The whole demo quiz application is divided into components. Each component holds it's own styling and template along with the logic which is written in Typescript.
This application is built with Angular 4.0.0.
In the application Models
represent the basic types in this application for eg. Question
& Choice
holds the basic skeleton of the project.
and QuestionComponent
contain the HTML, CSS & Typescript for Choice
& Question
components respectively.
Data is taken from dummy-data.ts
file which is present in JSON
Application gets initialised in the application component which passes data to the QuestionComponent
which is primarily a question object.
gets rendered inside the CarouselComponent
which is a part of the ngx-bootstrap library.
The Typescript code gets transpilled to Javascript code using webpack. The minified version is hosted on firebase here.
For styling I have used SASS.
I have assigned alt
attribute in the image tags across the templates. Screenreaders pick these really well helping differently abled people.
- Support for arrow key navigation.
- Support for alpha key choice selection.