diff --git a/configure b/configure
index a165ef43..b08e6eea 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -709,6 +709,7 @@ OBJECTS = $(patsubst src/%.cpp,build/%.o,$(SOURCES))
EXAMPLES := examples/Single_energy/single_energy \
examples/Multiple_energy/multiple_energy \
examples/Atm_default/atm_default \
+ examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/emitting_atmosphere \
examples/Bodies/bodies \
examples/Xsections/xsections \
examples/NSI/nsi \
@@ -799,6 +800,10 @@ examples/Atm_default/atm_default : $(DYN_PRODUCT) examples/Atm_default/main.cpp
@echo Compiling atmospheric example
@$(CXX) $(EXAMPLES_FLAGS) examples/Atm_default/main.cpp -lnuSQuIDS $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
+examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/emitting_atmosphere : $(DYN_PRODUCT) examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/main.cpp
+ @echo Compiling emitting atmosphere example
+ @$(CXX) $(EXAMPLES_FLAGS) examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/main.cpp -lnuSQuIDS $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
build/exBody.o : examples/Bodies/exBody.h examples/Bodies/exBody.cpp
@$(CXX) $(EXAMPLES_FLAGS) -c examples/Bodies/exBody.cpp -o $@
diff --git a/examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/main.cpp b/examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a66ac05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+ /******************************************************************************
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program. If not, see . *
+ * *
+ * Authors: *
+ * Carlos Arguelles (University of Wisconsin Madison) *
+ * carguelles@icecube.wisc.edu *
+ * Jordi Salvado (University of Wisconsin Madison) *
+ * jsalvado@icecube.wisc.edu *
+ * Christopher Weaver (University of Wisconsin Madison) *
+ * chris.weaver@icecube.wisc.edu *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * The problem of solving the propagation of the atmospheric neutrinos is an
+ * energy and zenith dependent problem, for this we include the class nuSQUIDSAtm
+ * that allows to solve a set of nuSUIDS energy dependent objects to take in to account the
+ * zenith dependence. The problem of flux insertion into the atmosphere due to cosmic ray sources
+ * during evolution requires a class derived from EarthAtm to be called into nuSQUIDSAtm
+ */
+using namespace nusquids;
+//Function that sets the initial flux if you want to add flux in at the top of the atmosphere
+//for this example we set it to 0
+double flux_function(double enu, double cz){
+ return 0;
+int main()
+ //Units and constants class
+ squids::Const units;
+ //Number of neutrinos (3) standard 4 1-sterile
+ //Number of neutrinos, 4 is the case with one sterile neutrino
+ std::cout << "Enter number of neutrino flavors to consider:\n";
+ std::cout << "(3) Three Active Neutrinos, " << "(4) 3+1 Three Active and One Sterile Neutrino" << std::endl;
+ unsigned int numneu;
+ std::cin >>numneu;
+ if( not(numneu==3 || numneu==4)){
+ throw std::runtime_error("Only (3) or (4) are valid options");
+ }
+ std::cout << "Consider Earth absorption and interactions? " << std::endl;
+ std::string use_int;
+ std::cin >> use_int;
+ bool interactions = false;
+ if(use_int=="yes" || use_int=="y")
+ interactions = true;
+ //Minimum and maximum values for the energy and cosine zenith, notice that the energy needs to have the
+ //units, if they are omitted the input is in eV.
+ double Emin=1e-2*units.GeV;
+ double Emax=1.e6*units.GeV;
+ double czmin=-1;
+ double czmax=1;
+ //Declaration of the atmospheric object
+ //Must include the nuSQUIDS template or nuSQUIDSNSI user defined class derived from nuSQUIDS in order to
+ //use the EmittingEarthAtm class or another user defined class derived from EarthAtm
+ std::cout << "Begin: constructing nuSQuIDS-Atm object" << std::endl;
+ nuSQUIDSAtm nus_atm(linspace(czmin,czmax,40),logspace(Emin,Emax,100),numneu,both,interactions);
+ std::cout << "End: constructing nuSQuIDS-Atm object" << std::endl;
+ //Sets height of atmosphere in km (defaults to 22 km when not set)
+ nus_atm.Set_AtmHeight(60);
+ //Functions Necessary for injection
+ //Passes the energy range into the emitting bodies for interpolation
+ nus_atm.Set_AtmEmissionEnergies();
+ //Allows the nusquids objects to accept neutrino sources
+ nus_atm.Set_NeutrinoSources(true);
+ std::cout << "Begin: setting mixing angles." << std::endl;
+ // set mixing angles, mass differences and cp phases
+ nus_atm.Set_MixingAngle(0,1,0.563942);
+ nus_atm.Set_MixingAngle(0,2,0.154085);
+ nus_atm.Set_MixingAngle(1,2,0.785398);
+ nus_atm.Set_SquareMassDifference(1,7.65e-05);
+ nus_atm.Set_SquareMassDifference(2,0.00247);
+ nus_atm.Set_CPPhase(0,2,0);
+ if(numneu > 3){
+ nus_atm.Set_SquareMassDifference(3,-1.);
+ nus_atm.Set_MixingAngle(1,3,0.160875);
+ }
+ std::cout << "End: setting mixing angles." << std::endl;
+ //Setup integration precision
+ nus_atm.Set_rel_error(1.0e-6);
+ nus_atm.Set_abs_error(1.0e-6);
+ nus_atm.Set_GSL_step(gsl_odeiv2_step_rk4);
+ //Array that contains the values of the energies and cosine of the zenith, is the same length for every zenith
+ auto e_range = nus_atm.GetERange();
+ auto cz_range = nus_atm.GetCosthRange();
+ std::cout << "Begin: setting initial state." << std::endl;
+ //Construct the initial state at the top of the atmosphere, we set it to 0 here
+ marray inistate{nus_atm.GetNumCos(),nus_atm.GetNumE(),2,numneu};
+ std::fill(inistate.begin(),inistate.end(),0);
+ for ( int ci = 0 ; ci < nus_atm.GetNumCos(); ci++){
+ for ( int ei = 0 ; ei < nus_atm.GetNumE(); ei++){
+ for ( int rho = 0; rho < 2; rho ++ ){
+ for (int flv = 0; flv < numneu; flv++){
+ inistate[ci][ei][rho][flv] = (flv == 0) ? flux_function(e_range[ei], cz_range[ci]) : 0;//set the flux for the muon flavor: 1
+ inistate[ci][ei][rho][flv] = (flv == 1) ? flux_function(e_range[ei], cz_range[ci]) : 0;//set the flux for the muon flavor: 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Set the initial state in the atmSQuIDS object
+ nus_atm.Set_initial_state(inistate,flavor);
+ std::cout << "End: setting initial state." << std::endl;
+ //Set to true the monitoring prgress bar and the vacuum oscillations
+ nus_atm.Set_ProgressBar(true);
+ nus_atm.Set_IncludeOscillations(true);
+ //Here we do the evolution of all the states
+ std::cout << "Begin: Evolution" << std::endl;
+ nus_atm.EvolveState();
+ std::cout << "End: Evolution" << std::endl;
+ //We can save the current state in HDF5 format for future use.
+ //nus_atm.WriteStateHDF5("./atmospheric_emission_example_numneu_"+std::to_string(numneu)+".hdf5");
+ //This file will contain the final flux, since initially we set it to 1 for the muon,
+ //this can be read as the muon ration F_final/F_initial in cos(zenith) and energy.
+ std::ofstream file("fluxes_flavor.txt");
+ //Set the resolution and the ranges for the ouput, remember that an interpolation in energy is used in
+ //in the interaction picture, the vacuum oscillations are solve analytically with arbitrary Energy precision.
+ //For the zenith a linear interpolation is used.
