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File metadata and controls

163 lines (131 loc) · 5.31 KB


A [relatively] simple .NET 6 logging library. Originally made by byte-0x74, extended by asoji.

What's different between this and the original repo?

  • Uses .NET 6 instead of .NET Framework 4.x
  • The text is more way readable [in my opinion]*
  • Customizable severity level colors
  • Added the whole Syslog Severity Level standardization [read about that here], cranking from 4 severity levels to 8.
  • Uses your local timezone in logs instead of UTC timezone
  • Switchable between : and => in logs, like NOTICE: This is notice text! or NOTICE => This is notice text! using cfg.UseColon
  • Ability to have Critical-Emergency logs be logged in a seperate file through cfg.SeperateCriticalLogs
  • Probably a lot of breaking changes, but I plan on basically keeping this seperate from the original project.

Basically, I should've just made my own logger considering how much I changed, but eh, this fork works, and I'm pretty happy with it.

*- This is what the original looked like on my screen in Rider and oh no.


It looks a lot better like this now


How to use?


You have 2 ways:

  • [as of], you can now just grab EasyLogPlus from NuGet, or dotnet add package EasyLogPlus
  • Install EasyLogPlus from GitHub's NuGet Registry, instructions here, make sure the author is asoji


  • Add using EasyLogPlus; to the top, and then add
Logger log = new Logger();
Config cfg = new Config();

Customization Options

If you want customize settings add these, keeping in mind that this whole SetConfig() is optional, and not required to run the application.

void SetConfig()
    cfg.ShowDate = true; // If this is set to true, it will add date to the log
    cfg.Console = true; // If this is set to true, it will print the log to Console too
    cfg.SeperateCriticalLogs = true; // If this is set to true, it will print Critical-Emergency logs to a seperate log file

    // ENTIRELY optional, just add and change if you want.
    cfg.UseColon = true; // If set to true, uses `:` in logs instead of `=>`

    cfg.LogPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + $@"\Application.log"; // Sets where your Log saves and under what name

    // Logger color customization
    cfg.DebugText = ConsoleColor.Blue;
    cfg.InfoText = System.Console.ForegroundColor;
    cfg.NoticeText = ConsoleColor.Green;
    cfg.WarningText = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
    cfg.ErrorText = ConsoleColor.Red;
    cfg.CriticalText = ConsoleColor.White;
    cfg.AlertText = ConsoleColor.White;
    cfg.EmergencyText = ConsoleColor.White;

    cfg.DebugBackground = System.Console.BackgroundColor;
    cfg.InfoBackground = System.Console.BackgroundColor;
    cfg.NoticeBackground = System.Console.BackgroundColor;
    cfg.WarningBackground = System.Console.BackgroundColor;
    cfg.ErrorBackground = System.Console.BackgroundColor;
    cfg.CriticalBackground = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
    cfg.AlertBackground = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
    cfg.EmergencyBackground = ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta;

Then in your application main void add these, this is required.

log.cfg = cfg;
log.InitLogger(); // Call this to init logger

Using Logs

  • Debug Log
log.Debug("Hello from log, this is debug");
  • Info Log
log.Info("Hello from log, this is info");
  • Notice Log
log.Notice("Hello from log, this is notice");
  • Warning Log
log.Warning("Hello from log, this is warning");
  • Error Log
log.Error("Hello from log, this is error");
  • Critical Log
log.Critical("Hello from log, this is critical")
  • Alert Log
log.Alert("Hello from log, this is alert")
  • Emergency Log
log.Emergency("Hello from log, this is emergency")

[terrible] Example

class Program {
        static Logger log = new Logger();
        static Config cfg = new Config();
        static void SetConfig() {
            cfg.LogPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\Application.log";
            cfg.ShowDate = true;
            cfg.Console = true;
            cfg.SeperateCriticalLogs = true;

            cfg.UseColon = false;

            cfg.CriticalBackground = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
            cfg.NoticeText = ConsoleColor.Magenta;

        static void Main(string[] args) {
            log.cfg = cfg;

            try {
                // do some random shit
            } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException outOfRangeException) {
                log.Critical("hey something is out of range?");


This project [well, fork] is MIT Licensed. Thank you byte-0x74/0x74 for making the original lib C: