diff --git a/Projects-ML/Reg-models/Supervised-ML-project.ipynb b/Projects-ML/Reg-models/Supervised-ML-project.ipynb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7872479 --- /dev/null +++ b/Projects-ML/Reg-models/Supervised-ML-project.ipynb @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +{ + "cells": [ + { + "cell_type": "markdown", + "metadata": {}, + "source": [ + "# Project to understand Linear regression, Classification and Regression in Python\n", + "\n", + "We will take sklearn's housing dataset available. This dataset contains information about housing values in suburban areas, such as the median value of owner-occupied homes, along with various other attributes like crime rate, proximity to highways, and socioeconomic factors. This dataset is commonly used for regression tasks to predict housing prices based on these features.\n", + "\n", + "**Data source:** [lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/boston](lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/boston)\n", + "\n", + "\n", + " The Boston house-price data of Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. 'Hedonic prices and the demand for clean air', J. Environ. Economics & Management, vol.5, 81-102, 1978. Used in Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics\n", + " ...', Wiley, 1980. N.B. Various transformations are used in the table on pages 244-261 of the latter.\n", + "\n", + " Variables in order:\n", + "- **CRIM:** per capita crime rate by town\n", + "- **ZN:** proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.\n", + "- **INDUS:** proportion of non-retail business acres per town\n", + "- **CHAS:** Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)\n", + "- **NOX:** nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)\n", + "- **RM:** average number of rooms per dwelling\n", + "- **AGE:** proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940\n", + "- **DIS:** weighted distances to five Boston employment centres\n", + "- **RAD:** index of accessibility to radial highways\n", + "- **TAX:** full-value property-tax rate per $10,000\n", + "- **PTRATIO:** pupil-teacher ratio by town\n", + "- **B:** 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town\n", + "- **LSTAT:** % lower status of the population\n", + "- **MEDV:** Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 3, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import pandas as pd\n", + "import numpy as np \n", + "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt \n", + "import seaborn as sns" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 8, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "name": "stdout", + "output_type": "stream", + "text": [ + "Data saved successfully as boston_dataset.csv\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "import pandas as pd\n", + "import requests\n", + "\n", + "# URL of the dataset\n", + "url = \"http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/boston\"\n", + "\n", + "# Send a GET request to fetch the data\n", + "response = requests.get(url)\n", + "\n", + "# Check if the request was successful\n", + "if response.status_code == 200:\n", + " # Decode the content of the response\n", + " content = response.content.decode(\"utf-8\")\n", + " \n", + " # Save the content to a CSV file\n", + " with open(\"boston_dataset.csv\", \"w\") as f:\n", + " f.write(content)\n", + "\n", + " print(\"Data saved successfully as boston_dataset.csv\")\n", + "\n", + " # Optionally, you can also load the data into a DataFrame\n", + " # data = pd.read_csv(\"boston_dataset.csv\")\n", + "\n", + "else:\n", + " print(\"Failed to fetch data from the URL\")\n" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 10, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "ParserError", + "evalue": "Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 3 fields in line 3, saw 5\n", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[1;31mParserError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "Cell \u001b[1;32mIn[10], line 1\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 1\u001b[0m df \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[43mpd\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mread_csv\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43mboston_dataset.csv\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;124;43m\"\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\hp\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\io\\parsers\\readers.py:948\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mread_csv\u001b[1;34m(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, skipfooter, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, date_format, dayfirst, cache_dates, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, doublequote, escapechar, comment, encoding, encoding_errors, dialect, on_bad_lines, delim_whitespace, low_memory, memory_map, float_precision, storage_options, dtype_backend)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 935\u001b[0m kwds_defaults \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m _refine_defaults_read(\n\u001b[0;32m 936\u001b[0m dialect,\n\u001b[0;32m 937\u001b[0m delimiter,\n\u001b[1;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 944\u001b[0m dtype_backend\u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39mdtype_backend,\n\u001b[0;32m 945\u001b[0m )\n\u001b[0;32m 946\u001b[0m kwds\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mupdate(kwds_defaults)\n\u001b[1;32m--> 948\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[43m_read\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mfilepath_or_buffer\u001b[49m\u001b[43m,\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mkwds\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\hp\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\io\\parsers\\readers.py:617\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36m_read\u001b[1;34m(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 614\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m parser\n\u001b[0;32m 616\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mwith\u001b[39;00m parser:\n\u001b[1;32m--> 617\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[43mparser\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mread\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mnrows\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\hp\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\io\\parsers\\readers.py:1748\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mTextFileReader.read\u001b[1;34m(self, nrows)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 1741\u001b[0m nrows \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m validate_integer(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mnrows\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m, nrows)\n\u001b[0;32m 1742\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 1743\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# error: \"ParserBase\" has no attribute \"read\"\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1744\u001b[0m (\n\u001b[0;32m 1745\u001b[0m index,\n\u001b[0;32m 1746\u001b[0m columns,\n\u001b[0;32m 1747\u001b[0m col_dict,\n\u001b[1;32m-> 1748\u001b[0m ) \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28;43mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m_engine\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mread\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;66;43;03m# type: ignore[attr-defined]\u001b[39;49;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 1749\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43mnrows\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 1750\u001b[0m \u001b[43m \u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 1751\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mexcept\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mException\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 1752\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mclose()\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\hp\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages\\pandas\\io\\parsers\\c_parser_wrapper.py:234\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mCParserWrapper.read\u001b[1;34m(self, nrows)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 232\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 233\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mself\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mlow_memory:\n\u001b[1;32m--> 234\u001b[0m chunks \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;28;43mself\u001b[39;49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43m_reader\u001b[49m\u001b[38;5;241;43m.