+ int Nen=700;
+ int Ncz=100;
+ double lEmin=log10(Emin);
+ double lEmax=log10(Emax);;
+ //Writing to the file!
+ file << "# log10(E) cos(zenith) E flux_i . . . ." << std::endl;
+ for(double cz=czmin;cz> plt;
+ if(plt=="yes" || plt=="y")
+ return system("./plot.plt");
+ return 0;
diff --git a/examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/plot.plt b/examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/plot.plt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4ccc5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/Emitting_Atmosphere/plot.plt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
+if ( GPVAL_VERSION >= 4.4 && strstrt(GPVAL_TERMINALS, 'wxt') > 0 ) set terminal wxt persist
+if ( GPVAL_VERSION >= 4.4 && strstrt(GPVAL_TERMINALS, 'qt') > 0 ) set terminal qt persist
+if ( GPVAL_VERSION >= 4.4 && strstrt(GPVAL_TERMINALS, 'wxt') == 0 && strstrt(GPVAL_TERMINALS, 'qt') == 0 ) print "wxt and qt terminals not available, proceeding with default"
+if ( GPVAL_VERSION < 4.4 ) print "gnuplot is too old to check for available terminals" ; print "attempting to use wxt terminal and hoping for the best" ; set terminal wxt persist
+#set cbrange [0:1]
+set logscale cb
+set xlabel "log_{10}(E/GeV)"
+set ylabel "Cos(zenith)"
+set pm3d map
+splot "fluxes_flavor.txt" u 1:2:5
+set xrange [2.:6.]
+set terminal png size 800,600 enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set output "plot.png"
+#set terminal postscript enhance eps color
+#set output "plot.eps"
+#set terminal svg size 350,262 fname 'Verdana' fsize 10
+#set output "plot.svg"
diff --git a/include/nuSQuIDS/body.h b/include/nuSQuIDS/body.h
index 5f6b3db6..9f575731 100644
--- a/include/nuSQuIDS/body.h
+++ b/include/nuSQuIDS/body.h
@@ -669,6 +669,7 @@ class EarthAtm: public Body{
double x_ye_min;
/// \brief Electron fraction at maximum radius.
double x_ye_max;
/// \brief Default constructor using supplied PREM.
@@ -699,6 +700,7 @@ class EarthAtm: public Body{
/// \brief EarthAtm trajectory
class Track: public Body::Track{
friend class EarthAtm;
+ friend class EmittingEarthAtm;
/// \brief Cosine of the zenith angle.
double cosphi;
@@ -762,6 +764,90 @@ class EarthAtm: public Body{
Track MakeTrackWithCosine(double cosphi);
+/// \class EmittingEarthAtm
+/// \brief A model of the production of neutrino cosmic ray flux production within the atmosphere.
+class EmittingEarthAtm: public EarthAtm{
+ protected:
+ /// \brief Min/Max coszen.
+ double czen_min;
+ double czen_max;
+ /// \brief Min/Max height.
+ double height_min;
+ double height_max;
+ /// \brief Min/Max energy.
+ double energy_min;
+ double energy_max;
+ /// \brief vector containing interpolators for the differential flux
+ std::vector> Interpolators;
+ /// \brief indices for the electron and muon flavors
+ /// defaulted to the 0 and 1 states (first and second0
+ /// WARNING!!!: careful when changing these as other parts of nuSQuIDS are hard coded to
+ /// default to 0, 1, & 2 for nu_e, nu_mu, and nu_tau respectively
+ /// Do this only if you have defined your own HI matrix by overriding squids::SU_vector HI
+ /// and if you have explicitly initialized all non-used mixing angles to 0
+ int nu_e_index = 0;
+ int nu_mu_index = 1;
+ public:
+ /// \brief Default constructor using supplied MCEQ neutrino flux.
+ EmittingEarthAtm();
+ /// \brief Constructor from a user supplied production model.
+ /// @param prodmodel Path to the production model data file.
