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danmaclean edited this page Jan 17, 2013 · 5 revisions

People who have contributed far

Diane Saunders @ TSL (13/12/12) - Transcript assembly and blastx of mixed material

Suomeng Dong @ TSL (14/12/12) - tblastn of transcript assembly of mixed material

Sophien Kamoun @ TSL (14/12/12) - tblastn of transcript assembly of mixed material

Lisa Crossman @ TGAC (17/12/12) - Pfam, GO mapping, PRK, KOG, EC numbers of mixed material

Darren Soanes @ University of Exeter (08/01/12) - Phylogenetic tree of Chalaria fraxinea based on ITS / 5.8S rRNA sequences

B. Patrick Chapman and Mark Gijzen @ Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Is the high representation of fungal transcripts in the infected ash material unusual or alarming?