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Algorithm Concepts & Data Structures

Algorithmically important concepts & questions related to it, plus the variations which will be beneficial to remember. Keep such concepts in cache of your brain to solve questions at high speed. As almost all the questions in the company interviews are repeated.


  • All permutations of a string print , also lexicographically sort them.

    //    Sort the characters of string with ASCII value & then print All permutations
    // Recursive Implementation
    //   perm(str,0,n-1);
    private void permute(String str, int l, int r){
          if (l == r)
              for (int i = l; i <= r; i++)
                  str = swap(str,l,i);
                  permute(str, l+1, r);
                  str = swap(str,l,i);
    // Iterative Implementation
       public static void perm(String par){
       public static void permH(String app, String wor){
               for(int i=0;i<wor.length;i++){
                   permH(app+wor.charAt(i), wor.substring(0, i)+wor.substring(i+1, wor.length()));
  • Maximum Path Sum in Matrix with variation of recursive/dp, with obstacle also.

    // Recursive implementation
    public static int computePaths(int n){
      return recursive(n, 0, 0);
    public static int recursive(int n, int i, int j){
      if( i == n-1 || j == n-1 ){
          //reach either border, only one path
          return 1;
      return recursive(n, i + 1, j) + recursive(n, i, j + 1);
    // Mathematically it is (M+N)__C__(N) OR (M+N)__C__(M).
    // Dp w/o obstacles
    static int numberOfPaths(int m, int n)
          int count[][] = new int[m][n];
          for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
              count[i][0] = 1;
          for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
              count[0][j] = 1;
          for (int i = 1; i < m; i++)
              for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                  count[i][j] = count[i-1][j] + count[i][j-1]; //+ count[i-1][j-1]; if diagonals are also there.
          return count[m-1][n-1];
    // Blocked digits are also there, present.
    // for first row and first column there is only one way 
    // to reach the current cell i.e from previous cell
    //for all other cells there are two ways to reach the 
    //current cell
                path[i][j] = (path[i-1][j]+path[i][j-1]);
    print path[n-1][m-1]
  • Josephus Problem

    // n-people are there, kth person-getting killed. Pick a safe position & stay the last one alive.
    josephus(n, k)
        if (n == 1)
            return 1;
        return (josephus(n - 1, k) + k-1) % n + 1;
  • Recursive Adjacent Duplicates

      // Schemial Painter's Algorithm
      public static void check(String str)
           if(str.length()<=1)   // length related check
           String n="";
           int count=0;
           for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++)
               while(i<str.length()-1 && str.charAt(i)==str.charAt(i+1))
                   if(i<str.length()-2 &&str.charAt(i)!=str.charAt(i+2))    // double skip & single skip condition
               // append conditions -- to this problem
               {if(i==str.length()-1 && str.charAt(i)!=str.charAt(i-1))


  • Introduction
alpha(load factor) = n(= number of keys stored in table)/m(= number of possible entries). Ideal alpha would be as large as possible.
Hashing: Insertion, Deletion & Search in constant time(O(1)). Not efficient in FindMin, FindMax & printing entire table in sorted array.
Hashing Methods applied on key: Truncation, Folding, Key%N, Squaring, Radix Conversion.

Methods of Hashing:

