag:key": "tag-value",
"tag:Name": "legacy_server_name_*"
"snapshot": {
"retention": "4 days",
"minimum": 5,
"frequency": "12 hours"
Another example with a crontab expression for midnight CDT:
"match": {
"instance-id": "i-abc12345",
"tag:key": "tag-value",
"tag:Name": "legacy_server_name_*"
"snapshot": {
"retention": "4 days",
"minimum": 5,
"frequency": "0 5 * * ? *"
Some things to note about using crontab expressions:
crontab scheduling is best effort and only offers 15-minute precision; if lambda runs the job at 12:07am, your snapshot will happen then, even if the crontab expression specifies midnight.
crontab expressions are in UTC. If you say "0 6" it will be midnight Central in daylight savings time, but 11pm Central in standard time. This is important if a customer is expecting midnight backups, but for a few months a year, you've scheduled them for 11pm backups.
This algorithm is pretty straightforward. We will loop through each region, enumerate running and stopped instances, and then trigger the snapshot job using (region, instance). This job will run every 15 minutes to trigger the snapshot.
This algorithm is pretty straightforward. We need to fan out per region, and then trigger the cleanup lambda jobs for each region. This job will run every 6 hours to trigger the cleanup.
For the input region, loop through every configuration stanze, and search for EC2 instances that match. If no matching elements are given, a search will return all ec2 instances and queue all instances up using the settings provided. Determine the most recent snapshot taken of any volume. If there are volumes without a snapshot or volumes with a snapshot "StartTime" older than the minimum frequency of snapshots, issue a snapshot of all volumes. Tag the snapshot with the calculated value of (now+retention duration). This job will run on SNS trigger from the 'create' fanout job.
For the input region, loop through every snapshot (ec2-describe-snapshots) with a retention tag. If the current time is after the retention value, and there are a minimum number of snapshots present, (or if the ignore_retention flag is set), delete the snapshot. This job will run on SNS trigger from the 'clean' fanout job.
For now, this is all going to be in one Python module, plus a 2nd module that contains only the Lambda functions. We'll use Lambda Uploader and specify a different function as the entry point for each lambda job above. We'll also produce a CloudFormation template that creates:
- SNS topic for fanout
- S3 bucket for lambda job source code
- Lambda execution role (including needed permissions)
- Cloud watch alarms for job errors (failed snapshots and failed deletion of snapshots)
- Schedules for the Lambda jobs using CloudWatch events