\u001b[39;49m\u001b[43mread_low_memory\u001b[49m\u001b[43m(\u001b[49m\u001b[43mnrows\u001b[49m\u001b[43m)\u001b[49m\n\u001b[0;32m 235\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;66;03m# destructive to chunks\u001b[39;00m\n\u001b[0;32m 236\u001b[0m data \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m _concatenate_chunks(chunks)\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mparsers.pyx:843\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mpandas._libs.parsers.TextReader.read_low_memory\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mparsers.pyx:904\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mpandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._read_rows\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mparsers.pyx:879\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mpandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._tokenize_rows\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mparsers.pyx:890\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mpandas._libs.parsers.TextReader._check_tokenize_status\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mparsers.pyx:2058\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36mpandas._libs.parsers.raise_parser_error\u001b[1;34m()\u001b[0m\n", + "\u001b[1;31mParserError\u001b[0m: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 3 fields in line 3, saw 5\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "df = pd.read_csv(\"boston_dataset.csv\")" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": 1, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [ + { + "ename": "ImportError", + "evalue": "\n`load_boston` has been removed from scikit-learn since version 1.2.\n\nThe Boston housing prices dataset has an ethical problem: as\ninvestigated in [1], the authors of this dataset engineered a\nnon-invertible variable \"B\" assuming that racial self-segregation had a\npositive impact on house prices [2]. Furthermore the goal of the\nresearch that led to the creation of this dataset was to study the\nimpact of air quality but it did not give adequate demonstration of the\nvalidity of this assumption.\n\nThe scikit-learn maintainers therefore strongly discourage the use of\nthis dataset unless the purpose of the code is to study and educate\nabout ethical issues in data science and machine learning.\n\nIn this special case, you can fetch the dataset from the original\nsource::\n\n import pandas as pd\n import numpy as np\n\n data_url = \"http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/boston\"\n raw_df = pd.read_csv(data_url, sep=\"\\s+\", skiprows=22, header=None)\n data = np.hstack([raw_df.values[::2, :], raw_df.values[1::2, :2]])\n target = raw_df.values[1::2, 2]\n\nAlternative datasets include the California housing dataset and the\nAmes housing dataset. You can load the datasets as follows::\n\n from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing\n housing = fetch_california_housing()\n\nfor the California housing dataset and::\n\n from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml\n housing = fetch_openml(name=\"house_prices\", as_frame=True)\n\nfor the Ames housing dataset.\n\n[1] M Carlisle.\n\"Racist data destruction?\"\n\n\n[2] Harrison Jr, David, and Daniel L. Rubinfeld.\n\"Hedonic housing prices and the demand for clean air.\"\nJournal of environmental economics and management 5.1 (1978): 81-102.\n\n", + "output_type": "error", + "traceback": [ + "\u001b[1;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", + "\u001b[1;31mImportError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", + "Cell \u001b[1;32mIn[1], line 1\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m----> 1\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mfrom\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;21;01msklearn\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;21;01m.\u001b[39;00m\u001b[38;5;21;01mdatasets\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28;01mimport\u001b[39;00m load_boston\n", + "File \u001b[1;32mc:\\Users\\hp\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python312\\Lib\\site-packages\\sklearn\\datasets\\__init__.py:157\u001b[0m, in \u001b[0;36m__getattr__\u001b[1;34m(name)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 108\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mif\u001b[39;00m name \u001b[38;5;241m==\u001b[39m \u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124mload_boston\u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\u001b[39m:\n\u001b[0;32m 109\u001b[0m msg \u001b[38;5;241m=\u001b[39m textwrap\u001b[38;5;241m.\u001b[39mdedent(\u001b[38;5;124m\"\"\"\u001b[39m\n\u001b[0;32m 110\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m `load_boston` has been removed from scikit-learn since version 1.2.\u001b[39m\n\u001b[0;32m 111\u001b[0m \n\u001b[1;32m (...)\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m 155\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m \u001b[39m\n\u001b[0;32m 156\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;124m \u001b[39m\u001b[38;5;124m\"\"\"\u001b[39m)\n\u001b[1;32m--> 157\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mraise\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;167;01mImportError\u001b[39;00m(msg)\n\u001b[0;32m 158\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mtry\u001b[39;00m:\n\u001b[0;32m 159\u001b[0m \u001b[38;5;28;01mreturn\u001b[39;00m \u001b[38;5;28mglobals\u001b[39m()[name]\n", + "\u001b[1;31mImportError\u001b[0m: \n`load_boston` has been removed from scikit-learn since version 1.2.\n\nThe Boston housing prices dataset has an ethical problem: as\ninvestigated in [1], the authors of this dataset engineered a\nnon-invertible variable \"B\" assuming that racial self-segregation had a\npositive impact on house prices [2]. Furthermore the goal of the\nresearch that led to the creation of this dataset was to study the\nimpact of air quality but it did not give adequate demonstration of the\nvalidity of this assumption.\n\nThe scikit-learn maintainers therefore strongly discourage the use of\nthis dataset unless the purpose of the code is to study and educate\nabout ethical issues in data science and machine learning.\n\nIn this special case, you can fetch the dataset from the original\nsource::\n\n import pandas as pd\n import numpy as np\n\n data_url = \"http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/boston\"\n raw_df = pd.read_csv(data_url, sep=\"\\s+\", skiprows=22, header=None)\n data = np.hstack([raw_df.values[::2, :], raw_df.values[1::2, :2]])\n target = raw_df.values[1::2, 2]\n\nAlternative datasets include the California housing dataset and the\nAmes housing dataset. You can load the datasets as follows::\n\n from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing\n housing = fetch_california_housing()\n\nfor the California housing dataset and::\n\n from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml\n housing = fetch_openml(name=\"house_prices\", as_frame=True)\n\nfor the Ames housing dataset.\n\n[1] M Carlisle.\n\"Racist data destruction?\"\n\n\n[2] Harrison Jr, David, and Daniel L. Rubinfeld.\n\"Hedonic housing prices and the demand for clean air.\"\nJournal of environmental economics and management 5.1 (1978): 81-102.\n\n" + ] + } + ], + "source": [ + "from sklearn.datasets import load_boston" + ] + }, + { + "cell_type": "code", + "execution_count": null, + "metadata": {}, + "outputs": [], + "source": [ + "import numpy as " + ] + } + ], + "metadata": { + "kernelspec": { + "display_name": "Python 3", + "language": "python", + "name": "python3" + }, + "language_info": { + "codemirror_mode": { + "name": "ipython", + "version": 3 + }, + "file_extension": ".py", + "mimetype": "text/x-python", + "name": "python", + "nbconvert_exporter": "python", + "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", + "version": "3.12.0" + } + }, + "nbformat": 4, + "nbformat_minor": 2 +} diff --git a/Projects-ML/Reg-models/boston_dataset.csv b/Projects-ML/Reg-models/boston_dataset.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87c1fa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Projects-ML/Reg-models/boston_dataset.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1034 @@ + The Boston house-price data of Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. 