The following ones were evaluated for use in this project:
- SWI-Prolog Choosen. It can link Prolog predicates to an SQL database, Java and Python. It can work on both Windows and Linux-based systems. It can be used to create Web Applications
- Prolog Development Tool - PDT Choosen It has a console to execute any predicate while working on a prolog script. This is better than the support provided by Intellij IDEA with the Logtalk plugin.
Table with all implementations of Prolog
- ErgoAI Documentation is poor. Discarded. It can link Prolog predicates to an SQL database, Java and Python
- Visual Prolog Discarded. It only works on Windows and its syntax is propietary.
- XSB: a deductive database It is used by ErgoAI internally.
- GNU Prolog It can't use databases to get predicates
- ECLiPSe is an open-source software system for the cost-effective development and deployment of constraint programming applications, e.g. in the areas of planning, scheduling, resource allocation, timetabling, transport etc. Better for constraint based problems
- Jprolog The website is outdated and the last change was on 2015.