Releases: argonautdev/public
Releases · argonautdev/public
- 617f233b Merge branch 'main' of into tp-branch-previews
- 8ffbd473 Merge branch 'main' of into tp-branch-previews
- 7a1e40c0 Merge pull request #420 from argonautdev/tp-arg-289
- 79600617 Merge pull request #421 from argonautdev/pr-update-client-code
- 3d167e03 Merge pull request #425 from argonautdev/tp-branch-previews
- f134bc29 Merge pull request #428 from argonautdev/tp-arg-296
- b39563ea Merge pull request #429 from argonautdev/revert-428-tp-arg-296
- 07d31693 Merge pull request #431 from argonautdev/pr-brew-skip-upload
- 66093856 Merge pull request #434 from argonautdev/tp-arg-299
- deed1d62 Merge pull request #437 from argonautdev/pr-dockerfile
- 579ce3e1 Revert "[ARG-296] fix: vpc_source removed and swagger updated"
- 52ad49d8 feat: added some desc to the pr
- d5523016 feat: changed prtitle for branch delete
- 9891c805 feat: delete app feature added
- e48ffcb5 feat: dynamic branch name, and preview links feature added
- 9c6d00a9 feat: dynamic hostnames added
- bd6f20d7 feat: worked on DefaultBranch, enableBranchPreview flag, fix in dynamic hostnames, CreatePR, commitDirectly, GenerateFiles
- 4e8cfd89 fix: "Sync to readme" caused failure in art.workflow
- 8e11195a fix: changed variable name which sounds more appropriate
- a073bb08 fix: delete yaml file should always commit on the deployed branch
- 8e5d50d0 fix: dynamic name for env
- 7afc5ce1 fix: pr title changed for delete pr
- 112cb205 fix: skip upload to homebrew tap when release is marked prerelease
- 209bbbf6 fix: vpc_source removed and swagger updated
- 2a802209 reduce container image size and add sam
- c44a8beb reformat
- 67ae6c08 update client code to latest midgard changes
- bdbbd708 feat: build yaml updates
- 6f5d8478 feat: docs update
- 60c13eee feat: midgard url ngrok
- 28697db7 fix: build.yaml and model update
- 3dc7accb fix: updated buil.yaml file
- 1a60169e fix: updated runtime func
- 53baeedd fix: url changed
- d3cd3ed1 merging
- ed4f5f6d 🚑 dockerfile template environment variables has extra space
- 60392e27 🐛 fix(lambda): metadata has wrong json tag
- dd4143b6 ♻️ refactor(lamdba): change environment variable struct
- 8d26b874 ✨ feat(db): add user-id to git-repo table
- 9050f616 ✨ feat(webhook): set claims using git repo for further processing
- 5634d509 ✨ feat(webhook): trigger lambda deploy from webhooks
- 5f753f43 🔧 chore(gitignore): add .devspace folder
- eb68953f Merge branch 'pr-lambda-dev' of into pr-lambda
- dc660b76 Merge branch 'pr-lambda-dev' of into tp-arg-303
- b71d4944 Merge pull request #448 from argonautdev/pr-lambda
- 7d756d0b Merge pull request #473 from argonautdev/pr-log-initialize-err
- 00bcf25f Merge pull request #478 from argonautdev/pr-lambda
- f6cf5f6c Merge pull request #487 from argonautdev/pr-lambda
- dc7918a6 chore(conf): use newer midgard-tf image for testing
- 0e5c99e1 chore: update client and swagger code
- 936bcea7 feat(lambda): add workflow metadata to lambda metadata for workflow associations
- f5837bb0 feat(lambda): consider optional fields might have zero values
- b661da49 feat(lambda): create lambda app logic change
- 191846fd feat(lambda): create new lambda app also invokes workflow to deploy from lastest commit of the deploy branch
- 0f5d25e6 feat(lambda): no fail on empty changeset for lambda deploys
- 553185c3 feat(lambda): use combined field for env and version
- 58c88ee6 feat(lambdas): add build command support in dockerfile template
- 57bc6389 feat(lambdas): add enums for environments
- fdc7f5ef feat(lambdas): add filter based on env,region
- ec4d50b6 feat(lambdas): add list and read endpoints for lambdas
- 6f64fa14 feat(logs): log initialize error if error when starting midgard