Seperate Chaining: array's keys points to linked list values to be traversed. Simple collision & overflow handling.
Open Addressing: Avoids second data struture of linked list. h(x) = (hash(x)+f(i)), collision resolution strategy.
  Linear Probing: f(i)=i, after collision linear circular increment is done till an empty space is found. Linear Clustering problem, primary clusters reducing performance gets formed.
                  Successful Searches, average= summation(indices hopped for correct value)/number of values searched
                  Unsucessful Searches, average= summation(indices hopped for correct value confirmation, that is absent from table)/number of values searched
  Quadratic Probing: f(i)=i^2, Probe points are relative to original probe points. Secondary clustering problem also exist in this.
  Double Sharing: f(i)=i*hash2(x), hash2(x) must never evaluate to zero. R - (x mod R) where R is prime < table size.
                  Use the normal hash function, when collision happens, than use second hash function.
  • Get maximum value out of a HasMap's value with key in lexicographically sorted order
int maxValueInMap = 0;
        String winner = "";
        Map.Entry<String,Integer> entry;  // don't declare a direct HashMap object
        for (entry : map.entrySet())
            String key  = entry.getKey();
            Integer val = entry.getValue();
            if (val > maxValueInMap)
                maxValueInMap = val;
                winner = key;
            // If there is a tie, pick lexicographically
            // smaller. 
            else if (val == maxValueInMap &&
                winner.compareTo(key) > 0) // winner > key, lexicographically
                winner = key;
  • Largest Sub-Array With Sum 0
// iterate over all sub-arrays, for (i=0 to n-1){ for (j=i to n-1){ sum == 0 check} }
// HashMap approach : O(n) approach
// Create prefix array sum, if prefix sum repeats or becomes zero, sub-array with zero sum exists.
static int maxLen(int arr[]) {
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> hM = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        int sum = 0;      // Initialize sum of elements
        int max_len = 0;  // Initialize result
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
            sum += arr[i];
            if (arr[i] == 0 && max_len == 0)
                max_len = 1;
            if (sum == 0)
                max_len = i+1;
            // Look this sum in hash table
            Integer prev_i = hM.get(sum);
            // If this sum is seen before, then update max_len
            // if required
            if (prev_i != null)
               max_len = Math.max(max_len, i-prev_i);
            else  // Else put this sum in hash table
               hM.put(sum, i);
        return max_len;

  • Number of pairs of substrings of the string which are anagrams of each other.
  int tcount = 0;
  HashMap<String, Integer> hm = new HashMap<>();
  for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++){ 
    for(int j=i+1;j<=s.length();j++){
      String str = s.substring(i,j);
      char[] ch = str.toCharArray();
      str = String.valueOf(ch);
          int value = hm.get(str);
          hm.put(str, value+1);
        hm.put(str, 1);
  return tcount;
  • Check if one sentance can be constructed with words of another-case sensitivity handle
// add words in respective hashmap's with increment of count policy upon duplicacy.
boolean b = false;
  for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : noteMap.entrySet())
         String s = entry.getKey();
           b = true;
             b = false;
return b;
  • Count Geometric triplets in an array, part i<j<k
long cnt = 0;
        // map1 is for keeping count of numbers encountered
        Map<Long, Long> map = new HashMap<>();
        // map2 is for keeping track of previous encountered numbers,
        //previous triplet count associated
        Map<Long, Long> rMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (long n : arr) {
            if (n % r == 0) {
                long pre = n / r;
                Long cnt2 = rMap.get(pre);
                // previous value recalled & added
                if (cnt2 != null) cnt += cnt2;
                // privous g.m recalled & stored
                Long cnt1 = map.get(pre);
                if (cnt1 != null) rMap.put(n, rMap.getOrDefault(n, 0L) + cnt1);
            map.put(n, map.getOrDefault(n, 0L) + 1);
        return cnt;

Arrays, String & Search

  • Kadane's Algorithm:
    max_so_far = 0
    max_ending_here = 0
Loop for each element of the array
  (a) max_ending_here = max_ending_here + a[i]
  (b) if(max_so_far < max_ending_here)
            max_so_far = max_ending_here
  (c) if(max_ending_here < 0)
            max_ending_here = 0
return max_so_far

DP Solution:

int max_so_far = a[0];
int curr_max = a[0];
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
     curr_max = Math.max(a[i], curr_max+a[i]);
     max_so_far = Math.max(max_so_far, curr_max);
return max_so_far;
  • Minimum Swaps to Sort Array in ascending order, unique elements
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length;) {
  if (arr[i] == (i + 1) || arr[i] >= arr.length) {
  int tmp = arr[i];
  arr[i] = arr[tmp - 1];
  arr[tmp - 1] = tmp;
return count;
  • Left & Right Rotation In An Array
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)  // b, be new rotated array
  b[i] = a[((i+n-k)%n)]; // right rotation

for(int i=0;i<n;i++)  // b, be new rotated array
  b[i] = a[((i+n-k)%n)]; // right rotation
  • Array Manipulation, (a,b,k): add k b/w these indices(included)
//"difference array": The entry arr[i]=k indicates that arr[i] is exactly k units larger than arr[i-1]
long[] arr = new long[n];

