In this lab, you are going to:
- Replace the existing Cloud Build Trigger to use RDI
- Access the sample app to create a few orders and view the order history
Delete the current application deployment:
kubectl delete -f k8s
Delete the existing Cloud Build trigger:
gcloud alpha builds triggers delete $REDIS_CLOUD_BUILD_TRIGGER --region=$CLUSTER_LOCATION
Deploy a new Trigger with IS_RDI_ENABLED = "true":
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')
export CLUSTER_LOCATION=us-central1
export CLUSTER_NAME="redis-gke-cluster-$CLUSTER_LOCATION"
export REDIS_API_GATEWAY_IP="$(gcloud compute addresses describe redis-api-gateway-ip --region=us-central1 --format='value(address)')"
export REDIS_CLIENT_HOST_IP="$(gcloud compute addresses describe redis-client-host-ip --region=us-central1 --format='value(address)')"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@${POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE_IP}:5432/dbFashion?schema=public"
export REDIS_CLOUD_BUILD_TRIGGER="redis-cb-trigger"
export IS_RDI_ENABLED="true"
gcloud alpha builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
--repo=$REDIS_REPO \
--branch-pattern=^master$ \
--build-config=cloudbuild.yaml \
flag is set to "true", you can inspect these lines of code will bypass the addOrderToRedis(order)
call and let RDI replicate the order information from CloudSQL to Redis.
Run the trigger to deploy the sample app:
gcloud alpha builds triggers run $REDIS_CLOUD_BUILD_TRIGGER --branch=master --region=$CLUSTER_LOCATION
It will take about 9 or more minutes to complete the build and deployment of the microservices application. You can check the progress in Google Cloud Console's Cloud Build page:
Once the application is deployed, You can now access the sample app and make a few purchases by pointing your browser at:
You can find the REDIS_CLIENT_HOST_IP by running this command kubectl get all
and look for the line item starting with service/client:
For example,
service/client LoadBalancer 4200:30519/TCP 2m25s
When you try to access Orders History
now, the order history information is replicated from CloudSQL (PostgreSQL) to Redis by RDI.
You can view the data replication transactions from CloudSQL (PostgreSQL) as source to Redis as target using the command below:
kubectl exec -n default -it pod/redis-di-cli -- redis-di status
In RedisInsight, you can see orders
information is replicated to Redis Enterpirse from CloudSQL (PostgreSQL) by RDI.
You can download the Redis Insight here