+ /// \details The input file should have 3+2n columns for n=the number of produced flavors.
+ /// The first one is cosine(zenith) in descending order from or between 1 and -1
+ /// representing the range of coszen values corresponding to tracks relevant to your propagation
+ /// The second column must contain the height within the atmosphere in cm
+ /// in descending order from or between 6000000 (60 km) and 0
+ /// The third column must correspond to the energy in GeV
+ /// in descending order over any relevant range
+ /// The remaining columns must correspond to the differential produced neutrino fluxes for each flavor
+ /// The order is assumed nu_e, nu_e_bar, nu_mu, nu_mu_bar with additional flavors added
+ /// with the corresponding antineutrino differential produced flux in the following column
+ /// the produced flux corresponds to the coszen, height, and energy in the row
+ EmittingEarthAtm(std::string prodmodel);
+ /// \brief Deconstructor
+ ~EmittingEarthAtm();
+ /// \brief Function that sets the height of the atmosphere
+ /// \details Used by nuSQUIDSATM to set the height for every
+ /// instance of the body
+ void SetAtmosphereHeight(double height){
+ atm_height = height;
+ earth_with_atm_radius = radius + atm_height;
+ }
+ /// \brief set index of produced flavors
+ /// \details Set the flavor index of the electron and muon neutrinos
+ /// or to different flavor indices as user input data requires
+ /// WARNING!!!: careful when using this as other parts of nuSQuIDS are hard coded to
+ /// default to 0, 1, & 2 for nu_e, nu_mu, and nu_tau respectively
+ /// Do this only if you have defined your own HI matrix by overriding squids::SU_vector HI
+ /// and if you have explicitly initialized all non-used mixing angles to 0
+ void Set_ProducedFlavors(int nu_e_index_, int nu_mu_index_){
+ nu_e_index = nu_e_index_;
+ nu_mu_index = nu_mu_index_;
+ }
+ //Important function that overrides the default flux injection with ATM data
+ void injected_neutrino_flux(marray& flux, const GenericTrack& track, const nuSQUIDS& nusquids) override;
+ /// \brief Returns the body identifier.
+ static unsigned int GetId() {return 8;}
+ /// \brief Returns the name of the body.
+ static std::string GetName() {return "EmittingEarthAtm";}
// type defining
typedef Body::Track Track;
diff --git a/include/nuSQuIDS/nuSQuIDS.h b/include/nuSQuIDS/nuSQuIDS.h
index a2ef4095..74d08731 100644
--- a/include/nuSQuIDS/nuSQuIDS.h
+++ b/include/nuSQuIDS/nuSQuIDS.h
@@ -1063,13 +1063,16 @@ class nuSQUIDS: public squids::SQuIDS {
* The following class provides functionalities
* for atmospheric neutrino experiments
- * where a collection of trayectories is explored.
+ * where a collection of trajectories is explored.
-template::value>::type >
class nuSQUIDSAtm {
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "BaseNusType must be derived from nuSQUIDS");
+ static_assert(std::is_base_of::value, "BaseBodyType must be derived from EarthAtm");
+ // Class implementation here
- using BaseSQUIDS = BaseType;
+ using BaseSQUIDS = BaseNusType;
/// \brief Random number generator
gsl_rng * r_gsl;
@@ -1099,7 +1102,10 @@ class nuSQUIDSAtm {
std::vector nusq_array;
/// \brief Contains the Earth in atmospheric configuration.