- d770445a feat(webhook): handle lambda deploys from github
- 2a36abdf feat(workflows): update lambda-deploy workflow to allow build along with deploy
- d1d7af3a feat: added routes, crud envvars,flags
- 4fcd4055 feat: art cli cmd updates
- 892891b3 feat: cmd funcs and working for env vars added
- 137b35c6 feat: docs generated
- 1ae0f41c feat: git repo model has connections with github/gitlab integrations
- b74a3dad feat: pull dind only if not present
- 9accacec feat: updated buildtime func
- 10be620d feat: updates
- 847b3de8 feat: use complete sha to tag ecr images for lambda
- 94192a67 fix(lambda): add missing return statements
- 8deba097 fix(lambda): add missing routes for read and list
- 11a0edb2 fix(lambda): dockerfile
- 17569481 fix: FronteggArgonautURL updates
- eee7d2ea fix: art cli cmd improved
- 4d9f69b5 fix: envvartypes
- 08350d00 fix: func names and comments
- 3d74e43c fix: merge conflicts
- 3b786b1a fix: pretty print secret data
- 57fdb693 fix: prints removed and spellings corrected
- 7a3fa598 fix: urls
- 7a3f3b07 merge: resolve merge conflicts from main
- 222502af refactor(lambda): change 'command' to 'cmd' to keep consistency
- f168f290 refactor(lambdas): remove pr-lambda from deploy branches
- 9e571b48 refactor(webhook): use functions to fetch nullable values
- 9034c044 refactor(workflow): lambda deploy workflow requested changes
- 3bf1108c refactor: move common types to types package and misc
- 066036e5 refactor: remove TODO since it's already done
- 839ae728 Merge branch 'main' of into pr-lambda
- c1487029 Merge branch 'main' of into pr-lambda
- 1b879925 Merge branch 'main' of into pr-lambda
- 617f233b Merge branch 'main' of into tp-branch-previews
- 8ffbd473 Merge branch 'main' of into tp-branch-previews
- 7a1e40c0 Merge pull request #420 from argonautdev/tp-arg-289
- 79600617 Merge pull request #421 from argonautdev/pr-update-client-code
- 3d167e03 Merge pull request #425 from argonautdev/tp-branch-previews
- f134bc29 Merge pull request #428 from argonautdev/tp-arg-296
- b39563ea Merge pull request #429 from argonautdev/revert-428-tp-arg-296
- 07d31693 Merge pull request #431 from argonautdev/pr-brew-skip-upload
- 579ce3e1 Revert "[ARG-296] fix: vpc_source removed and swagger updated"
- 86fb8b84 add aws-lambda-handler
- 6d195abc add dockerfile to create lambda-handler
- a9256fe7 add endpoint to create lambda via git
- ff11f87c add endpoint to generate dockerfile
- 672fb08e add env support for gh workflow file from golang
- 372433d4 add github workflow to create and push lambda-handler
- 24256029 add main branch to lambda ecr image creator
- 8a7af412 add support to run server command from a subfolder
- 80fbc13b add tests for lambda
- a8886fb3 add tmpl package to parse, populate and pretty template file(s)
- 5145507f build correct image
- e3a667cd cleanup app folder in image
- 03e6035d copy binary to base alpine image
- 5ecc9fda create public ecr repo instead of private
- 52ad49d8 feat: added some desc to the pr
- d5523016 feat: changed prtitle for branch delete
- 9891c805 feat: delete app feature added
- e48ffcb5 feat: dynamic branch name, and preview links feature added
- 9c6d00a9 feat: dynamic hostnames added
- bd6f20d7 feat: worked on DefaultBranch, enableBranchPreview flag, fix in dynamic hostnames, CreatePR, commitDirectly, GenerateFiles
- 3e631802 fetch repo first and set short_sha on condition
- 5a2066bf fix invalid reference
- 4e8cfd89 fix: "Sync to readme" caused failure in art.workflow
- 8e11195a fix: changed variable name which sounds more appropriate
- a073bb08 fix: delete yaml file should always commit on the deployed branch
- 7afc5ce1 fix: pr title changed for delete pr
- 112cb205 fix: skip upload to homebrew tap when release is marked prerelease
