Documentation of all changes to this project.
- New option in the command line interface allowing to ignore certain Bibtex field entries (#12)
- Prevent the removal of function keys from journal names (#13)
- Fix empty journal names reported for books and incollection entries (#14)
- Allow equal signs in Bibtex field contents (#9)
- Fix words being replaced multiple times (#15)
- Switch from python internal string splitting method to regular expression based splitting to prevent the erroneous splitting of author names (#16)
- Improve the reobustness of the algorithm used to identify and separate Bibtex entry fields (#19)
0.1.0 - 05.12.2019
- Custom Bibtex key generator allowing to easily replace the Bibtex keys generated by Zotero with alternative and customizable user defined keys (#3)
- Several smaller bugfixes and optimizations applied to the regular expressions for content matching
0.0.1 - 14.11.2019
Initial release of the project. Implements the basic functionality required to unescape Latex content in exported Zotero files.