- std::shared_ptr earth_atm;
+ std::shared_ptr earth_atm;
/// \brief Contains the trajectories for each nuSQUIDS object, i.e. zenith.
std::vector> track_array;
/// \brief Contains the neutrino cross section object
@@ -1131,18 +1137,20 @@ class nuSQUIDSAtm {
const gsl_rng_type * T_gsl = gsl_rng_default;
r_gsl = gsl_rng_alloc (T_gsl);
- earth_atm = std::make_shared();
+ earth_atm = std::make_shared();
for(double costh : costh_array)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < costh_array.extent(0); i++){
- ncs=nusq_array.front().GetNeutrinoCrossSections();
enu_array = nusq_array.front().GetERange();
+ ncs=nusq_array.front().GetNeutrinoCrossSections();
//std::transform(enu_array.begin(), enu_array.end(), log_enu_array.begin(),
// [](int enu) { return log(enu); });
@@ -1210,7 +1218,7 @@ class nuSQUIDSAtm {
/// \brief Sets the initial state in the multiple energy mode
/// when only considering neutrinos or antineutrinos
/// @param ini_state Initial neutrino state.
@@ -1272,6 +1280,16 @@ class nuSQUIDSAtm {
iinistate = true;
+ /// \brief Sets the index of the produced flavors. defaults to 0,1 for nuE and nuMu
+ void Set_AtmProducedFlavors(int nu_e_index_, int nu_mu_index_){
+ earth_atm->Set_ProducedFlavors(nu_e_index_, nu_mu_index_);
+ }
+ /// \brief Sets the height of the atmosphere for every body
+ void Set_AtmHeight(double height){
+ earth_atm->SetAtmosphereHeight(height);
+ }
/// \brief Evolves the system.
void EvolveState(){
diff --git a/src/body.cpp b/src/body.cpp
index 96d6a0b7..a873a474 100644
--- a/src/body.cpp
+++ b/src/body.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@
// Macros
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x)) // x^2
@@ -116,6 +118,14 @@ unsigned int readUIntAttribute(hid_t object, std::string name){
return target;
+void unique_sort(std::vector& vec, double& min_val, double& max_val) {
+ std::sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
+ auto last = std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end());
+ vec.erase(last, vec.end());
+ min_val = vec.front();
+ max_val = vec.back();
} // close unnamed namespace
@@ -902,6 +912,158 @@ void EarthAtm::SetAtmosphereHeight(double height){
earth_with_atm_radius = radius + atm_height;
+EmittingEarthAtm::EmittingEarthAtm(std::string filepath):EarthAtm()
+ marray atm_prod_model = quickread(filepath);
+ arraysize = atm_prod_model.extent(0);
+ std::vector diff_enu_prod(arraysize);
+ std::vector diff_munu_prod(arraysize);
+ std::vector atm_coszen(arraysize);
+ std::vector atm_heights(arraysize);
+ std::vector atm_energy(arraysize);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < arraysize;i++){
+ atm_coszen[i] = atm_prod_model[i][0];
+ atm_heights[i] = atm_prod_model[i][1];
+ atm_energy[i] = atm_prod_model[i][2];
+ diff_enu_prod[i] = atm_prod_model[i][3];
+ diff_munu_prod[i] = atm_prod_model[i][4];
+ }
+ unique_sort(atm_coszen, czen_min, czen_max);
+ long unsigned int czen_number = atm_coszen.size();
+ marray coszens;
+ coszens.resize(0, czen_number);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < czen_number;i++){
+ coszens[i] = atm_coszen[i];
+ }
+ unique_sort(atm_heights, height_min, height_max);
+ long unsigned int height_number = atm_heights.size();
+ marray heights;
+ heights.resize(0, height_number);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < height_number; i++){
+ heights[i] = atm_heights[i];
+ }
+ unique_sort(atm_energy, energy_min, energy_max);
+ long unsigned int energy_number = atm_energy.size();
+ marray energies;
+ energies.resize(0, energy_number);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i < energy_number; i++){
