EBS 101
- Elastic Block Store
- Each Amazon EBS volume is automatically replicated within its AZ to protect you from component failure
- 5 types
- gp2 - General purpose SSD - most workloads
- io1 - Provisioned IOPS (SSD) - dbs / highest performance / mission critical apps / 64k IOPS
- st1 -Throughput optimized HDD - magnetic - big data and data warehouses
- sc1 - Cold HDD - file servers / lowest cost HDD vol
- Standard - Magnetic - previous gen HDD / infrequently accessed data
EBS Volumes & Snapshots
- Snapshots take a while
- Can create image from EBS snapshot
- Different virtualization types available
- Paravirtual (PV)
- Hardware vritual machine (HVM) - default - gives more EC2 instance options
- Different virtualization types available
- Volumes exist on EBS
- Snapshots exist on S3
- Snapshots are point in time copies of volumes
- Snapshots are incremental - only changes are replicated to S3
- To take a snapshot of a root device - best practice to stop the ec2 instance to stop first
- Can create AMI from Snapshot
- Can change EBS volume sizes on the fly
- Volumes will always be in the same AZ as the EC2 instance