int lower;
int upper;
long sum;
for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
    if(upper<n) arr[upper]-=sum; 
long max=0;
long temp=0;
// Basically, slope like structures are created, upon summation.
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    temp += arr[i];
    if(temp> max) max=temp;
  • Number of Palindromic Substrings
// initialize counter to n because each character is a
// palindromic string
int counter = n;
// to count consecutive characters that are the same
int consec = 1;
// the middle index of a 3-character symmetry,
// assigned only once detected
int midIndex = -1;
// compare with previous character so start with i=1
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
  if (s.charAt(i) == s.charAt(i-1)) {
  // Condition 1: All of the characters are the same
  // For n consecutive characters that are the same,
  // we have this formula:
  // Number of palindromic strings =
  //     (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + (n-(n-1))
  counter += consec;
  // Condition 2: All characters except the middle one
  // are the same
    if (midIndex > 0) {
    // check for symmetry on both sides
    // of the midIndex
    if ((midIndex-consec) >= 0 && s.charAt(midIndex-consec) == s.charAt(i)) {
    } else {
      // no more possibility of palindromic string
      // with this midIndex
      midIndex = -1; 
  } else {
  // reset consecutive chars counter to 1
   consec = 1;
   // check for a 3-character symmetry
   if (((i-2) >= 0) && s.charAt(i-2) == s.charAt(i)) {
     counter++; // 3-char symmetry is detected
     // to check if the next characters are the same
     // and symmetrical along the midIndex
     midIndex = i-1;
   } else {
      midIndex = -1;
return counter;

Bit Manipulation

  • Few instant java functons for string manipulation
Integer.toBinaryString(i) // to convert to binary string
Integer.bitCount(i) // count number of ones in Binary String
Integer.parseInt("1001", 2); // binary, hex, oct string can be converted into base-10 int value
  • Find first set bit from right
// Normal way 
while ((n & m) == 0)
        // left shift
        m = m << 1;
    return position

// Ninja Way
return (int)((Math.log10(n & -n)) / Math.log10(2)) + 1; // take two's complement, take log2 & add 1 to get the position
  • Total number of set bits in a number
// Counting Approach O(log(n))
while (n > 0)
            count += n & 1;
            n >>= 1;
        return count

// Sofisticated Algorithm,
while (n > 0)
            n &= (n - 1) ;
        return count

// C++, gcc direct count with lookup table it can be done: __builtin_popcount (4)
  • Count total numbers of bits
// Complexity of best solution is O(k*n), k = 64 bits
int i=0;
int ans=0;
while((1<<i)<=n){  // 2^i less than equal to n
  boolean k = false; // flip counter
  int chng = 1<<i;  // 2^i flips to 1
  for(int j=0;j<n;j++){
    if (change == 1) {
      // When change = 1 flip the bit
      k = !k; 
      // again set change to 2^i
      change = 1 << i; 
    else {
  // increment the position
return ans;
  • Toggle bits in given range
num = (((1<<r)-1)^((1<<(l-1))-1))
  • Kth bit is set or not
--> (n & (1 << (k - 1))) >= 1  // left shift approach
--> (n >> (k - 1)) & 1 // right shift approach
  • Right-Most different bit b/w two numbers m & n
--> (int)(Math.log10((m^n)&-(m^n))/Math.log10(2))+1
  • Sparse number, with two consecutive ones counted as non-sparse
---> (n & (n>>1)) >=1 then return 0, else return 1
  • Missing numbers in an array: XOR sum of all numbers till n & XOR sum of all in missing array, then XOR the resultant

  • Swap odd and even bits:

int eb = n&0xAAAAAAAA;
int ob = n&0x55555555;

Dynamic Programming Problems

  • 0/1 Knapsack Problem, Main Logic:
  T[i][j]=Max(val[i]+T[i-1][j-w[i]], T[i-1][j])
  • Longest common subsequence problem:
int lcs( char[] X, char[] Y, int m, int n )
    if (m == 0 || n == 0)
      return 0;
    if (X[m-1] == Y[n-1])
      return 1 + lcs(X, Y, m-1, n-1);
      return max(lcs(X, Y, m, n-1), lcs(X, Y, m-1, n));

// dp solution algorithm logic

  T[i][j]= max(T[i-1][j], T[i][j-1])
  • Matrix Multiplication Maximization:
// Construction of maximum matrix multiplication, bottom up
// Upper triangular matrix
T[i][j]=min{T[i][k]+T[k+1][j]+(val[i]first * val[k]second * val[j]second )}
  • Subset Sum Problem
// Main Algorithmic Logic
  T[i][j]=T[i-1][j] || T[i-1][j-input[i]]