'Hedonic + prices and the demand for clean air', J. Environ. Economics & Management, + vol.5, 81-102, 1978. Used in Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics + ...', Wiley, 1980. N.B. Various transformations are used in the table on + pages 244-261 of the latter. + + Variables in order: + CRIM per capita crime rate by town + ZN proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft. + INDUS proportion of non-retail business acres per town + CHAS Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise) + NOX nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million) + RM average number of rooms per dwelling + AGE proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940 + DIS weighted distances to five Boston employment centres + RAD index of accessibility to radial highways + TAX full-value property-tax rate per $10,000 + PTRATIO pupil-teacher ratio by town + B 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town + LSTAT % lower status of the population + MEDV Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's + CRIM + 0.00632 18.00 2.310 0 0.5380 6.5750 65.20 4.0900 1 296.0 15.30 + 396.90 4.98 24.00 + 0.02731 0.00 7.070 0 0.4690 6.4210 78.90 4.9671 2 242.0 17.80 + 396.90 9.14 21.60 + 0.02729 0.00 7.070 0 0.4690 7.1850 61.10 4.9671 2 242.0 17.80 + 392.83 4.03 34.70 + 0.03237 0.00 2.180 0 0.4580 6.9980 45.80 6.0622 3 222.0 18.70 + 394.63 2.94 33.40 + 0.06905 0.00 2.180 0 0.4580 7.1470 54.20 6.0622 3 222.0 18.70 + 396.90 5.33 36.20 + 0.02985 0.00 2.180 0 0.4580 6.4300 58.70 6.0622 3 222.0 18.70 + 394.12 5.21 28.70 + 0.08829 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 6.0120 66.60 5.5605 5 311.0 15.20 + 395.60 12.43 22.90 + 0.14455 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 6.1720 96.10 5.9505 5 311.0 15.20 + 396.90 19.15 27.10 + 0.21124 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 5.6310 100.00 6.0821 5 311.0 15.20 + 386.63 29.93 16.50 + 0.17004 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 6.0040 85.90 6.5921 5 311.0 15.20 + 386.71 17.10 18.90 + 0.22489 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 6.3770 94.30 6.3467 5 311.0 15.20 + 392.52 20.45 15.00 + 0.11747 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 6.0090 82.90 6.2267 5 311.0 15.20 + 396.90 13.27 18.90 + 0.09378 12.50 7.870 0 0.5240 5.8890 39.00 5.4509 5 311.0 15.20 + 390.50 15.71 21.70 + 0.62976 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.9490 61.80 4.7075 4 307.0 21.00 + 396.90 8.26 20.40 + 0.63796 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.0960 84.50 4.4619 4 307.0 21.00 + 380.02 10.26 18.20 + 0.62739 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.8340 56.50 4.4986 4 307.0 21.00 + 395.62 8.47 19.90 + 1.05393 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.9350 29.30 4.4986 4 307.0 21.00 + 386.85 6.58 23.10 + 0.78420 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.9900 81.70 4.2579 4 307.0 21.00 + 386.75 14.67 17.50 + 0.80271 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.4560 36.60 3.7965 4 307.0 21.00 + 288.99 11.69 20.20 + 0.72580 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.7270 69.50 3.7965 4 307.0 21.00 + 390.95 11.28 18.20 + 1.25179 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.5700 98.10 3.7979 4 307.0 21.00 + 376.57 21.02 13.60 + 0.85204 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.9650 89.20 4.0123 4 307.0 21.00 + 392.53 13.83 19.60 + 1.23247 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.1420 91.70 3.9769 4 307.0 21.00 + 396.90 18.72 15.20 + 0.98843 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.8130 100.00 4.0952 4 307.0 21.00 + 394.54 19.88 14.50 + 0.75026 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.9240 94.10 4.3996 4 307.0 21.00 + 394.33 16.30 15.60 + 0.84054 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.5990 85.70 4.4546 4 307.0 21.00 + 303.42 16.51 13.90 + 0.67191 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.8130 90.30 4.6820 4 307.0 21.00 + 376.88 14.81 16.60 + 0.95577 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.0470 88.80 4.4534 4 307.0 21.00 + 306.38 17.28 14.80 + 0.77299 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.4950 94.40 4.4547 4 307.0 21.00 + 387.94 12.80 18.40 + 1.00245 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.6740 87.30 4.2390 4 307.0 21.00 + 380.23 11.98 21.00 + 1.13081 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.7130 94.10 4.2330 4 307.0 21.00 + 360.17 22.60 12.70 + 1.35472 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.0720 100.00 4.1750 4 307.0 21.00 + 376.73 13.04 14.50 + 1.38799 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.9500 82.00 3.9900 4 307.0 21.00 + 232.60 27.71 13.20 + 1.15172 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 5.7010 95.00 3.7872 4 307.0 21.00 + 358.77 18.35 13.10 + 1.61282 0.00 8.140 0 0.5380 6.0960 96.90 3.7598 4 307.0 21.00 + 248.31 20.34 13.50 + 0.06417 0.00 5.960 0 0.4990 5.9330 68.20 3.3603 5 279.0 19.20 + 396.90 9.68 18.90 + 0.09744 0.00 5.960 0 0.4990 5.8410 61.40 3.3779 5 279.0 19.20 + 377.56 11.41 20.00 + 0.08014 0.00 5.960 0 0.4990 5.8500 41.50 3.9342 5 279.0 19.20 + 396.90 8.77 21.00 + 0.17505 0.00 5.960 0 0.4990 5.9660 30.20 3.8473 5 279.0 19.20 + 393.43 10.13 24.70 + 0.02763 75.00 2.950 0 0.4280 6.5950 21.80 5.4011 3 252.0 18.30 + 395.63 4.32 30.80 + 0.03359 75.00 2.950 0 0.4280 7.0240 15.80 5.4011 3 252.0 18.30 + 395.62 1.98 34.90 + 0.12744 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 6.7700 2.90 5.7209 3 233.0 17.90 + 385.41 4.84 26.60 + 0.14150 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 6.1690 6.60 5.7209 3 233.0 17.90 + 383.37 5.81 25.30 + 0.15936 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 6.2110 6.50 5.7209 3 233.0 17.90 + 394.46 7.44 24.70 + 0.12269 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 6.0690 40.00 5.7209 3 233.0 17.90 + 389.39 9.55 21.20 + 0.17142 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 5.6820 33.80 5.1004 3 233.0 17.90 + 396.90 10.21 19.30 + 0.18836 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 5.7860 33.30 5.1004 3 233.0 17.90 + 396.90 14.15 20.00 + 0.22927 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 6.0300 85.50 5.6894 3 233.0 17.90 + 392.74 18.80 16.60 + 0.25387 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 5.3990 95.30 5.8700 3 233.0 17.90 + 396.90 30.81 14.40 + 0.21977 0.00 6.910 0 0.4480 5.6020 62.00 6.0877 3 233.0 17.90 + 396.90 16.20 19.40 + 0.08873 21.00 5.640 0 0.4390 5.9630 45.70 6.8147 4 243.0 16.80 + 395.56 13.45 19.70 + 0.04337 21.00 5.640 0 0.4390 6.1150 63.00 6.8147 4 243.0 16.80 + 393.97 9.43 20.50 + 0.05360 21.00 5.640 0 0.4390 6.5110 21.10 6.8147 4 243.0 16.80 + 396.90 5.28 25.00 + 0.04981 21.00 5.640 0 0.4390 5.9980 21.40 6.8147 4 243.0 16.80 + 396.90 8.43 23.40 + 0.01360 75.00 4.000 0 0.4100 5.8880 47.60 7.3197 3 469.0 21.10 + 396.90 14.80 18.90 + 0.01311 90.00 1.220 0 0.4030 7.2490 21.90 8.6966 5 226.0 17.90 + 395.93 4.81 35.40 + 0.02055 85.00 0.740 0 0.4100 6.3830 35.70 9.1876 2 313.0 17.30 + 396.90 5.77 24.70 + 0.01432 100.00 1.320 0 0.4110 6.8160 40.50 8.3248 5 256.0 15.10 + 392.90 3.95 31.60 + 0.15445 25.00 5.130 0 0.4530 6.1450 29.20 7.8148 8 284.0 19.70 + 390.68 6.86 23.30 + 0.10328 25.00 5.130 0 0.4530 5.9270 47.20 6.9320 8 284.0 19.70 + 396.90 9.22 19.60 + 0.14932 25.00 5.130 0 0.4530 5.7410 66.20 7.2254 8 284.0 19.70 + 395.11 13.15 18.70 + 0.17171 25.00 5.130 0 0.4530 5.9660 93.40 6.8185 8 284.0 19.70 + 378.08 14.44 16.00 + 0.11027 25.00 5.130 0 0.4530 6.4560 67.80 7.2255 8 284.0 19.70 + 396.90 6.73 22.20 + 0.12650 25.00 5.130 0 0.4530 6.7620 43.40 7.9809 8 284.0 19.70 + 395.58 9.50 25.00 + 0.01951 17.50 1.380 0 0.4161 7.1040 59.50 9.2229 3 216.0 18.60 + 393.24 8.05 33.00 + 0.03584 80.00 3.370 0 0.3980 6.2900 17.80 6.6115 4 337.0 16.10 + 396.90 4.67 23.50 + 0.04379 80.00 3.370 0 0.3980 5.7870 31.10 6.6115 4 337.0 16.10 + 396.90 10.24 19.40 + 0.05789 12.50 6.070 0 0.4090 5.8780 21.40 6.4980 4 345.0 18.90 + 396.21 8.10 22.00 + 0.13554 12.50 6.070 0 0.4090 5.5940 36.80 6.4980 4 345.0 18.90 + 396.90 13.09 17.40 + 0.12816 12.50 6.070 0 0.4090 5.8850 33.00 6.4980 4 345.0 18.90 + 396.90 8.79 20.90 + 0.08826 0.00 10.810 0 0.4130 6.4170 6.60 5.2873 4 305.0 19.20 + 383.73 6.72 24.20 + 0.15876 0.00 10.810 0 0.4130 5.9610 17.50 5.2873 4 305.0 19.20 + 376.94 9.88 21.70 + 0.09164 0.00 10.810 0 0.4130 6.0650 7.80 5.2873 4 305.0 19.20 + 390.91 5.52 22.80 + 0.19539 0.00 10.810 0 0.4130 6.2450 6.20 5.2873 4 305.0 19.20 + 377.17 7.54 23.40 + 0.07896 0.00 12.830 0 0.4370 6.2730 6.00 4.2515 5 398.0 18.70 + 394.92 6.78 24.10 + 0.09512 0.00 12.830 0 0.4370 6.2860 45.00 4.5026 5 398.0 18.70 + 383.23 8.94 21.40 + 0.10153 0.00 12.830 0 0.4370 6.2790 74.50 4.0522 5 398.0 18.70 + 373.66 11.97 20.00 + 0.08707 0.00 12.830 0 0.4370 6.1400 45.80 4.0905 5 398.0 18.70 + 386.96 10.27 20.80 + 0.05646 0.00 12.830 0 0.4370 6.2320 53.70 5.0141 5 398.0 18.70 + 386.40 12.34 21.20 + 0.08387 0.00 12.830 0 0.4370 5.8740 36.60 4.5026 5 398.0 18.70 + 396.06 9.10 20.30 + 0.04113 25.00 4.860 0 0.4260 6.7270 33.50 5.4007 4 281.0 19.00 + 396.90 5.29 28.00 + 0.04462 25.00 4.860 0 0.4260 6.6190 70.40 5.4007 4 281.0 19.00 + 395.63 7.22 23.90 + 0.03659 25.00 4.860 0 0.4260 6.3020 32.20 5.4007 4 281.0 19.00 + 396.90 6.72 24.80 + 0.03551 