Simple note taking app to show off - Symfony 4 + Vue.js
- Apache Server (or nginx, or whatever)
- a running PHP7.2 (or higher) environment both with CLI and server (mod, fpm)
- MySQL / MariaDB 5.5 or higher
- Composer :
- npm
- PHP modules : Well, I haven't made a complete list, but I am fairly certain it will work if you run (on Ubuntu)
sudo apt install php7.2-common php7.2-xml php7.2-curl php7.2-mbstring php7.2-json php7.2-mysql
After cloning the repo, make DocumentRoot point towards "public" folder, with mod_rewrite enable and access granted to public folder (and obviously make sure web server has permissions). Then, install the dependencies with composer and npm, and build Vue.js files
cd notapad
composer install
npm install
./node_modules/.bin/encore dev
Edit .env and set MySQL credentials (wait, what? this one is versionned?...)
vim .env
Now run the database migrations
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate