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French Hymenoscyphus pseudoalbidus genome assemblies

mblaxter edited this page Mar 10, 2014 · 6 revisions

Edinburgh (Blaxter lab and Edinburgh Genomics) have generated and assembled genome data from a set of French H. pseudoalbidus isolates supplied by Dr Renaud Ioos, Cécile Guinet and Claude Husson.

name: isolation date, location

LSVM82: May-08, Mersuay (France)

MIG-M-1: Apr-09, Migneville (France)

GIR-M-2: Apr-09, Girecourt-sur-Durbion (France)

LAN-M-1: Apr-09, Languimberg (France)

FON-M-1: Apr-09, Fontenoy-le-Chateau (France)

In each case single sequencing libraries were made and sequenced on illumina miSeq (LSVM82 and MIG-M-1) or illumina HiSeq2500 (remainder) instruments.

The assemblies are preliminary assemblies carried out to address issues of contamination (minimal, except perhaps for LSVM82).bThe assembly statistics and comparisons to the K1 strain sequenced from Ashwellthorpe are shown below.

assembly data