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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
316 lines (255 loc) · 9.53 KB


In the examples below, when passed invalid queries, expressions or malformed JSON (where applicable), then an instance of JSONTextException is thrown.


You can stipulate the format you want your query results back as by passing: json, array or silverstripe to the setReturnType() method:


    $field = JSONText::create('MyJSON');
    $field->setValue('{"a": {"b":{"c": "foo"}}}');


    $field = JSONText::create('MyJSON');
    $field->setValue('{"a": {"b":{"c": "foo"}}}');


    // Will give you DBVarchar instances for each scalar value
    $field = JSONText::create('MyJSON');
    $field->setValue('{"a": {"b":{"c": "foo"}}}');

The module's overloaded setValue() method is also chainable for a slightly cleaner syntax:


    $field = JSONText::create('MyJSON')
        ->setValue('{"a": {"b":{"c": "foo"}}}')

Simple Queries

A small handful of simple query methods first(), last() and nth() exist for when your source JSON is a simple JSON array:

    use PhpTek\JSONText\ORM\FieldType\JSONText;

    class MyDataObject extends DataObject
         * @var array
        private static $db = [
            'MyJSON'    => JSONText::class
         * Returns the first key=>value pair found in the source JSON
        public function getFirstJSONVal()
            return $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->first();
         * Returns the last key=>value pair found in the source JSON
        public function getLastJSONVal()
            return $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->last();
         * Returns the Nth key=>value pair found in the source JSON
         * For nested hashes use the Postgres int matcher ("->") or string matcher(s) ("->>").
        public function getNthJSONVal($n)
            return $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->nth($n);

Postgres Operators

You can also use Postgres-like JSON querying syntax, for querying more complex JSON data as nested JSON objects:

    use PhpTek\JSONText\ORM\FieldType\JSONText;

    class MyOtherDataObject extends DataObject
         * @var array
        private static $db = [
            'MyJSON'    => JSONText::class
         * Returns a key=>value pair based on a strict integer -> key match.
         * If a string is passed, an empty array is returned.
        public function getNestedByIntKey($int)
            return $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query('->', $int);
         * Returns a key=>value pair based on a strict string -> key match.
         * If an integer is passed, an empty array is returned.
        public function getNestedByStrKey($str)
            return $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query('->>', $str);
         * Returns a value based on a strict string/int match of the key-as-array
         * Given source JSON ala: '{"a": {"b":{"c": "foo"}}}' will return '{"c": "foo"}'
        public function getByPathMatch('{"a":"b"}')
            return $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query('#>', '{"a":"b"}'; 

JSONPath Expressions

The most power and control over your source JSON comes from using JSONPath expressions. JSONPath is an XPath-like syntax but specific to traversing JSON.

See: Table of JSONPath expressions

    use PhpTek\JSONText\ORM\FieldType\JSONText;

    class MyDataObject extends DataObject
         * @var string
         protected $stubJSON = '{ "store": {
                                    "book": [ 
                                      { "category": "reference",
                                        "author": "Nigel Rees",
                                      { "category": "fiction",
                                        "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
         * @var array
        private static $db = [
            'MyJSON'    => JSONText::class
        public function requireDefaultRecords()
            if (!$this->MyJSON) {
                $this->setField($this->MyJSON, $this->stubJSON);
        public function doStuffWithMyJSON()
            // Query as Array
            $expr = '$[*].author'; // The authors of all books in the store 
            $result = $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query($expr);
            var_dump($result); // Returns ['Nigel Rees', 'Evelyn Waugh']
            // Query as Array
            $expr = '$[1]'; // The second book 
            $result = $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query($expr);
            var_dump($this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query($expr)); // Returns ['book' => ['category' => 'reference'], ['author' => 'Nigel Rees']]
            // Query as JSON
            $expr = '$[1]'; // The second book 
            $result = $this->dbObject('MyJSON')->query($expr);
            /* Returns:
              {"book": [ 
                    "category": "reference", 
                    "author": "Nigel Rees", 
                    "category": "fiction",
                    "author": "Evelyn Waugh"
                } ] }

Updating and Modifying JSON

No self-respecting JSON query solution would be complete without the ability to selectively modify nested JSON data. The module overloads setValue() to accept an optional 3rd parameter, a valid JSONPath expression.

If the expression matches >1 JSON nodes, then that result is expressed as an indexed array, and each matching node will be modified with the data passed to setValue() as the standard $value (first) param.


    use PhpTek\JSONText\ORM\FieldType\JSONText;

    class MyDataObject extends DataObject
         * @var string
         protected $stubJSON = '{ "store": {
                                    "book": [ 
                                      { "category": "reference",
                                        "author": "Nigel Rees",
                                      { "category": "fiction",
                                        "author": "Evelyn Waugh",
         * @var array
        private static $db = [
            'MyJSON'    => JSONText::class
        public function requireDefaultRecords()
            if (!$this->MyJSON) {
                $this->setField('MyJSON', $this->stubJSON);
         * @param array $update
         * @return mixed void | null
        public function updateMyStuff(array $update = [])
            if (empty($update)) {
            // Perform a multiple node update
            $newReference = [
                'category'  => $update[0],
                'author'    => $update[1]

            $field->setValue($newReference, null, '$[0]');

In the CMS

Using the JSONTextExtension we can subvert SilverStripe's default behaviour of needing a DBField mapped to a UI field in getCMSFields() such as TextField. We can actually map non DB-backed CMS fields, such as a TextField for example, to JSON values stored in JSONtext DB fields, where the non DB-backed UI field's name, becomes a JSON key, and the field's value, the respective JSON value.

Simply declare a $json_field_map array static in your DataObject's and SiteTree objects, comprising an array whose keys are the name(s) of your JSONText DB fields and values are arrays of non DB-backed CMS fields who's data should be stored as JSON in the respective JSONTxt field.

Obviously, your JSON data can only be simple and single dimensional so that there's an easy to manage relationship between UI field and JSON key=>value pairs.


    use PhpTek\JSONText\ORM\FieldType\JSONText;

    private static $db = [
         'MyJSON' => JSONText::class,
    private static $json_field_map = [
         'MyJSON' => ['Test1', 'Test2']
    public function getCMSFields()
         $fields = parent::getCMSFields();
         $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', [
             TextField::create('Test1', 'Test 1'),  // Look no DB!
             TextField::create('Test2', 'Test 2'),  // Look no DB!
             TextField::create('MyJSON', 'My JSON') // Use a TextField just to visualize
         return $fields;