Maths & Puzzles

  • Sieve Of Eratosthenes: Find primes upto 'n' number
boolean[] numPrime(int max){
  int[] flag = new int[max+1];
  int count=0;
  init(flag)  // set all flags either to 0 or 1
  int prime = 2;
    crossOff(flag, prime);
    nextPrime(flag, prime);
    count++;  // for counting the number of primes
  return flag;

void crossOff(boolean[] flag, int prime){
  // prime number, mulipliers are crossed off.
  for(int i=prime*prime;i<flag.length;i+=prime)
    flag[i] = false;

int nextPrime(boolean[] flag, int prime){
  int next=prime+1;
  while(next<flag.length && !flag[next])
  return next;

// Optimize it with using only odd numbers in this array-space.

Greedy Algorithms

  • Huffman Coding: Print Coding Values
class HuffmanNode{
  int data;
  char c;  // type of node, internal or regular
  HuffmanNode l;
  HuffmanNode r;
// Comparator interface implementation, for data comparison
class MyComparator implements Comparator<HuffmanNode> {
    public int compare(HuffmanNode x, HuffmanNode y)
        return -;  // ascending order comparison
public class Huffman{
public static void printCode(HuffmanNode root, String s) {
 // leaf node, to be printed only, not the internal ones
   if (root.left == null && root.right == null && Character.isLetter(root.c)) {
     // c is the character in the node
     System.out.println(root.c + ":" + s);
   printCode(root.left, s + "0");
   printCode(root.right, s + "1");
// main function
public static void main(String[] args) {
   Scanner s = new Scanner(;
   int n = 6;
   char[] charArray = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
   int[] charfreq = { 5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 45 };
   // makes a min-priority queue(min-heap).
   PriorityQueue<HuffmanNode> q = new PriorityQueue<HuffmanNode>(n, new MyComparator());
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     // creating a huffman node object
     // and adding it to the priority-queue.
     HuffmanNode hn = new HuffmanNode();
     hn.c = charArray[i]; = charfreq[i];
     hn.left = null;
     hn.right = null;
     // the huffman node to the queue added.
   // create a root node
   HuffmanNode root = null;
   // Here we will extract the two minimum value
   // from the heap each time until
   // its size reduces to 1, extract until
   // all the nodes are extracted.
    while (q.size() > 1) {
      // first min extract.
      HuffmanNode x = q.peek();
      // second min extarct.
      HuffmanNode y = q.peek();
      // new node f which is equal
      HuffmanNode f = new HuffmanNode();
      // to the sum of the frequency of the two nodes
      // assigning values to the f node. = +;
      f.c = '-';
      // first extracted node as left child.
      f.left = x;
      // second extracted node as the right child.
      f.right = y;
      // marking the f node as the root node.
      root = f;
      // add this node to the priority-queue.
   // print the codes by traversing the tree
   printCode(root, "");
  • Activity Selection Problem
greedySelector(int s[], int f[], int n)  // Sorted according to earliest finishing time in activities.
    int i, j;
    // The first activity always gets selected
    i = 0;
    System.out.print(i+" ");
    // Consider rest of the activities
    for (j = 1; j < n; j++)
         // If this activity has start time greater than or
         // equal to the finish time of previously selected
         // activity, then select it
         if (s[j] >= f[i])
              System.out.print(j+" ");
              i = j;
  • Fractional Knapsack
// Summation(x) <= W
// Summation(b(x/w)), maximize
for each item i E S do
  xi <- 0
  vi <- bi/wi // value per unit
while w<W do
  a<-min(wi, W-wi) // W-wi, might cause an overflow


  • N-Queens Problem`
// Two queens are in same diagonal if (i,j), (k,l) satisfies: |j-l|=|i-k|
// x[] is a global array whose first (k-1) values are set. Stores the column number i in which a queen is placed.
Algorithm Place(K , i)
  For j= 1 to k-1 do
    If ((x[ j ] = i ) 		// two in the same column
      Or ( Abs ( x [ j ]- i) = Abs ( j- k))) // same diagonal
    then return false
  Return true
// Computing time O(k-1)

Algorithm NQueens( K, n)
For i= 1 to n do{
  if place(K ,i) then
    { x[K] := i
      If ( k = n ) then //obtained feasible sequence of length n
        write ( x[1:n]) //print the sequence
      Else Nqueens(K+1 ,n) //sequence is less than the length so backtrack
  • All subsets, with sum S
// tree like structure for backtracking, left-include & right-exclude, each level represented with a number.
// DFS like backtracking, with promising & non-promising nodes. Pruned tree with exceeded sum limit can be avoided.