25.00 4.860 0 0.4260 6.1670 46.70 5.4007 4 281.0 19.00 + 390.64 7.51 22.90 + 0.05059 0.00 4.490 0 0.4490 6.3890 48.00 4.7794 3 247.0 18.50 + 396.90 9.62 23.90 + 0.05735 0.00 4.490 0 0.4490 6.6300 56.10 4.4377 3 247.0 18.50 + 392.30 6.53 26.60 + 0.05188 0.00 4.490 0 0.4490 6.0150 45.10 4.4272 3 247.0 18.50 + 395.99 12.86 22.50 + 0.07151 0.00 4.490 0 0.4490 6.1210 56.80 3.7476 3 247.0 18.50 + 395.15 8.44 22.20 + 0.05660 0.00 3.410 0 0.4890 7.0070 86.30 3.4217 2 270.0 17.80 + 396.90 5.50 23.60 + 0.05302 0.00 3.410 0 0.4890 7.0790 63.10 3.4145 2 270.0 17.80 + 396.06 5.70 28.70 + 0.04684 0.00 3.410 0 0.4890 6.4170 66.10 3.0923 2 270.0 17.80 + 392.18 8.81 22.60 + 0.03932 0.00 3.410 0 0.4890 6.4050 73.90 3.0921 2 270.0 17.80 + 393.55 8.20 22.00 + 0.04203 28.00 15.040 0 0.4640 6.4420 53.60 3.6659 4 270.0 18.20 + 395.01 8.16 22.90 + 0.02875 28.00 15.040 0 0.4640 6.2110 28.90 3.6659 4 270.0 18.20 + 396.33 6.21 25.00 + 0.04294 28.00 15.040 0 0.4640 6.2490 77.30 3.6150 4 270.0 18.20 + 396.90 10.59 20.60 + 0.12204 0.00 2.890 0 0.4450 6.6250 57.80 3.4952 2 276.0 18.00 + 357.98 6.65 28.40 + 0.11504 0.00 2.890 0 0.4450 6.1630 69.60 3.4952 2 276.0 18.00 + 391.83 11.34 21.40 + 0.12083 0.00 2.890 0 0.4450 8.0690 76.00 3.4952 2 276.0 18.00 + 396.90 4.21 38.70 + 0.08187 0.00 2.890 0 0.4450 7.8200 36.90 3.4952 2 276.0 18.00 + 393.53 3.57 43.80 + 0.06860 0.00 2.890 0 0.4450 7.4160 62.50 3.4952 2 276.0 18.00 + 396.90 6.19 33.20 + 0.14866 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.7270 79.90 2.7778 5 384.0 20.90 + 394.76 9.42 27.50 + 0.11432 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.7810 71.30 2.8561 5 384.0 20.90 + 395.58 7.67 26.50 + 0.22876 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.4050 85.40 2.7147 5 384.0 20.90 + 70.80 10.63 18.60 + 0.21161 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.1370 87.40 2.7147 5 384.0 20.90 + 394.47 13.44 19.30 + 0.13960 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.1670 90.00 2.4210 5 384.0 20.90 + 392.69 12.33 20.10 + 0.13262 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 5.8510 96.70 2.1069 5 384.0 20.90 + 394.05 16.47 19.50 + 0.17120 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 5.8360 91.90 2.2110 5 384.0 20.90 + 395.67 18.66 19.50 + 0.13117 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.1270 85.20 2.1224 5 384.0 20.90 + 387.69 14.09 20.40 + 0.12802 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.4740 97.10 2.4329 5 384.0 20.90 + 395.24 12.27 19.80 + 0.26363 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.2290 91.20 2.5451 5 384.0 20.90 + 391.23 15.55 19.40 + 0.10793 0.00 8.560 0 0.5200 6.1950 54.40 2.7778 5 384.0 20.90 + 393.49 13.00 21.70 + 0.10084 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 6.7150 81.60 2.6775 6 432.0 17.80 + 395.59 10.16 22.80 + 0.12329 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 5.9130 92.90 2.3534 6 432.0 17.80 + 394.95 16.21 18.80 + 0.22212 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 6.0920 95.40 2.5480 6 432.0 17.80 + 396.90 17.09 18.70 + 0.14231 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 6.2540 84.20 2.2565 6 432.0 17.80 + 388.74 10.45 18.50 + 0.17134 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 5.9280 88.20 2.4631 6 432.0 17.80 + 344.91 15.76 18.30 + 0.13158 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 6.1760 72.50 2.7301 6 432.0 17.80 + 393.30 12.04 21.20 + 0.15098 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 6.0210 82.60 2.7474 6 432.0 17.80 + 394.51 10.30 19.20 + 0.13058 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 5.8720 73.10 2.4775 6 432.0 17.80 + 338.63 15.37 20.40 + 0.14476 0.00 10.010 0 0.5470 5.7310 65.20 2.7592 6 432.0 17.80 + 391.50 13.61 19.30 + 0.06899 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 5.8700 69.70 2.2577 2 188.0 19.10 + 389.15 14.37 22.00 + 0.07165 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 6.0040 84.10 2.1974 2 188.0 19.10 + 377.67 14.27 20.30 + 0.09299 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 5.9610 92.90 2.0869 2 188.0 19.10 + 378.09 17.93 20.50 + 0.15038 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 5.8560 97.00 1.9444 2 188.0 19.10 + 370.31 25.41 17.30 + 0.09849 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 5.8790 95.80 2.0063 2 188.0 19.10 + 379.38 17.58 18.80 + 0.16902 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 5.9860 88.40 1.9929 2 188.0 19.10 + 385.02 14.81 21.40 + 0.38735 0.00 25.650 0 0.5810 5.6130 95.60 1.7572 2 188.0 19.10 + 359.29 27.26 15.70 + 0.25915 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.6930 96.00 1.7883 4 437.0 21.20 + 392.11 17.19 16.20 + 0.32543 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.4310 98.80 1.8125 4 437.0 21.20 + 396.90 15.39 18.00 + 0.88125 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.6370 94.70 1.9799 4 437.0 21.20 + 396.90 18.34 14.30 + 0.34006 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.4580 98.90 2.1185 4 437.0 21.20 + 395.04 12.60 19.20 + 1.19294 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.3260 97.70 2.2710 4 437.0 21.20 + 396.90 12.26 19.60 + 0.59005 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.3720 97.90 2.3274 4 437.0 21.20 + 385.76 11.12 23.00 + 0.32982 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.8220 95.40 2.4699 4 437.0 21.20 + 388.69 15.03 18.40 + 0.97617 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.7570 98.40 2.3460 4 437.0 21.20 + 262.76 17.31 15.60 + 0.55778 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.3350 98.20 2.1107 4 437.0 21.20 + 394.67 16.96 18.10 + 0.32264 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.9420 93.50 1.9669 4 437.0 21.20 + 378.25 16.90 17.40 + 0.35233 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.4540 98.40 1.8498 4 437.0 21.20 + 394.08 14.59 17.10 + 0.24980 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.8570 98.20 1.6686 4 437.0 21.20 + 392.04 21.32 13.30 + 0.54452 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.1510 97.90 1.6687 4 437.0 21.20 + 396.90 18.46 17.80 + 0.29090 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 6.1740 93.60 1.6119 4 437.0 21.20 + 388.08 24.16 14.00 + 1.62864 0.00 21.890 0 0.6240 5.0190 100.00 1.4394 4 437.0 21.20 + 396.90 34.41 14.40 + 3.32105 0.00 19.580 1 0.8710 5.4030 100.00 1.3216 5 403.0 14.70 + 396.90 26.82 13.40 + 4.09740 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.4680 100.00 1.4118 5 403.0 14.70 + 396.90 26.42 15.60 + 2.77974 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 4.9030 97.80 1.3459 5 403.0 14.70 + 396.90 29.29 11.80 + 2.37934 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 6.1300 100.00 1.4191 5 403.0 14.70 + 172.91 27.80 13.80 + 2.15505 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.6280 100.00 1.5166 5 403.0 14.70 + 169.27 16.65 15.60 + 2.36862 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 4.9260 95.70 1.4608 5 403.0 14.70 + 391.71 29.53 14.60 + 2.33099 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.1860 93.80 1.5296 5 403.0 14.70 + 356.99 28.32 17.80 + 2.73397 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.5970 94.90 1.5257 5 403.0 14.70 + 351.85 21.45 15.40 + 1.65660 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 6.1220 97.30 1.6180 5 403.0 14.70 + 372.80 14.10 21.50 + 1.49632 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.4040 100.00 1.5916 5 403.0 14.70 + 341.60 13.28 19.60 + 1.12658 0.00 19.580 1 0.8710 5.0120 88.00 1.6102 5 403.0 14.70 + 343.28 12.12 15.30 + 2.14918 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.7090 98.50 1.6232 5 403.0 14.70 + 261.95 15.79 19.40 + 1.41385 0.00 19.580 1 0.8710 6.1290 96.00 1.7494 5 403.0 14.70 + 321.02 15.12 17.00 + 3.53501 0.00 19.580 1 0.8710 6.1520 82.60 1.7455 5 403.0 14.70 + 88.01 15.02 15.60 + 2.44668 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 5.2720 94.00 1.7364 5 403.0 14.70 + 88.63 16.14 13.10 + 1.22358 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 6.9430 97.40 1.8773 5 403.0 14.70 + 363.43 4.59 41.30 + 1.34284 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 6.0660 100.00 1.7573 5 403.0 14.70 + 353.89 6.43 24.30 + 1.42502 0.00 19.580 0 0.8710 6.5100 100.00 1.7659 5 403.0 14.70 + 364.31 7.39 23.30 + 1.27346 0.00 19.580 1 0.6050 6.2500 92.60 1.7984 5 403.0 14.70 + 338.92 5.50 27.00 + 1.46336 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 7.4890 90.80 1.9709 5 403.0 14.70 + 374.43 1.73 50.00 + 1.83377 0.00 19.580 1 0.6050 7.8020 98.20 2.0407 5 403.0 14.70 + 389.61 1.92 50.00 + 1.51902 0.00 19.580 1 0.6050 8.3750 93.90 2.1620 5 403.0 14.70 + 388.45 3.32 50.00 + 2.24236 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 5.8540 91.80 2.4220 5 403.0 14.70 + 395.11 11.64 22.70 + 2.92400 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 6.1010 93.00 2.2834 5 403.0 