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Code Organization

Code Structure

  • <od-test>
    • setup this folder contains all the setup scripts.
      • the script to setup the environment, the initial setup of the project.
      • to do the initial reference model training before the evaluation. See the info.
      • categories contains the training scripts for each category of model used during the evaluation.
    • utils this folder contains the helper classes that we use.
      • the script responsible for argument parsing and environment experiment setup.
      • is the iterative training class that handles various training scenarios.
      • is the logging helper class.
      • merges the results of multiple experiments into a single experiment. Useful for figure generation.
    • datasets has the classes for the datasets that we use.
      • has some important base definitions that we need for the datasets.
        • SubDataset is the dataset wrapper that we use to facilitate data splitting and several other useful operations such as on-air modification of the labels or additional preprocessing steps.
        • AbstractDomainInterface is the dataset interface that each dataset class must implement. You can read more about it in Important Classes.
        • MirroredDataset this class wrapper mirrors the images of another dataset.
      • <dataset_name>.py the implementation of individual datasets. All the classes download and preprocess the dataset automatically upon first instantiation. The downloaded files are stored in workspace/datasets/<dataset_name>. All the classes implement the AbstractDomainInterface.
    • models contains all the model definitions we use.
      • contains all the predictive models.
      • contains all the (variational) autoencoder models.
      • pixelcnn contains the PixelCNN++ implementations taken from
    • methods contains all the methods.
      • has some important base definitions that we need for the methods.
        • AbstractMethodInterface is the method interfae that each method must implement. You can read more about it in Important Classes.
        • AbstractModelWrapper is the wrapper class used to abstract away the underlying model used in the operations. You do not have to use it for your own methods, but it should simplify some of the tasks.
        • <method_name>.py the implementation of each method. All the classes implement the AbstractMethodInterface.
    • workspace contains every result and output of the framework. You must set up the project for this folder to appear.
      • datasets will be where all the downloaded datasets are stored.
      • env will containt the virtual environment within which the code would work.
      • visdom is the default visdom home.
      • experiments is the location of all the experiments.
        • model_ref is where the reference models will be stored.
        • <exp-name> will be the home directory to each experiment.

Global Variables

There are a few global variables that we use throughout the project. You can examine to get an idea. In this file, we include the list of the available datasets, network architectures, and methods to be used. If you wish to add a new dataset, network architecture, or method you must remember to add the necessary information in the


For datasets, there are two important variables: (i) all_dataset_classes, and (ii) d2_compatiblity. The first variable is simply a list of the dataset classess. To add a new dataset, you must implement the AbstractDomainInterface. See the existing implementations to see how it works, or read the tutorial on that (the link is on the first page).

The second variable contains the compatibility table. Not all the datasets can be used as D_v and D_t for every dataset. For instance, the STL10 has 9/10 classes in common with CIFAR10, therefore, we do not ever use D2=STL10 and D1=CIFAR10 or vice-versa. In the example below, the compatibility table says that when D1=FashionMNIST or D1=CIFAR10, we can use D2=MNIST.

d2_compatiblity = {
    # This can be used as d2 for            # this
    'MNIST'                                 : ['FashionMNIST', 'CIFAR10'],

Network Architectures

The network architectures are organized by their purpose. Some architectures are for classification, some for autoencoding, etc.

For classification, the variable is dataset_reference_classifiers. For each dataset, you must include a list of compatible classifier architecture. If you intend to add a family of architectures, we recommend that you ensure all the instances of that family have the same index within this table. An example table is below:

dataset_reference_classifiers = {
    'MNIST':                [CLS.MNIST_VGG,         CLS.MNIST_Resnet],


The methods section simply contains a dictionary of all the implemented methods.

all_methods = {
    'prob_threshold':   BT.ProbabilityThreshold,
    'score_svm':        SSVM.ScoreSVM,

For more information on the implemented methods see the first page.

Important Classes

Here is the description of the important classes that you should be aware of.


This is the dataset interface that each dataset must implement. You can examine sample implementations such as MNIST to better familiarize yourself with the usage. The following definition is in datasets/

class AbstractDomainInterface(object):
    def get_D1_train(self):  # required
    def get_D1_valid(self):  # required
    def get_D1_test(self):   # required

    def get_D2_valid(self, D1):  # required
    def get_D2_test(self, D1):   # required

    def is_compatible(self, D1): # optional
    def conformity_transform(self): # required

get_D1_{train, valid, test} must return the split of the dataset for train, valid, and test when used as D_s.

get_D2_{valid, test} must return the split of the dataset for valid, and test when used as D_v or D_t. We also provide the D_s being used so that the method can take the necessary actions for spatial resizing and label filtering if necessary.