- 6315a958 fix: swagger-ignore issue
- 209bbbf6 fix: vpc_source removed and swagger updated
- bfd4f8f9 get short sha or tag in github action for lambda
- f20b6872 lambda add workflows to deploy and delete
- 7c8c53e2 pick lambda-handler image from .env
- ac98b339 public repo needs us-east-1 as region
- cb269b0b push to ecr public requires different command
- 64b05b64 remove sha in tag when building to use cache
- d9c13149 rename from gateway to handler + use polling instead of incremental backoffs when waiting for server
- 836b7742 save generated files
- 86ca7ab0 update cache mech
- 67ae6c08 update client code to latest midgard changes
- 7dd1c7f0 update deps
- f27ae054 update docs and sdk
- 9dfb8569 update sdk client
- bfd5ca06 update swagger
- 0ad4c2c9 wip: add support for art app lambda deploy and delete command
- daf991ae Merge pull request #417 from argonautdev/tp-arg-287
- 7af1870f fix: removed log.fatal statement
- 9979e69f Merge pull request #419 from argonautdev/tp-arg-288
- b2e6c1ba fix: added meaningful id
- 8abe13bd fix: the id was not matching with the usage
- f4a98f1e Merge branch 'main' of into pr-git-envs
- 95dc0ccf Merge branch 'main' of into pr-git-envs
- 782c4273 Merge branch 'main' of into sm-git-pr
- 3788a9dc Merge branch 'main' of into sm-labels-fix
- 135569b8 Merge branch 'main' of into sm-labels-fix
- 17b2693a Merge pull request #358 from argonautdev/pr-msk
- f24710a6 Merge pull request #359 from argonautdev/pr-posthog-events
- 38cb7c6a Merge pull request #360 from argonautdev/sm-create-app-revamp
- 88c08aeb Merge pull request #361 from argonautdev/sm-git-pr
- 94af618e Merge pull request #362 from argonautdev/pr-git-envs
- ab2ba8c1 Merge pull request #364 from argonautdev/sm-git-pr
- 6d4eefec Merge pull request #365 from argonautdev/pr-sdk
- a654c3d7 Merge pull request #366 from argonautdev/sm-ux-enhancements
- f38f631d Merge pull request #368 from argonautdev/sm-labels-fix
- 44ad7fbe Merge pull request #369 from argonautdev/pr-nginx
- 83b45bb1 Merge pull request #370 from argonautdev/sm-gitlab-crash-fix
- ca57a799 Merge pull request #371 from argonautdev/pr-deploy-no-wait
- b6eaa161 PR title and desc
- 398be202 Pull Request for Github
- 5758c01b Renamed keys and aded ttlSecondsAfterFinished
- 540b7a9a add 'isRuntimeVar' field in secret
- 3c591931 add support to use repo-id or (namespace/path) for gitlab queries
- 4966f7c8 add wait flag to app deploy command with default true and can be overridden by --wait=false
- 141a7d14 add wait request param to appDeploy
- 06926404 added PR struct
- ca06eda5 added gitlab merge req support
- 306dd235 added new serviceType inputs in request body
- 97ac0336 adds 'pr-nginx' to workflow's allowed branches
- bfd0686d adds endpoint to create/get/list environment in github and gitlab
- c56acee4 apply generated to nested directories
- 5ad006f5 casted error received into gitlab errorResponse
- cca9abaf change create to create or update as its more appropriate
- 84f5c678 change generate script to generate sdk as a submodule
- f4997487 changes in template to support new types
- 99b55b30 chore: update tf-modules and tf-image
- b5298a99 create/update git environment during 'app deploy from git' action
- 55280794 display the default branch on top of list
- 784fb4be don't log encrypted secret value
- 23e3a970 don't wait for app deploys
- c98d8391 dont raise PR if struct is nil
- e925d0b5 env vars marked as build variables should be added to git environment
- 010ed5b8 feat: adds support for custom posthog event tracking
- 36cdf85b fix: instances don't show up sometime for msk and docdb
- f27a8c1b fork from source branch when creating PR
- ce420ebf generate go sdk to path pkg/sdk
- 929aac04 increase timeouts for nginx
