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Installing and Building pelz


For Ubuntu:

apt install make cmake gcc openssl libssl-dev libffi-dev libcunit1 libcunit1-dev libcunit1-doc


cJSON is required to build pelz.

git clone
cd cJSON
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

For more information on building cJSON, please see their build instructions.


libkmip is required to build pelz.

git clone
cd libkmip
sudo make
sudo make install

For more information on installing libkmip, please see their installation instructions.


uriparser 0.9.0 or newer is required to build pelz. See their build instructions. You may find it convenient to use the -DURIPARSER_BUILD_TESTS=OFF and -DURIPARSER_BUILD_DOCS=OFF flags.


Pelz maintains its key table inside an SGX enclave. To support this functionality it requires the Intel Linux SGX SDK and Intel SGX SSL library. Instructions for installing these can be found here:

You must also create an enclave signing key, for example by running openssl genrsa -out sgx/pelz_enclave_private.pem -3 3072 before building pelz.

The SGX SDK environment must be sourced before pelz can be run.

kmyth submodule

Pelz uses portions of the kmyth SGX enclave which it acquires by including kmyth as a git submodule and including the right files as part of its build process as described in the kmyth SGX documentation. Before attempting to build pelz you must initialize and update the kmyth submodule by:

git submodule init
git submodule update

kmyth logger:

The kmyth logger is used by pelz. It requires building the logger, but not all of kmyth. Follow below instuctions after initialize and update the kmyth submodule:

cd kmyth
make logger-lib
make install

For more information, please see their build instructions.

kmyth utils :

The kmyth utils is used by pelz. It requires building the utils-lib, but not all of kmyth. Follow below instuctions after initialize and update the kmyth submodule:

cd kmyth
make utils-lib
make install

For more information, please see their build instructions.

Building pelz

Once the dependencies are in place, building pelz is done by:


which places the executible in the bin/ directory.

The unit test suite can be run via:

make test

All build artifacts and binaries can be removed by running:

make clean

Pelz plugin for Accumulo

Pelz comes with a plugin for Apache Accumulo. This allows the key encryption key(s) to be stored outside of Accumulo. Accumulo must be built after the plugin is installed. The script can be found in the accumulo_plugin directory. The script is used as follows:

./accumulo_plugin/ -i/-u -d /path/to/source/for/accumulo

For example, to install to a home directory containing the Accumulo source, you would execute:

./accumulo_plugin/ -i -d ~/accumulo

To uninstall:

./accumulo_plugin/ -u -d ~/accumulo

The choice to install/uninstall must always be specified, and a path to accumulo must always be provided.

Testing with uno

Uno provides an easy way to build a local instance of Accumulo for testing. Instructions for installing can be found here. Once downloaded and configured, but prior to running "./bin/uno fetch accumulo" the following must occur:

  1. Download the Accumulo source code.
  2. The Accumulo plugin must be installed. See [above](Pelz plugin for Accumulo) for instructions.
  3. From the fluo-uno directory:
    a. cp conf/uno.conf conf/uno-local.conf
    b. Open uno-local.conf in your favorite text editor
    c. Uncomment and change the ACCUMULO_REPO configuration (line 46). This is the same location the plugin was installed.
    d. Add "accumulo-encryption" to the POST_INSTALL_PLUGINS (line 151)
    e. Save your changes and open plugins/ in a text editor
    f. Change:
    instance.crypto.service=org.apache.accumulo.core.cryptoImpl.AESCryptoService to
    g. Save your changes
  4. Continue following uno instructions (fetch, setup, etc)

For testing, see the Apache Accumulo Testing Suite.