The output of these functions must be a SubDataset class. SubDataset is a dataset wrapper that simplifies several tasks. You should check out the implementation from here for more information.

is_compatible says whether the provided D_s is compatible with this object as D_v or D_t. There's a default implementation here that relies on the compatibility table in global_vars.

conformity_transform must return a series of transformations that would make other datasets compatible with this dataset. For instance, for MNIST we have

return transforms.Compose([transforms.ToPILImage(),
                            transforms.Resize((28, 28)),

Which would resize every input to 28 x 28 and make the images grayscale. This is used in get_D2_{valid, test} where we wish to return a dataset that is compatible with D_s.


This is the method interface that each method must implement for the evaluation. The ProbabilityThreshold class in is a simple example to learn more.

The AbstractMethodInterface is defined in methods/ The structure is fairly simple.

class AbstractMethodInterface(object):
    def propose_H(self, dataset): # Step 1

    def train_H(self, dataset): # Step 2

    def test_H(self, dataset): # Step 3
    def method_identifier(self): # A string that identifies the model.

The input of Step 1 is a classification dataset. Each item in the dataset is the image and its corresponding label (x_i, y_i). This is the Line 3 of Algorithm 1 in the paper. You must use the given dataset in any way you need. For example:

  • PBThreshold: uses this dataset to train a classifier. The classifier is then saved for the next step where the optimal threshold must be identified.
  • K-NNSVM: Simply saves every x in the dataset as the reference within which we will later find the nearest neighbours.
  • AEThreshold: Trains an autoencoder on the dataset and saves the model.

The function does not have to return anything, but then it must be ready to process train_H, which is the next step in the pipeline.

The input of Step 2 is a mixture dataset for binary classification: {D_s:0, D_t:1}. Your method in this step must train a binary classifier. The output of the function should be the train error. The method should save the reject function inside the object and be ready to evaluate the reject function in test_H.

  • PBThreshold: learns the optimal threshold on the output of the predicitve neural network trained in the previous step.
  • K-NNSVM: trains an SVM on the sorted Euclidean distance of samples from the reference set.
  • AEThreshold: learn the threshold for reconstruction error to separate the outliers.

The input of Step 3 is a mixture dataset for binary classification, just like Step 2. In this step, you must evaluate the performance of the learned reject function on the given dataset and return its accuracy.


This is a helper wrapper. Your method does not have to use this. But then you may want to. Sometimes, the method depends on the output of a previously trained network. For instance, PBThreshold is thresholding the max probability of some neural network. (i) when we are learning the parameters, we only want to tune the threshold parameters and not change the underlying network, (ii) when we are doing the iterative training, we do not have to pass the input image into the network on each iteration, because the output of the underlying network does not change and it would be much slower to do this every time. This wrapper class is meant to simplify the process by implementing the general parts and allowing you to focus on the part of the implementation that is more relevant to your method.

For instance, in PBThreshold we have:

class PTModelWrapper(AbstractModelWrapper):
    """ The wrapper class for H.
        For Base Threshold, we simply apply f(x) = sign(t-x), where x is the max probability and t is the threshold.
        We learn the the threshold with an SVM loss and a zero margin. This yields exactly the optimal threshold learning problem.
    def __init__(self, base_model):
        super(PTModelWrapper, self).__init__(base_model)
        self.H = nn.Module()
        self.H.register_parameter('threshold', nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor([0.5]))) # initialize to prob=0.5 for faster convergence.

        This function implements the part of the procedure where you have to retrieve
        the output of a subnetwork. For PBThreshold, we simply need the max probability.
        During the optimization of the threshold, the method would cache these valus. 
    def subnetwork_eval(self, x):
        base_output = self.base_model(x)
        # Get the max probability out
        input = base_output.exp().max(1)[0].unsqueeze_(1)
        return input.detach()

        Now, given the output of subnetwork_eval, how would you process the result.
        For PBThreshold, it is only a threshold operation. The inputs are max probabilities.
    def wrapper_eval(self, x):
        # Threshold hold the max probability.
        output = self.H.threshold - x
        return output
        Given the output of wrapper_eval, how would you classify?
        For PBThreshold, it's simply the sign. The output must be long.
    def classify(self, x):
        return (x > 0).long()