void checknode (node v) {
node u
if (promising ( v ))    // promising method checks that v can lead to a solution.
	if (aSolutionAt( v ))    // aSolutionAt checks whether the solution solves the problem.
		write the solution
	else //expand the node
	  	for ( each child u of v )
			checknode ( u )

sumOfSubsets ( i, weightSoFar, totalPossibleLeft )    // initial call (0,0,summation(numbers))
  if (promising ( i ))    //may lead to solution
    then if ( weightSoFar == S )
      then print include[ 1 ] to include[ i ]    //found solution
  	else        //expand the node when weightSoFar < S
      include [ i + 1 ] = "yes”    //try including
      sumOfSubsets ( i + 1, weightSoFar + w[i + 1],	totalPossibleLeft - w[i + 1] )
   	  include [ i + 1 ] = "no”     //try excluding
  	  sumOfSubsets ( i + 1, weightSoFar , totalPossibleLeft - w[i + 1] )

boolean promising (i )
1) return ( weightSoFar + totalPossibleLeft >= S)  && ( weightSoFar == S  ||  weightSoFar +  w[i + 1] <= S )

Min/Max-Heap, Binomial Heap, Fibonacci Heap

  • Binary Heap basics : Complete tree(all levels except last are full, and last is full from left to right), suitable for storing in an array. Representation of binary heap is in a level-order manner in an array of numbers.
    A[0] : root
    A[(i-1)/2] : parent node
    A[2i+1] : left node
    i+2] : right node
    Elements greater then A(floor(n/2)+1 ... n) are leaves

  • Methods/Functions implemented on Heaps
    Max-Heapify : O(logn)
    Build-Max-Heap: O(n), establishing a tight upper bound T(n)=Sigma(nh) => Sigma(2^i(h-i)) => O(n)
    HeapSort : O(n*logn)
    Max-Heap-Insert : O(logn)
    Heap-Extract-Max : O(logn)
    Heap-Increase-Key : O(logn)
    Heap-Maximum : O(1)

    Implemented code in

  • Applications Questions related to Heaps

    • Priority Queue Implementation, Dijkastra & Prim uses Heap data structure.
    • K-ary Heaps
    • Kth largest & smallest element in an array.
    • Connect n-ropes with minimum cost.
    • Binary Heap vs BST for priority queue.
    • min-Heap to max-Heap and vice-versa.
  • Binomial Heap explanation : It provides faster merge operations as compared to binary heaps. It is collection of Binomial Tree.

    Binomial Tree :

    A Binomial Tree of order 0 has 1 node. A Binomial Tree of order k can be constructed by taking two binomial trees of order k-1 and making one as leftmost child or other.

    • It has exactly 2k nodes.
    • It has depth as k.
    • There are exactly kCi nodes at depth i for i = 0, 1, . . . , k.
    • The root has degree k and children of root are themselves Binomial Trees with order k-1, k-2,.. 0 from left to right.

    Binary Representation :

    A Binomial Heap with n nodes has the number of Binomial Trees equal to the number of set bits in the Binary representation of n. For example let n be 13, there 3 set bits in the binary representation of n (00001101), hence 3 Binomial Trees. We can also relate the degree of these Binomial Trees with positions of set bits. With this relation, we can conclude that there are O(Logn) Binomial Trees in a Binomial Heap with ‘n’ nodes.

    Implemented merging code in
    Except merge other operations have same time complexity as binary heap.

  • Finonacci Heap : In fibonacci heap trees can have any shape, even single node shape for all trees. Each tree is having min/max heap properties

    • Find-Min(O(1)), Delete-Min(O(logn)) same as in binary & binomial heap.
    • Insert : Θ(1) [Θ(Log n) in Binary and Θ(1) in Binomial]
    • Decrease-Key : Θ(1) [Θ(Log n) in both Binary and Binomial]
    • Merge : Θ(1) [Θ(m Log n) or Θ(m+n) in Binary and Θ(Log n) in Binomial]
    • Extract minimum is a complicated operation, others use lazy approach & simply add/merge to rest structure without any alteration.

    Implemented merging code in

    It maintains a pointer to min element. All roots are connected with double linked list.