14.70 + 240.16 9.81 25.00 + 2.01019 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 7.9290 96.20 2.0459 5 403.0 14.70 + 369.30 3.70 50.00 + 1.80028 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 5.8770 79.20 2.4259 5 403.0 14.70 + 227.61 12.14 23.80 + 2.30040 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 6.3190 96.10 2.1000 5 403.0 14.70 + 297.09 11.10 23.80 + 2.44953 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 6.4020 95.20 2.2625 5 403.0 14.70 + 330.04 11.32 22.30 + 1.20742 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 5.8750 94.60 2.4259 5 403.0 14.70 + 292.29 14.43 17.40 + 2.31390 0.00 19.580 0 0.6050 5.8800 97.30 2.3887 5 403.0 14.70 + 348.13 12.03 19.10 + 0.13914 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 5.5720 88.50 2.5961 5 296.0 16.60 + 396.90 14.69 23.10 + 0.09178 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 6.4160 84.10 2.6463 5 296.0 16.60 + 395.50 9.04 23.60 + 0.08447 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 5.8590 68.70 2.7019 5 296.0 16.60 + 393.23 9.64 22.60 + 0.06664 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 6.5460 33.10 3.1323 5 296.0 16.60 + 390.96 5.33 29.40 + 0.07022 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 6.0200 47.20 3.5549 5 296.0 16.60 + 393.23 10.11 23.20 + 0.05425 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 6.3150 73.40 3.3175 5 296.0 16.60 + 395.60 6.29 24.60 + 0.06642 0.00 4.050 0 0.5100 6.8600 74.40 2.9153 5 296.0 16.60 + 391.27 6.92 29.90 + 0.05780 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 6.9800 58.40 2.8290 3 193.0 17.80 + 396.90 5.04 37.20 + 0.06588 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 7.7650 83.30 2.7410 3 193.0 17.80 + 395.56 7.56 39.80 + 0.06888 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 6.1440 62.20 2.5979 3 193.0 17.80 + 396.90 9.45 36.20 + 0.09103 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 7.1550 92.20 2.7006 3 193.0 17.80 + 394.12 4.82 37.90 + 0.10008 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 6.5630 95.60 2.8470 3 193.0 17.80 + 396.90 5.68 32.50 + 0.08308 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 5.6040 89.80 2.9879 3 193.0 17.80 + 391.00 13.98 26.40 + 0.06047 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 6.1530 68.80 3.2797 3 193.0 17.80 + 387.11 13.15 29.60 + 0.05602 0.00 2.460 0 0.4880 7.8310 53.60 3.1992 3 193.0 17.80 + 392.63 4.45 50.00 + 0.07875 45.00 3.440 0 0.4370 6.7820 41.10 3.7886 5 398.0 15.20 + 393.87 6.68 32.00 + 0.12579 45.00 3.440 0 0.4370 6.5560 29.10 4.5667 5 398.0 15.20 + 382.84 4.56 29.80 + 0.08370 45.00 3.440 0 0.4370 7.1850 38.90 4.5667 5 398.0 15.20 + 396.90 5.39 34.90 + 0.09068 45.00 3.440 0 0.4370 6.9510 21.50 6.4798 5 398.0 15.20 + 377.68 5.10 37.00 + 0.06911 45.00 3.440 0 0.4370 6.7390 30.80 6.4798 5 398.0 15.20 + 389.71 4.69 30.50 + 0.08664 45.00 3.440 0 0.4370 7.1780 26.30 6.4798 5 398.0 15.20 + 390.49 2.87 36.40 + 0.02187 60.00 2.930 0 0.4010 6.8000 9.90 6.2196 1 265.0 15.60 + 393.37 5.03 31.10 + 0.01439 60.00 2.930 0 0.4010 6.6040 18.80 6.2196 1 265.0 15.60 + 376.70 4.38 29.10 + 0.01381 80.00 0.460 0 0.4220 7.8750 32.00 5.6484 4 255.0 14.40 + 394.23 2.97 50.00 + 0.04011 80.00 1.520 0 0.4040 7.2870 34.10 7.3090 2 329.0 12.60 + 396.90 4.08 33.30 + 0.04666 80.00 1.520 0 0.4040 7.1070 36.60 7.3090 2 329.0 12.60 + 354.31 8.61 30.30 + 0.03768 80.00 1.520 0 0.4040 7.2740 38.30 7.3090 2 329.0 12.60 + 392.20 6.62 34.60 + 0.03150 95.00 1.470 0 0.4030 6.9750 15.30 7.6534 3 402.0 17.00 + 396.90 4.56 34.90 + 0.01778 95.00 1.470 0 0.4030 7.1350 13.90 7.6534 3 402.0 17.00 + 384.30 4.45 32.90 + 0.03445 82.50 2.030 0 0.4150 6.1620 38.40 6.2700 2 348.0 14.70 + 393.77 7.43 24.10 + 0.02177 82.50 2.030 0 0.4150 7.6100 15.70 6.2700 2 348.0 14.70 + 395.38 3.11 42.30 + 0.03510 95.00 2.680 0 0.4161 7.8530 33.20 5.1180 4 224.0 14.70 + 392.78 3.81 48.50 + 0.02009 95.00 2.680 0 0.4161 8.0340 31.90 5.1180 4 224.0 14.70 + 390.55 2.88 50.00 + 0.13642 0.00 10.590 0 0.4890 5.8910 22.30 3.9454 4 277.0 18.60 + 396.90 10.87 22.60 + 0.22969 0.00 10.590 0 0.4890 6.3260 52.50 4.3549 4 277.0 18.60 + 394.87 10.97 24.40 + 0.25199 0.00 10.590 0 0.4890 5.7830 72.70 4.3549 4 277.0 18.60 + 389.43 18.06 22.50 + 0.13587 0.00 10.590 1 0.4890 6.0640 59.10 4.2392 4 277.0 18.60 + 381.32 14.66 24.40 + 0.43571 0.00 10.590 1 0.4890 5.3440 100.00 3.8750 4 277.0 18.60 + 396.90 23.09 20.00 + 0.17446 0.00 10.590 1 0.4890 5.9600 92.10 3.8771 4 277.0 18.60 + 393.25 17.27 21.70 + 0.37578 0.00 10.590 1 0.4890 5.4040 88.60 3.6650 4 277.0 18.60 + 395.24 23.98 19.30 + 0.21719 0.00 10.590 1 0.4890 5.8070 53.80 3.6526 4 277.0 18.60 + 390.94 16.03 22.40 + 0.14052 0.00 10.590 0 0.4890 6.3750 32.30 3.9454 4 277.0 18.60 + 385.81 9.38 28.10 + 0.28955 0.00 10.590 0 0.4890 5.4120 9.80 3.5875 4 277.0 18.60 + 348.93 29.55 23.70 + 0.19802 0.00 10.590 0 0.4890 6.1820 42.40 3.9454 4 277.0 18.60 + 393.63 9.47 25.00 + 0.04560 0.00 13.890 1 0.5500 5.8880 56.00 3.1121 5 276.0 16.40 + 392.80 13.51 23.30 + 0.07013 0.00 13.890 0 0.5500 6.6420 85.10 3.4211 5 276.0 16.40 + 392.78 9.69 28.70 + 0.11069 0.00 13.890 1 0.5500 5.9510 93.80 2.8893 5 276.0 16.40 + 396.90 17.92 21.50 + 0.11425 0.00 13.890 1 0.5500 6.3730 92.40 3.3633 5 276.0 16.40 + 393.74 10.50 23.00 + 0.35809 0.00 6.200 1 0.5070 6.9510 88.50 2.8617 8 307.0 17.40 + 391.70 9.71 26.70 + 0.40771 0.00 6.200 1 0.5070 6.1640 91.30 3.0480 8 307.0 17.40 + 395.24 21.46 21.70 + 0.62356 0.00 6.200 1 0.5070 6.8790 77.70 3.2721 8 307.0 17.40 + 390.39 9.93 27.50 + 0.61470 0.00 6.200 0 0.5070 6.6180 80.80 3.2721 8 307.0 17.40 + 396.90 7.60 30.10 + 0.31533 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 8.2660 78.30 2.8944 8 307.0 17.40 + 385.05 4.14 44.80 + 0.52693 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 8.7250 83.00 2.8944 8 307.0 17.40 + 382.00 4.63 50.00 + 0.38214 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 8.0400 86.50 3.2157 8 307.0 17.40 + 387.38 3.13 37.60 + 0.41238 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 7.1630 79.90 3.2157 8 307.0 17.40 + 372.08 6.36 31.60 + 0.29819 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 7.6860 17.00 3.3751 8 307.0 17.40 + 377.51 3.92 46.70 + 0.44178 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 6.5520 21.40 3.3751 8 307.0 17.40 + 380.34 3.76 31.50 + 0.53700 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 5.9810 68.10 3.6715 8 307.0 17.40 + 378.35 11.65 24.30 + 0.46296 0.00 6.200 0 0.5040 7.4120 76.90 3.6715 8 307.0 17.40 + 376.14 5.25 31.70 + 0.57529 0.00 6.200 0 0.5070 8.3370 73.30 3.8384 8 307.0 17.40 + 385.91 2.47 41.70 + 0.33147 0.00 6.200 0 0.5070 8.2470 70.40 3.6519 8 307.0 17.40 + 378.95 3.95 48.30 + 0.44791 0.00 6.200 1 0.5070 6.7260 66.50 3.6519 8 307.0 17.40 + 360.20 8.05 29.00 + 0.33045 0.00 6.200 0 0.5070 6.0860 61.50 3.6519 8 307.0 17.40 + 376.75 10.88 24.00 + 0.52058 0.00 6.200 1 0.5070 6.6310 76.50 4.1480 8 307.0 17.40 + 388.45 9.54 25.10 + 0.51183 0.00 6.200 0 0.5070 7.3580 71.60 4.1480 8 307.0 17.40 + 390.07 4.73 31.50 + 0.08244 30.00 4.930 0 0.4280 6.4810 18.50 6.1899 6 300.0 16.60 + 379.41 6.36 23.70 + 0.09252 30.00 4.930 0 0.4280 6.6060 42.20 6.1899 6 300.0 16.60 + 383.78 7.37 23.30 + 0.11329 30.00 4.930 0 0.4280 6.8970 54.30 6.3361 6 300.0 16.60 + 391.25 11.38 22.00 + 0.10612 30.00 4.930 0 0.4280 6.0950 65.10 6.3361 6 300.0 16.60 + 394.62 12.40 20.10 + 0.10290 30.00 4.930 0 0.4280 6.3580 52.90 7.0355 6 300.0 16.60 + 372.75 11.22 22.20 + 0.12757 30.00 4.930 0 0.4280 6.3930 7.80 7.0355 6 300.0 16.60 + 374.71 5.19 23.70 + 0.20608 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 5.5930 76.50 7.9549 7 330.0 19.10 + 372.49 12.50 17.60 + 0.19133 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 5.6050 70.20 7.9549 7 330.0 19.10 + 389.13 18.46 18.50 + 0.33983 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.1080 34.90 8.0555 7 330.0 19.10 + 390.18 9.16 24.30 + 0.19657 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.2260 79.20 8.0555 7 330.0 19.10 + 376.14 10.15 20.50 + 0.16439 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.4330 49.10 7.8265 7 330.0 19.10 + 374.71 9.52 24.50 + 0.19073 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.7180 17.50 7.8265 7 330.0 19.10 + 393.74 6.56 26.20 + 0.14030 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.4870 13.00 7.3967 7 330.0 19.10 + 396.28 5.90 24.40 + 0.21409 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.4380 8.90 7.3967 7 330.0 19.10 + 377.07 3.59 24.80 + 0.08221 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 6.9570 6.80 8.9067 7 330.0 19.10 + 386.09 3.53 29.60 + 0.36894 22.00 5.860 0 0.4310 8.2590 8.40 8.9067 7 330.0 19.10 + 396.90 3.54 42.80 + 0.04819 80.00 3.640 0 0.3920 6.1080 32.00 9.2203 1 315.0 16.40 + 392.89 6.57 21.90 + 0.03548 80.00 3.640 0 0.3920 5.8760 19.10 9.2203 1 315.0 16.40 + 395.18 9.25 20.90 + 0.01538 