Explore the Rollout manifest with analysis run found here.
Install via this command, which will replace any previously deployed rollout:
kustomize build manifests/ArgoCD201-RolloutsDemoHeaderIstio/ | kubectl apply -f -
# We will promote full to make sure we are fully deployed
kubectl argo rollouts promote --full istio-host-split -n argo-rollouts-istio
- setCanaryScale:
weight: 50
- setHeaderRoute:
name: canary-header
- headerName: Canary-Users
exact: "true"
- pause: {}
This will send 100% of the traffic to the canary if the header Canary-Users is set to true. This is a great way to test out a new version of your application without having to change any code. You can read more about this feature here
Now update the image to trigger a rollout using the following command:
kubectl -n argo-rollouts-istio patch rollout istio-host-split --type json --patch '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/image", "value": "ghcr.io/argocon22workshop/rollouts-demo:yellow" }]'
Now let's test out the new version of the application. We will use curl to send a request with the Canary-Users header set to true.
curl -X POST -H "Canary-Users: true" http://localhost/color
You should see the following response:
Now let's send a request without the Canary-Users header set to true.
curl -X POST http://localhost/color
The response should be:
You can look at the Demo App UI to see that we are not sending any UI traffic to the canary.