- d5c68ceb mark pkg/sdk/* as generated files
- 832ee446 minor fix
- 22676348 move too many params into a struct
- fb6a419e moved workflow info from argonaut to labels
- 44020d13 pr github working
- aeeb5f84 prevent page from crashing in connection
- 4ea0f8d7 refactor code
- 569a4bc8 refactor code and suggested changes
- f3c17060 refactor: move all github and gitlab code to git pkg
- a54783da refactored if else to switch
- 88617891 remove if conditions for environment name
- 5071e479 remove unfinished implementation
- 92927695 removed createPRGithub func
- 56226ae6 removed redundant log
- 88e3ceee removed repoName info from labels
- 0ff3580f removed unused struct
- 25ad5d04 replaced commitDirectly with mode to conditionally generatefiles/commitDirectly/createPR
- 9a697d92 response msg changes
- 3b045964 send labels in deployment response
- dbb8a620 send merge req to user selected branch instead of default
- e3247139 send pipeline info in labels
- b3f3addb simplified conditions in template
- 4599d351 split commands into seperate lines in yaml
- cbe213df structured art.template correctly
- f3284823 suggested changes
- 3ab82dfa update swagger
- 235497cc update swagger
- c07386e6 use body.mode
- 9d832d2a use version 5.2.1 to generate client as 5.3.0(latest) fails
- 8b30d57c used pr title as parameter flag
- 52f475fd Added close message for no logs received
- 9bebff15 Buildpack implementation with ecr
- ca9ded8c Fix:Logs not getting populated
- 526ddfda Merge branch 'main' of into pr-docdb-instances
- 44402af0 Merge branch 'main' of into sm-app-logs
- 7253c605 Merge pull request #339 from argonautdev/pr-eks-arm
- 91cdf980 Merge pull request #340 from argonautdev/pr-docdb-fixes
- 46bd3626 Merge pull request #341 from argonautdev/so-img
- 2a0ef0c4 Merge pull request #342 from argonautdev/pr-docdb-instances
- 69273ee4 Merge pull request #343 from argonautdev/sm-app-logs
- 9c433154 Merge pull request #344 from argonautdev/pr-internal-bot
- 8b1bf388 Merge pull request #345 from argonautdev/pr-openapi
- 2d27da9a Merge pull request #346 from argonautdev/sm-app-logs
- ed6c6d1d Merge pull request #347 from argonautdev/pr-hostname
- 13855788 Merge pull request #348 from argonautdev/pr-prod-deploy-action
- 50088ee7 Merge pull request #349 from argonautdev/pr-prod-hosts
- 707d1a45 Merge pull request #351 from argonautdev/so-nginx-fwdheaders
- 20a1ae6f Merge pull request #352 from argonautdev/sm-ecr-buildpack
- f6a4d3df Modified route and params
- d2a5f1cd Moved namespace to Query param
- 05d02d93 Remove redundant code
- 6ea3160d Removed redundant code
- cfd0a45d Removed unnecessary logs
- 5b62aa73 Suggested Changes
- 69c2977b Suggested Changes#2
- ef789ea7 Upgraded logs request to stream logs on socket
- 05b34d12 Used pack
- 90abeb3a account id referenced correctly
- 33d53c2a added sudo to art deploy
- 8825264e chore: update swagger docs
- 86c0e727 chore: update tf-modules tag
- fa796f93 chore: update tf-modules tag
- d3d056aa chore: update vendor
- bad674dc feat: add new host to midgard at prod
- 6ea32568 feat: adds msk to env config
- a82ceb04 feat: adds support of documentdb within environment
- dd6bc3b9 feat: documentdb list instances
- b79b1f7b feat: update hostname to for prod
- 1e463256 fix header typo and include use-forwarded-headers
- 5d47a370 fix: argonaut internal bot is unable to push files to argoanaut_terraform_configs
- 977e7c98 fix: convert to config to json after applying ami_type when sending config to workflows
- b97c42e3 fix: don't build image when triggered via a workflow_dispatch
- b891d428 fix: don't overwrite value if ami_type is passed by user
- 984246f9 fix: panic when docdb is present in list of rds
- a9c20c51 fix: script to create client does not work when a trailing slash is present in the passed filepath