90.00 3.750 0 0.3940 7.4540 34.20 6.3361 3 244.0 15.90 + 386.34 3.11 44.00 + 0.61154 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 8.7040 86.90 1.8010 5 264.0 13.00 + 389.70 5.12 50.00 + 0.66351 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 7.3330 100.00 1.8946 5 264.0 13.00 + 383.29 7.79 36.00 + 0.65665 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 6.8420 100.00 2.0107 5 264.0 13.00 + 391.93 6.90 30.10 + 0.54011 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 7.2030 81.80 2.1121 5 264.0 13.00 + 392.80 9.59 33.80 + 0.53412 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 7.5200 89.40 2.1398 5 264.0 13.00 + 388.37 7.26 43.10 + 0.52014 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 8.3980 91.50 2.2885 5 264.0 13.00 + 386.86 5.91 48.80 + 0.82526 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 7.3270 94.50 2.0788 5 264.0 13.00 + 393.42 11.25 31.00 + 0.55007 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 7.2060 91.60 1.9301 5 264.0 13.00 + 387.89 8.10 36.50 + 0.76162 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 5.5600 62.80 1.9865 5 264.0 13.00 + 392.40 10.45 22.80 + 0.78570 20.00 3.970 0 0.6470 7.0140 84.60 2.1329 5 264.0 13.00 + 384.07 14.79 30.70 + 0.57834 20.00 3.970 0 0.5750 8.2970 67.00 2.4216 5 264.0 13.00 + 384.54 7.44 50.00 + 0.54050 20.00 3.970 0 0.5750 7.4700 52.60 2.8720 5 264.0 13.00 + 390.30 3.16 43.50 + 0.09065 20.00 6.960 1 0.4640 5.9200 61.50 3.9175 3 223.0 18.60 + 391.34 13.65 20.70 + 0.29916 20.00 6.960 0 0.4640 5.8560 42.10 4.4290 3 223.0 18.60 + 388.65 13.00 21.10 + 0.16211 20.00 6.960 0 0.4640 6.2400 16.30 4.4290 3 223.0 18.60 + 396.90 6.59 25.20 + 0.11460 20.00 6.960 0 0.4640 6.5380 58.70 3.9175 3 223.0 18.60 + 394.96 7.73 24.40 + 0.22188 20.00 6.960 1 0.4640 7.6910 51.80 4.3665 3 223.0 18.60 + 390.77 6.58 35.20 + 0.05644 40.00 6.410 1 0.4470 6.7580 32.90 4.0776 4 254.0 17.60 + 396.90 3.53 32.40 + 0.09604 40.00 6.410 0 0.4470 6.8540 42.80 4.2673 4 254.0 17.60 + 396.90 2.98 32.00 + 0.10469 40.00 6.410 1 0.4470 7.2670 49.00 4.7872 4 254.0 17.60 + 389.25 6.05 33.20 + 0.06127 40.00 6.410 1 0.4470 6.8260 27.60 4.8628 4 254.0 17.60 + 393.45 4.16 33.10 + 0.07978 40.00 6.410 0 0.4470 6.4820 32.10 4.1403 4 254.0 17.60 + 396.90 7.19 29.10 + 0.21038 20.00 3.330 0 0.4429 6.8120 32.20 4.1007 5 216.0 14.90 + 396.90 4.85 35.10 + 0.03578 20.00 3.330 0 0.4429 7.8200 64.50 4.6947 5 216.0 14.90 + 387.31 3.76 45.40 + 0.03705 20.00 3.330 0 0.4429 6.9680 37.20 5.2447 5 216.0 14.90 + 392.23 4.59 35.40 + 0.06129 20.00 3.330 1 0.4429 7.6450 49.70 5.2119 5 216.0 14.90 + 377.07 3.01 46.00 + 0.01501 90.00 1.210 1 0.4010 7.9230 24.80 5.8850 1 198.0 13.60 + 395.52 3.16 50.00 + 0.00906 90.00 2.970 0 0.4000 7.0880 20.80 7.3073 1 285.0 15.30 + 394.72 7.85 32.20 + 0.01096 55.00 2.250 0 0.3890 6.4530 31.90 7.3073 1 300.0 15.30 + 394.72 8.23 22.00 + 0.01965 80.00 1.760 0 0.3850 6.2300 31.50 9.0892 1 241.0 18.20 + 341.60 12.93 20.10 + 0.03871 52.50 5.320 0 0.4050 6.2090 31.30 7.3172 6 293.0 16.60 + 396.90 7.14 23.20 + 0.04590 52.50 5.320 0 0.4050 6.3150 45.60 7.3172 6 293.0 16.60 + 396.90 7.60 22.30 + 0.04297 52.50 5.320 0 0.4050 6.5650 22.90 7.3172 6 293.0 16.60 + 371.72 9.51 24.80 + 0.03502 80.00 4.950 0 0.4110 6.8610 27.90 5.1167 4 245.0 19.20 + 396.90 3.33 28.50 + 0.07886 80.00 4.950 0 0.4110 7.1480 27.70 5.1167 4 245.0 19.20 + 396.90 3.56 37.30 + 0.03615 80.00 4.950 0 0.4110 6.6300 23.40 5.1167 4 245.0 19.20 + 396.90 4.70 27.90 + 0.08265 0.00 13.920 0 0.4370 6.1270 18.40 5.5027 4 289.0 16.00 + 396.90 8.58 23.90 + 0.08199 0.00 13.920 0 0.4370 6.0090 42.30 5.5027 4 289.0 16.00 + 396.90 10.40 21.70 + 0.12932 0.00 13.920 0 0.4370 6.6780 31.10 5.9604 4 289.0 16.00 + 396.90 6.27 28.60 + 0.05372 0.00 13.920 0 0.4370 6.5490 51.00 5.9604 4 289.0 16.00 + 392.85 7.39 27.10 + 0.14103 0.00 13.920 0 0.4370 5.7900 58.00 6.3200 4 289.0 16.00 + 396.90 15.84 20.30 + 0.06466 70.00 2.240 0 0.4000 6.3450 20.10 7.8278 5 358.0 14.80 + 368.24 4.97 22.50 + 0.05561 70.00 2.240 0 0.4000 7.0410 10.00 7.8278 5 358.0 14.80 + 371.58 4.74 29.00 + 0.04417 70.00 2.240 0 0.4000 6.8710 47.40 7.8278 5 358.0 14.80 + 390.86 6.07 24.80 + 0.03537 34.00 6.090 0 0.4330 6.5900 40.40 5.4917 7 329.0 16.10 + 395.75 9.50 22.00 + 0.09266 34.00 6.090 0 0.4330 6.4950 18.40 5.4917 7 329.0 16.10 + 383.61 8.67 26.40 + 0.10000 34.00 6.090 0 0.4330 6.9820 17.70 5.4917 7 329.0 16.10 + 390.43 4.86 33.10 + 0.05515 33.00 2.180 0 0.4720 7.2360 41.10 4.0220 7 222.0 18.40 + 393.68 6.93 36.10 + 0.05479 33.00 2.180 0 0.4720 6.6160 58.10 3.3700 7 222.0 18.40 + 393.36 8.93 28.40 + 0.07503 33.00 2.180 0 0.4720 7.4200 71.90 3.0992 7 222.0 18.40 + 396.90 6.47 33.40 + 0.04932 33.00 2.180 0 0.4720 6.8490 70.30 3.1827 7 222.0 18.40 + 396.90 7.53 28.20 + 0.49298 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.6350 82.50 3.3175 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.90 4.54 22.80 + 0.34940 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 5.9720 76.70 3.1025 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.24 9.97 20.30 + 2.63548 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 4.9730 37.80 2.5194 4 304.0 18.40 + 350.45 12.64 16.10 + 0.79041 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.1220 52.80 2.6403 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.90 5.98 22.10 + 0.26169 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.0230 90.40 2.8340 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.30 11.72 19.40 + 0.26938 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.2660 82.80 3.2628 4 304.0 18.40 + 393.39 7.90 21.60 + 0.36920 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.5670 87.30 3.6023 4 304.0 18.40 + 395.69 9.28 23.80 + 0.25356 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 5.7050 77.70 3.9450 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.42 11.50 16.20 + 0.31827 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 5.9140 83.20 3.9986 4 304.0 18.40 + 390.70 18.33 17.80 + 0.24522 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 5.7820 71.70 4.0317 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.90 15.94 19.80 + 0.40202 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.3820 67.20 3.5325 4 304.0 18.40 + 395.21 10.36 23.10 + 0.47547 0.00 9.900 0 0.5440 6.1130 58.80 4.0019 4 304.0 18.40 + 396.23 12.73 21.00 + 0.16760 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.4260 52.30 4.5404 5 287.0 19.60 + 396.90 7.20 23.80 + 0.18159 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.3760 54.30 4.5404 5 287.0 19.60 + 396.90 6.87 23.10 + 0.35114 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.0410 49.90 4.7211 5 287.0 19.60 + 396.90 7.70 20.40 + 0.28392 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 5.7080 74.30 4.7211 5 287.0 19.60 + 391.13 11.74 18.50 + 0.34109 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.4150 40.10 4.7211 5 287.0 19.60 + 396.90 6.12 25.00 + 0.19186 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.4310 14.70 5.4159 5 287.0 19.60 + 393.68 5.08 24.60 + 0.30347 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.3120 28.90 5.4159 5 287.0 19.60 + 396.90 6.15 23.00 + 0.24103 0.00 7.380 0 0.4930 6.0830 43.70 5.4159 5 287.0 19.60 + 396.90 12.79 22.20 + 0.06617 0.00 3.240 0 0.4600 5.8680 25.80 5.2146 4 430.0 16.90 + 382.44 9.97 19.30 + 0.06724 0.00 3.240 0 0.4600 6.3330 17.20 5.2146 4 430.0 16.90 + 375.21 7.34 22.60 + 0.04544 0.00 3.240 0 0.4600 6.1440 32.20 5.8736 4 430.0 16.90 + 368.57 9.09 19.80 + 0.05023 35.00 6.060 0 0.4379 5.7060 28.40 6.6407 1 304.0 16.90 + 394.02 12.43 17.10 + 0.03466 35.00 6.060 0 0.4379 6.0310 23.30 6.6407 1 304.0 16.90 + 362.25 7.83 19.40 + 0.05083 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 6.3160 38.10 6.4584 5 224.0 20.20 + 389.71 5.68 22.20 + 0.03738 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 6.3100 38.50 6.4584 5 224.0 20.20 + 389.40 6.75 20.70 + 0.03961 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 6.0370 34.50 5.9853 5 224.0 20.20 + 396.90 8.01 21.10 + 0.03427 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 5.8690 46.30 5.2311 5 224.0 20.20 + 396.90 9.80 19.50 + 0.03041 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 5.8950 59.60 5.6150 5 224.0 20.20 + 394.81 10.56 18.50 + 0.03306 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 6.0590 37.30 4.8122 5 224.0 20.20 + 396.14 8.51 20.60 + 0.05497 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 5.9850 45.40 4.8122 5 224.0 20.20 + 396.90 9.74 19.00 + 0.06151 0.00 5.190 0 0.5150 5.9680 58.50 4.8122 5 224.0 20.20 + 396.90 9.29 18.70 + 0.01301 35.00 1.520 0 0.4420 7.2410 49.30 7.0379 1 284.0 15.50 + 394.74 5.49 32.70 + 0.02498 0.00 1.890 0 0.5180 6.5400 59.70 6.2669 1 422.0 15.90 + 389.96 8.65 16.50 + 0.02543 55.00 3.780 0 0.4840 6.6960 56.40 5.7321 5 370.0 17.60 + 396.90 7.18 23.90 + 0.03049 