This tool gives you a detailed slab-by-slab breakdown of the taxes owed by an unmarried individual living in New York City. This tool is written in ReasonML, and uses ReasonReact and Recharts.
Click here:
To install dependencies, run:
sh yarn install
During development, run:
yarn start
# in another tab:
yarn webpack-dev-server
Both are long running commands, that will monitor the filesystem for changes, and automatically rebuild.
To generate a production-optimized JS artifact, run:
yarn run build
yarn run webpack:production
The purpose of this web app is to just get a rough analysis of the taxes you owe. It doesn't cover things like:
Alternative Minimum Tax: if you have a high income and take a large number of tax deductions, you may be subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax.
Personal Exemptions Phase-out: personal exemptions are reduced with higher incomes, and eventually phased out. This is no longer relevant after 2018, since the tax reform passed in December 2017 eliminated federal personal exemptions.
New York State restrictions on itemized deductions for high-income earners.
Tax Credits, federal and state.
New York State and New York City both offer a variety of credtis, see:
For example, most single NYC residents qulify for the school tax credit (form NYC-210, instructions). Lower incomes make one eligible for a wide variety of credits such as the NYS Household Credit, the NYS earned income credit, the federal EITC, the federal Saver's Credit, etc.