- 6b94b009 merge fixes
- de578a1d refactor: remove commented code
- 20725277 removed redundant if else block
- 1d9f5547 send image:imageTag only for argonaut deployments
- 1016902b set Claims for socket connections
- b53af4e6 Added commitDirectly attribute to createApp API
- 877d043c Merge branch 'main' of into pr-docker
- 03d1c516 Merge branch 'main' of into pr-docker
- 4cc0eba9 Merge branch 'main' of into pr-docker
- ba894e2b Merge branch 'main' of into pr-documentdb
- 49c5ed4e Merge branch 'main' of into pr-documentdb
- ce3ea0c9 Merge branch 'main' of into sm-generate-files-api
- 428bc326 Merge branch 'main' of into sm-generate-files-api
- c8fbe67a Merge branch 'main' of into sm-generate-files-api
- 776324e4 Merge branch 'pr-docker' of into pr-docker
- bba384bf Merge branch 'pr-docker' of into pr-docker
- 78d4e692 Merge pull request #312 from argonautdev/pr-docker
- 6f540d46 Merge pull request #330 from argonautdev/pr-documentdb
- 63cd25bd Merge pull request #331 from argonautdev/pr-purge-ecr
- 940dfbe5 Merge pull request #332 from argonautdev/pr-github-ci-fix
- abde46f1 Merge pull request #333 from argonautdev/pr-cluster-autoscaler
- 199a3cd1 Merge pull request #334 from argonautdev/pr-art-image
- 3bbfb37c Merge pull request #335 from argonautdev/sm-generate-files-api
- 592b94ac Merge pull request #336 from argonautdev/pr-docker-context
- 53989973 Merge pull request #337 from argonautdev/pr-documentdb
- b302ee26 Merge pull request #338 from argonautdev/pr-documentdb
- 42d58ea5 Suggested Changes
- e0c1715b Suggested Changes #2
- cacae7c5 added art configuration file
- 79b2f8a6 change app-name to midgard from midgard-test
- 7baa55a4 change entrypoint
- 22328ac7 change mount path of secrets
- 340638c5 chore: generate swagger docs
- 5d9aed95 chore: regenerate swagger docs
- 72bc3736 chore: remove unused ecr workflow
- 6e7d51ad chore: update app.ini to support documentdb
- 0f26cdbc chore: update vendor
- 10f34380 feat: Multi-step midgard dockerfile
- ddbcd1b5 feat: aapply ami_type based on the instance_type of the nodegroup
- ff6ef9ce feat: add mountable secret to art-dev.yaml
- 1e227df1 feat: add prod workflow and add art-prod.yaml file
- cf2909d4 feat: adds support for custom docker context
- 1754766f feat: apply defaults via workflows
- 41e4d2a4 feat: deploy to prod on workflow_dispatch
- 4085a1c3 feat: deploy to violet on all push
- 0279a62f feat: visibility will always be private for documentdb
- e95a2f46 fix: comment is missing httpRequest type
- e9428bf3 fix: deploy to prod condition is wrong
- d8141523 fix: don't create multiple docker images
- 3554637e fix: image tag in art.yaml fiile is wrong when ecr is selected
- fba7af73 fix: missing cluster-autoscaler install from essentials workflows
- abd1944b github workflow added
- a617dfd3 merge fixes
- 15b3f765 mv midgard to root/midgard in dockerfile and use multiple secrets for filemount
- a1ba4027 only run on workflow on main branch
- eec73468 ping test at '/' required for pod check alive
- 9caa7ba9 refactor: remove unnecessary push and pull artifact
- e1fad2ea refactor: upload and download artifacts isn't necessary for github build and upload to ecr
- 630bbf7c refactor: use short sha instead of full sha
- fe144d73 send generated files content in response
- 908e7c78 seperated generating github files and commiting functions
- e1840abc seperated generating gitlab files and commiting functions
- 30df5332 single secret mount
- 5ffad576 trigger argonaut deploy on main branch changes to violet env
- 5086ffcd use cmd without list
- 1de1b066 use ecr tag syntax
- d8eb166a use entrypoint instead of cmd
- 76c65bea use specific version
- 3d7e20c5 feat: add visibility field to documentdb