55.00 3.780 0 0.4840 6.8740 28.10 6.4654 5 370.0 17.60 + 387.97 4.61 31.20 + 0.03113 0.00 4.390 0 0.4420 6.0140 48.50 8.0136 3 352.0 18.80 + 385.64 10.53 17.50 + 0.06162 0.00 4.390 0 0.4420 5.8980 52.30 8.0136 3 352.0 18.80 + 364.61 12.67 17.20 + 0.01870 85.00 4.150 0 0.4290 6.5160 27.70 8.5353 4 351.0 17.90 + 392.43 6.36 23.10 + 0.01501 80.00 2.010 0 0.4350 6.6350 29.70 8.3440 4 280.0 17.00 + 390.94 5.99 24.50 + 0.02899 40.00 1.250 0 0.4290 6.9390 34.50 8.7921 1 335.0 19.70 + 389.85 5.89 26.60 + 0.06211 40.00 1.250 0 0.4290 6.4900 44.40 8.7921 1 335.0 19.70 + 396.90 5.98 22.90 + 0.07950 60.00 1.690 0 0.4110 6.5790 35.90 10.7103 4 411.0 18.30 + 370.78 5.49 24.10 + 0.07244 60.00 1.690 0 0.4110 5.8840 18.50 10.7103 4 411.0 18.30 + 392.33 7.79 18.60 + 0.01709 90.00 2.020 0 0.4100 6.7280 36.10 12.1265 5 187.0 17.00 + 384.46 4.50 30.10 + 0.04301 80.00 1.910 0 0.4130 5.6630 21.90 10.5857 4 334.0 22.00 + 382.80 8.05 18.20 + 0.10659 80.00 1.910 0 0.4130 5.9360 19.50 10.5857 4 334.0 22.00 + 376.04 5.57 20.60 + 8.98296 0.00 18.100 1 0.7700 6.2120 97.40 2.1222 24 666.0 20.20 + 377.73 17.60 17.80 + 3.84970 0.00 18.100 1 0.7700 6.3950 91.00 2.5052 24 666.0 20.20 + 391.34 13.27 21.70 + 5.20177 0.00 18.100 1 0.7700 6.1270 83.40 2.7227 24 666.0 20.20 + 395.43 11.48 22.70 + 4.26131 0.00 18.100 0 0.7700 6.1120 81.30 2.5091 24 666.0 20.20 + 390.74 12.67 22.60 + 4.54192 0.00 18.100 0 0.7700 6.3980 88.00 2.5182 24 666.0 20.20 + 374.56 7.79 25.00 + 3.83684 0.00 18.100 0 0.7700 6.2510 91.10 2.2955 24 666.0 20.20 + 350.65 14.19 19.90 + 3.67822 0.00 18.100 0 0.7700 5.3620 96.20 2.1036 24 666.0 20.20 + 380.79 10.19 20.80 + 4.22239 0.00 18.100 1 0.7700 5.8030 89.00 1.9047 24 666.0 20.20 + 353.04 14.64 16.80 + 3.47428 0.00 18.100 1 0.7180 8.7800 82.90 1.9047 24 666.0 20.20 + 354.55 5.29 21.90 + 4.55587 0.00 18.100 0 0.7180 3.5610 87.90 1.6132 24 666.0 20.20 + 354.70 7.12 27.50 + 3.69695 0.00 18.100 0 0.7180 4.9630 91.40 1.7523 24 666.0 20.20 + 316.03 14.00 21.90 +13.52220 0.00 18.100 0 0.6310 3.8630 100.00 1.5106 24 666.0 20.20 + 131.42 13.33 23.10 + 4.89822 0.00 18.100 0 0.6310 4.9700 100.00 1.3325 24 666.0 20.20 + 375.52 3.26 50.00 + 5.66998 0.00 18.100 1 0.6310 6.6830 96.80 1.3567 24 666.0 20.20 + 375.33 3.73 50.00 + 6.53876 0.00 18.100 1 0.6310 7.0160 97.50 1.2024 24 666.0 20.20 + 392.05 2.96 50.00 + 9.23230 0.00 18.100 0 0.6310 6.2160 100.00 1.1691 24 666.0 20.20 + 366.15 9.53 50.00 + 8.26725 0.00 18.100 1 0.6680 5.8750 89.60 1.1296 24 666.0 20.20 + 347.88 8.88 50.00 +11.10810 0.00 18.100 0 0.6680 4.9060 100.00 1.1742 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 34.77 13.80 +18.49820 0.00 18.100 0 0.6680 4.1380 100.00 1.1370 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 37.97 13.80 +19.60910 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 7.3130 97.90 1.3163 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 13.44 15.00 +15.28800 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 6.6490 93.30 1.3449 24 666.0 20.20 + 363.02 23.24 13.90 + 9.82349 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 6.7940 98.80 1.3580 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 21.24 13.30 +23.64820 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 6.3800 96.20 1.3861 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 23.69 13.10 +17.86670 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 6.2230 100.00 1.3861 24 666.0 20.20 + 393.74 21.78 10.20 +88.97620 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 6.9680 91.90 1.4165 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 17.21 10.40 +15.87440 0.00 18.100 0 0.6710 6.5450 99.10 1.5192 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 21.08 10.90 + 9.18702 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.5360 100.00 1.5804 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 23.60 11.30 + 7.99248 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.5200 100.00 1.5331 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 24.56 12.30 +20.08490 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 4.3680 91.20 1.4395 24 666.0 20.20 + 285.83 30.63 8.80 +16.81180 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.2770 98.10 1.4261 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 30.81 7.20 +24.39380 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 4.6520 100.00 1.4672 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 28.28 10.50 +22.59710 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.0000 89.50 1.5184 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 31.99 7.40 +14.33370 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 4.8800 100.00 1.5895 24 666.0 20.20 + 372.92 30.62 10.20 + 8.15174 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.3900 98.90 1.7281 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 20.85 11.50 + 6.96215 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.7130 97.00 1.9265 24 666.0 20.20 + 394.43 17.11 15.10 + 5.29305 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 6.0510 82.50 2.1678 24 666.0 20.20 + 378.38 18.76 23.20 +11.57790 0.00 18.100 0 0.7000 5.0360 97.00 1.7700 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 25.68 9.70 + 8.64476 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 6.1930 92.60 1.7912 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 15.17 13.80 +13.35980 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.8870 94.70 1.7821 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 16.35 12.70 + 8.71675 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 6.4710 98.80 1.7257 24 666.0 20.20 + 391.98 17.12 13.10 + 5.87205 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 6.4050 96.00 1.6768 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 19.37 12.50 + 7.67202 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.7470 98.90 1.6334 24 666.0 20.20 + 393.10 19.92 8.50 +38.35180 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.4530 100.00 1.4896 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 30.59 5.00 + 9.91655 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.8520 77.80 1.5004 24 666.0 20.20 + 338.16 29.97 6.30 +25.04610 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.9870 100.00 1.5888 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 26.77 5.60 +14.23620 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 6.3430 100.00 1.5741 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 20.32 7.20 + 9.59571 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 6.4040 100.00 1.6390 24 666.0 20.20 + 376.11 20.31 12.10 +24.80170 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.3490 96.00 1.7028 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 19.77 8.30 +41.52920 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.5310 85.40 1.6074 24 666.0 20.20 + 329.46 27.38 8.50 +67.92080 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 5.6830 100.00 1.4254 24 666.0 20.20 + 384.97 22.98 5.00 +20.71620 0.00 18.100 0 0.6590 4.1380 100.00 1.1781 24 666.0 20.20 + 370.22 23.34 11.90 +11.95110 0.00 18.100 0 0.6590 5.6080 100.00 1.2852 24 666.0 20.20 + 332.09 12.13 27.90 + 7.40389 0.00 18.100 0 0.5970 5.6170 97.90 1.4547 24 666.0 20.20 + 314.64 26.40 17.20 +14.43830 0.00 18.100 0 0.5970 6.8520 100.00 1.4655 24 666.0 20.20 + 179.36 19.78 27.50 +51.13580 0.00 18.100 0 0.5970 5.7570 100.00 1.4130 24 666.0 20.20 + 2.60 10.11 15.00 +14.05070 0.00 18.100 0 0.5970 6.6570 100.00 1.5275 24 666.0 20.20 + 35.05 21.22 17.20 +18.81100 0.00 18.100 0 0.5970 4.6280 100.00 1.5539 24 666.0 20.20 + 28.79 34.37 17.90 +28.65580 0.00 18.100 0 0.5970 5.1550 100.00 1.5894 24 666.0 20.20 + 210.97 20.08 16.30 +45.74610 0.00 18.100 0 0.6930 4.5190 100.00 1.6582 24 666.0 20.20 + 88.27 36.98 7.00 +18.08460 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 6.4340 100.00 1.8347 24 666.0 20.20 + 27.25 29.05 7.20 +10.83420 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 6.7820 90.80 1.8195 24 666.0 20.20 + 21.57 25.79 7.50 +25.94060 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 5.3040 89.10 1.6475 24 666.0 20.20 + 127.36 26.64 10.40 +73.53410 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 5.9570 100.00 1.8026 24 666.0 20.20 + 16.45 20.62 8.80 +11.81230 0.00 18.100 0 0.7180 6.8240 76.50 1.7940 24 666.0 20.20 + 48.45 22.74 8.40 +11.08740 0.00 18.100 0 0.7180 6.4110 100.00 1.8589 24 666.0 20.20 + 318.75 15.02 16.70 + 7.02259 0.00 18.100 0 0.7180 6.0060 95.30 1.8746 24 666.0 20.20 + 319.98 15.70 14.20 +12.04820 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 5.6480 87.60 1.9512 24 666.0 20.20 + 291.55 14.10 20.80 + 7.05042 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 6.1030 85.10 2.0218 24 666.0 20.20 + 2.52 23.29 13.40 + 8.79212 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 5.5650 70.60 2.0635 24 666.0 20.20 + 3.65 17.16 11.70 +15.86030 