Service used to publish the latest Merkle Feed onchain and the associated data on Redis.
The service is ran through the CLI, to have more information you can use the --help
.venv ❯ uv run merkle_maker --help
Usage: merkle_maker [OPTIONS]
Merkle Maker entry point.
Logging level.
-n, --network [sepolia|mainnet]
On which networks the checkpoints will be
set. [required]
--redis-host TEXT Host where the Redis service is live. Format
is HOST:PORT, example: localhost:6379
--rpc-url TEXT RPC url used by the onchain client.
--publisher-name TEXT Name of the publisher of the Merkle Feed.
--publisher-address TEXT Address of the publisher of the Merkle Feed.
-p, --private-key TEXT Private key of the publisher. Format:
aws:secret_name, plain:private_key,
env:ENV_VAR_NAME, or
-b, --block-interval INTEGER RANGE
Delay in block between each new Merkle Feed
is published. [x>=1]
--help Show this message and exit.
For example:
uv run merkle_maker --publisher-name $PUBLISHER_NAME --publisher-address $PUBLISHER_ADDRESS -p plain:$PUBLISHER_PV_KEY
Will start publishing a new Merkle Feed onchain through a GenericEntry every blocks and store the data used in a Redis database, by default to localhost:6379