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This is just a proof of concept project, to send instant telegram channel notification on slot availability on COWIN portal. it cannot book a slot automatically. Public Cowin API details can be found here (

Currently, it can send telegram notification of the slots availability based on the district_id and age provided, booking has to be done in the cowin portal only. This tool just helps in getting notification as soon as the slots get listed in the Cowin portal.


Python 3.7.3 Installation in Windows

  • Check if Python is already installed by opening command prompt and running python --version.
  • If the above command returns Python <some-version-number> you're probably good - provided version number is above 3.6
  • If Python's not installed, command would say something like: 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  • If so, download the installer from:
  • Run that. In the first screen of installer, there will be an option at the bottom to "Add Python 3.7 to Path". Make sure to select it.
  • Open command prompt and run python --version. If everything went well it should say Python 3.7.3
  • You're all set!


Clone the repository by running below commands in command prompt -

$ git clone

in case you don't have git setup download the zip file as shown below-


install the dependencies by running below command on command prompt:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Once pip has finished downloading the dependencies start the python worker by using the below cmd . It requires 2 mandatory parameters and 2 optional parameter

  1. district id
  2. age
  3. refresh rate (default value : 5 sec , excepted values 5, 10, 15, 20 ,25 ,30)
  4. channel_chat_id (optional)

In case no channel_chat_id is given, notifications will go to telegram channel "cowin U45 Blore-Dev".

How to find district id for your area

Step 1: Hit the api in browser:

Step 2: It will show the list of all states along with the state id as shown below:


Step 3: Grab the state id for your state.

Step 4: Hit the api in browser as shown below:{state_id}

example: Get all district in maharashtra :


Step 5: Grab the district id for your region example: For pune it's 363

How to provide age parameter

As per current guidelines from government vaccine availability comes in 2 category based on age group

  1. 18 - 44 group
  2. 45+ age group

bot will run for any one of these age group only. for any age below 45 bot will run for 18-45 age group and any age above 45 bot will run for 45+ age group. Please see example below to understand more.

How to create new Telegram channel and give channel_chat_id

Step 1: Go to Telegram and create a new channel like cowin U45 {region name}. Once channel is created, go to add members and add cowinUnder45bot to the channel and make it as admin.







Step 2: hit below api in browser - and search for your channel in the result as shown below,

getUpdates api

Step 3: Grab the chat id for your channel as shown above. Now you are ready to run the worker.

Goto command prompt and run below commands :

$ cd Cowin-slot-availibility-notifier

$ python {district_id} {age} --refresh {refresh rate} --chatId {channel_chat_id}

$ python 363 32 --refresh 15 --chatId -1001463113416
'363 is district_id for pune'
'32 is age given for 18-45 age group'
'-1001463113416 is the chat id for cowin U45 Pune telegram channel'

Note - Cowin U45 Pune channel is only used as an example, it's not functional as of now.

Anyone willing to contribute can start a new channel for their region by following the above steps and can help people in their region to get vax availability notification.

Telegram channel created through this repo for Bangalore BBMP region:

Worker for Telegram channel is handled by github owner of this repository (, and it's fully functional. Join the telegram public channel 'cowin U45 Bangalore' ( to receive instant notification on slots availability. Once anyone joins above telegram channel, user will start receiving notification in telegram under above channel name.


To see how this repo will work after configuring, you can directly run dev instance "" of this bot without doing any of the above steps and join telegram channel "cowin U45 Blore-Dev".

once you run below command and join above mentioned telegram channel, you will start getting notification. Below command is using district id for Pune and age group between 18-45.

$ python {district_id} {age} --refresh {refresh rate} --chatId {channel_chat_id}

python 363 32 --refresh 15 --chatId -1001172971393 
'363 is district_id for Pune'
'32 is age and will run for age 18-45'
'-1001172971393 is the chat Id for cowin U45 Blore-Dev telegram channel'


Public APIs provided by CoWin app are currently not returning realtime slots so there might be a slight delay in notification for few cases. We strongly recommend you to visit to search & book directly as well. List of states and corresponding districts can be fetched from the public api respectively

drop me message on telegram for any support or help: @ashit44244(