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 5.8960 95.40 1.9096 24 666.0 20.20 + 7.68 24.39 8.30 +12.24720 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 5.8370 59.70 1.9976 24 666.0 20.20 + 24.65 15.69 10.20 +37.66190 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 6.2020 78.70 1.8629 24 666.0 20.20 + 18.82 14.52 10.90 + 7.36711 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 6.1930 78.10 1.9356 24 666.0 20.20 + 96.73 21.52 11.00 + 9.33889 0.00 18.100 0 0.6790 6.3800 95.60 1.9682 24 666.0 20.20 + 60.72 24.08 9.50 + 8.49213 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 6.3480 86.10 2.0527 24 666.0 20.20 + 83.45 17.64 14.50 +10.06230 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 6.8330 94.30 2.0882 24 666.0 20.20 + 81.33 19.69 14.10 + 6.44405 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 6.4250 74.80 2.2004 24 666.0 20.20 + 97.95 12.03 16.10 + 5.58107 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.4360 87.90 2.3158 24 666.0 20.20 + 100.19 16.22 14.30 +13.91340 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.2080 95.00 2.2222 24 666.0 20.20 + 100.63 15.17 11.70 +11.16040 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.6290 94.60 2.1247 24 666.0 20.20 + 109.85 23.27 13.40 +14.42080 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.4610 93.30 2.0026 24 666.0 20.20 + 27.49 18.05 9.60 +15.17720 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.1520 100.00 1.9142 24 666.0 20.20 + 9.32 26.45 8.70 +13.67810 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 5.9350 87.90 1.8206 24 666.0 20.20 + 68.95 34.02 8.40 + 9.39063 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 5.6270 93.90 1.8172 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 22.88 12.80 +22.05110 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 5.8180 92.40 1.8662 24 666.0 20.20 + 391.45 22.11 10.50 + 9.72418 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.4060 97.20 2.0651 24 666.0 20.20 + 385.96 19.52 17.10 + 5.66637 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.2190 100.00 2.0048 24 666.0 20.20 + 395.69 16.59 18.40 + 9.96654 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.4850 100.00 1.9784 24 666.0 20.20 + 386.73 18.85 15.40 +12.80230 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 5.8540 96.60 1.8956 24 666.0 20.20 + 240.52 23.79 10.80 +10.67180 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.4590 94.80 1.9879 24 666.0 20.20 + 43.06 23.98 11.80 + 6.28807 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.3410 96.40 2.0720 24 666.0 20.20 + 318.01 17.79 14.90 + 9.92485 0.00 18.100 0 0.7400 6.2510 96.60 2.1980 24 666.0 20.20 + 388.52 16.44 12.60 + 9.32909 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.1850 98.70 2.2616 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 18.13 14.10 + 7.52601 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.4170 98.30 2.1850 24 666.0 20.20 + 304.21 19.31 13.00 + 6.71772 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.7490 92.60 2.3236 24 666.0 20.20 + 0.32 17.44 13.40 + 5.44114 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.6550 98.20 2.3552 24 666.0 20.20 + 355.29 17.73 15.20 + 5.09017 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.2970 91.80 2.3682 24 666.0 20.20 + 385.09 17.27 16.10 + 8.24809 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 7.3930 99.30 2.4527 24 666.0 20.20 + 375.87 16.74 17.80 + 9.51363 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.7280 94.10 2.4961 24 666.0 20.20 + 6.68 18.71 14.90 + 4.75237 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.5250 86.50 2.4358 24 666.0 20.20 + 50.92 18.13 14.10 + 4.66883 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 5.9760 87.90 2.5806 24 666.0 20.20 + 10.48 19.01 12.70 + 8.20058 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 5.9360 80.30 2.7792 24 666.0 20.20 + 3.50 16.94 13.50 + 7.75223 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.3010 83.70 2.7831 24 666.0 20.20 + 272.21 16.23 14.90 + 6.80117 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.0810 84.40 2.7175 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 14.70 20.00 + 4.81213 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.7010 90.00 2.5975 24 666.0 20.20 + 255.23 16.42 16.40 + 3.69311 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.3760 88.40 2.5671 24 666.0 20.20 + 391.43 14.65 17.70 + 6.65492 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.3170 83.00 2.7344 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 13.99 19.50 + 5.82115 0.00 18.100 0 0.7130 6.5130 89.90 2.8016 24 666.0 20.20 + 393.82 10.29 20.20 + 7.83932 0.00 18.100 0 0.6550 6.2090 65.40 2.9634 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 13.22 21.40 + 3.16360 0.00 18.100 0 0.6550 5.7590 48.20 3.0665 24 666.0 20.20 + 334.40 14.13 19.90 + 3.77498 0.00 18.100 0 0.6550 5.9520 84.70 2.8715 24 666.0 20.20 + 22.01 17.15 19.00 + 4.42228 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 6.0030 94.50 2.5403 24 666.0 20.20 + 331.29 21.32 19.10 +15.57570 0.00 18.100 0 0.5800 5.9260 71.00 2.9084 24 666.0 20.20 + 368.74 18.13 19.10 +13.07510 0.00 18.100 0 0.5800 5.7130 56.70 2.8237 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 14.76 20.10 + 4.34879 0.00 18.100 0 0.5800 6.1670 84.00 3.0334 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 16.29 19.90 + 4.03841 0.00 18.100 0 0.5320 6.2290 90.70 3.0993 24 666.0 20.20 + 395.33 12.87 19.60 + 3.56868 0.00 18.100 0 0.5800 6.4370 75.00 2.8965 24 666.0 20.20 + 393.37 14.36 23.20 + 4.64689 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 6.9800 67.60 2.5329 24 666.0 20.20 + 374.68 11.66 29.80 + 8.05579 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 5.4270 95.40 2.4298 24 666.0 20.20 + 352.58 18.14 13.80 + 6.39312 0.00 18.100 0 0.5840 6.1620 97.40 2.2060 24 666.0 20.20 + 302.76 24.10 13.30 + 4.87141 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 6.4840 93.60 2.3053 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.21 18.68 16.70 +15.02340 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 5.3040 97.30 2.1007 24 666.0 20.20 + 349.48 24.91 12.00 +10.23300 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 6.1850 96.70 2.1705 24 666.0 20.20 + 379.70 18.03 14.60 +14.33370 0.00 18.100 0 0.6140 6.2290 88.00 1.9512 24 666.0 20.20 + 383.32 13.11 21.40 + 5.82401 0.00 18.100 0 0.5320 6.2420 64.70 3.4242 24 666.0 20.20 + 396.90 10.74 23.00 + 5.70818 0.00 18.100 0 0.5320 6.7500 74.90 3.3317 24 666.0 20.20 + 393.07 7.74 23.70 + 5.73116 0.00 18.100 0 0.5320 7.0610 77.00 3.4106 24 666.0 20.20 + 395.28 7.01 25.00 + 2.81838 0.00 18.100 0 0.5320 5.7620 40.30 4.0983 24 666.0 20.20 + 392.92 10.42 21.80 + 2.37857 0.00 18.100 0 0.5830 5.8710 41.90 3.7240 24 666.0 20.20 + 370.73 13.34 20.60 + 3.67367 0.00 18.100 0 0.5830 6.3120 51.90 3.9917 24 666.0 20.20 + 388.62 10.58 21.20 + 5.69175 0.00 18.100 0 0.5830 6.1140 79.80 3.5459 24 666.0 20.20 + 392.68 14.98 19.10 + 4.83567 0.00 18.100 0 0.5830 5.9050 53.20 3.1523 24 666.0 20.20 + 388.22 11.45 20.60 + 0.15086 0.00 27.740 0 0.6090 5.4540 92.70 1.8209 4 711.0 20.10 + 395.09 18.06 15.20 + 0.18337 0.00 27.740 0 0.6090 5.4140 98.30 1.7554 4 711.0 20.10 + 344.05 23.97 7.00 + 0.20746 0.00 27.740 0 0.6090 5.0930 98.00 1.8226 4 711.0 20.10 + 318.43 29.68 8.10 + 0.10574 0.00 27.740 0 0.6090 5.9830 98.80 1.8681 4 711.0 20.10 + 390.11 18.07 13.60 + 0.11132 0.00 27.740 0 0.6090 5.9830 83.50 2.1099 4 711.0 20.10 + 396.90 13.35 20.10 + 0.17331 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 5.7070 54.00 2.3817 6 391.0 19.20 + 396.90 12.01 21.80 + 0.27957 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 5.9260 42.60 2.3817 6 391.0 19.20 + 396.90 13.59 24.50 + 0.17899 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 5.6700 28.80 2.7986 6 391.0 19.20 + 393.29 17.60 23.10 + 0.28960 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 5.3900 72.90 2.7986 6 391.0 19.20 + 396.90 21.14 19.70 + 0.26838 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 5.7940 70.60 2.8927 6 391.0 19.20 + 396.90 14.10 18.30 + 0.23912 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 6.0190 65.30 2.4091 6 391.0 19.20 + 396.90 12.92 21.20 + 0.17783 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 5.5690 73.50 2.3999 6 391.0 19.20 + 395.77 15.10 17.50 + 0.22438 0.00 9.690 0 0.5850 6.0270 79.70 2.4982 6 391.0 19.20 + 396.90 14.33 16.80 + 0.06263 0.00 11.930 0 0.5730 6.5930 69.10 2.4786 1 273.0 21.00 + 391.99 9.67 22.40 + 0.04527 0.00 11.930 0 0.5730 6.1200 76.70 2.2875 1 273.0 21.00 + 396.90 9.08 20.60 + 0.06076 0.00 11.930 0 0.5730 6.9760 91.00 2.1675 1 273.0 21.00 + 396.90 5.64 23.90 + 0.10959 0.00 11.930 0 0.5730 6.7940 89.30 2.3889 1 273.0 21.00 + 393.45 6.48 22.00 + 0.04741 0.00 11.930 0 0.5730 6.0300 80.80 2.5050 1 273.0 21.00 + 396.90 7.88 11.90