+ energies[i] = atm_energy[i];
+ }
+ int num_prod_flav = (atm_prod_model.extent(1) - 3) / 2;
+ std::vector>> flux_matrices(num_prod_flav, std::vector>(2));
+ marray nu_e_flux({czen_number, height_number, energy_number});
+ marray nu_e_bar_flux({czen_number, height_number, energy_number});
+ marray nu_mu_flux({czen_number, height_number, energy_number});
+ marray nu_mu_bar_flux({czen_number, height_number, energy_number});
+ // Initialize each marray in flux_matrices
+ for (int flav = 0; flav < num_prod_flav; ++flav) {
+ for (int rho = 0; rho < 2; ++rho) {
+ flux_matrices[flav][rho] = marray({czen_number, height_number, energy_number});
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < atm_prod_model.extent(0); ++i) {
+ double cz_ = atm_prod_model[i][0];
+ double h_ = atm_prod_model[i][1];
+ double E_ = atm_prod_model[i][2];
+ // Find indices in coszens, heights, and energies
+ size_t czIndex = std::find(coszens.begin(), coszens.end(), cz_) - coszens.begin();
+ size_t hIndex = std::find(heights.begin(), heights.end(), h_) - heights.begin();
+ size_t EIndex = std::find(energies.begin(), energies.end(), E_) - energies.begin();
+ for (int flav = 0; flav < num_prod_flav; ++flav) {
+ for (int rho = 0; rho < 2; ++rho){
+ flux_matrices[flav][rho][czIndex][hIndex][EIndex] = atm_prod_model[i][3+2*flav+rho];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Interpolators.resize(num_prod_flav);
+ for (int flav = 0; flav < num_prod_flav; ++flav) {
+ for (int rho = 0; rho < 2; ++rho) {
+ // Create a TriCubicInterpolator and add it to the current inner vector
+ Interpolators[flav].push_back(nusquids::TriCubicInterpolator(flux_matrices[flav][rho], energies, heights, coszens));
+ }
+ }
+// Overrides the neutrino flux injection
+void EmittingEarthAtm::injected_neutrino_flux(marray& flux, const GenericTrack& track, const nuSQUIDS& nusquids) {
+ auto ESpace = nusquids.GetERange();
+ // height calculation
+ const EarthAtm::Track& track_earthatm = static_cast(track);
+ double czNode = track_earthatm.cosphi;
+ double xkm = track.GetX() / param.km;
+ double sinsqphi = 1 - SQR(czNode);
+ double dL = sqrt(SQR(earth_with_atm_radius) - SQR(radius) * sinsqphi) + radius * czNode;
+ double L = sqrt(SQR(radius + atm_height) - SQR(radius) * sinsqphi) - radius * czNode;
+ double r2 = SQR(earth_with_atm_radius) + SQR(xkm) - (L / param.km + dL) * xkm;
+ double r = (r2 > 0 ? sqrt(r2) : 0);
+ double rel_r = r / earth_with_atm_radius;
+ double Height = earth_with_atm_radius * (rel_r - radius / earth_with_atm_radius)*param.km/param.cm;
+ // Check if czNode and Height are within the required ranges
+ bool isZenithAndHeightInRange = (czNode >= czen_min && czNode <= czen_max) &&
+ (Height >= height_min && Height <= height_max);
+ int num_E = ESpace.extent(0);
+ for (unsigned int ei = 0; ei < num_E; ei++) {
+ double Energy = ESpace[ei] / (param.GeV);
+ bool isInRange = isZenithAndHeightInRange && (Energy >= energy_min && Energy <= energy_max);
+ //initializes all flavors' flux to 0
+ for (int flav = 0; flav < nusquids.GetNumNeu(); ++flav) {
+ for (int rho = 0; rho < 2; ++rho){
+ flux[ei][rho][flav] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isInRange) {
+ for (int rho = 0; rho < 2; ++rho){
+ flux[ei][rho][nu_e_index] = Interpolators[0][rho](Energy, Height, czNode); //energy passed in GeV Height passed in cm
+ if(Interpolators.size() > 1){
+ flux[ei][rho][nu_mu_index] = Interpolators[1][rho](Energy, Height, czNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// body registration stuff
std::map(hid_t)>>* body_registry=NULL;
@@ -943,5 +1105,6 @@ NUSQUIDS_REGISTER_BODY(ConstantDensity);