ScrumTobe Software includes IT/Computer engineers who have skills and experiences in Software engineering. We provide services to build the Software systems like E-commerce, CMS, CRM, SNS.
| HaiBT | HungKV | GiangPT | ThaiNQ |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |---
| |
- Ruby 1.9.x/2.x, Rails 2.3.x/3.x/4.x
- HTML5/CSS3, jQuery/jQueryMobile, AngularJS, Google Chart, etc.
- SpreeCommerce, RefineryCMS, Shopify Themes, Shopify App
- Advance technologies: Sphinx/Elastic search engines
- Database: Oracle/MySQL/PostgreSQL and MongoDB/noSQL database
- Test Driven Development in Ruby On Rails: Unit Test, Function Test, Rspec/Cucumber
- Server administration: CentOS, Linux/Unix servers, AWS/EC2
Other information:
- Website:
- Github: