PURIFY is an open-source collection of routines written in C++
available under the license below. It implements different tools and high-level to perform radio interferometric imaging, i.e. to recover images from the Fourier measurements taken by radio interferometric telescopes.
PURIFY leverages recent developments in the field of compressive sensing and convex optimization. Low-level functionality to solve the resulting convex optimisation is factored into the open-source companion code, SOPT, also written by the authors of PURIFY. For further background please see the reference section.
This documentation outlines the necessary and optional dependencies upon which PURIFY should be built, before describing installation, testing and usage details. Contributors, references and license information then follows.
PURIFY is written in C++11
. Required software and libraries, and their minimum supported versions, are listed below. The build system will attempt to automatically download and build the automatically included libraries. (an internet connection is required for this). Most dependencies are handled by the conan
package manager.
In order to build PURIFY, you should have the following installed on your system.
- CMake v3.5.1 A free software that allows cross-platform compilation
- conan v1.60.1
package manager. NOTE Conan 2.0 and later are not supported. - GCC v7.3.0 GNU compiler for
- OpenMP v4.8.4 - Optional - Speeds up some of the operations.
- MPI v3.1.1 - Optional - Parallelisation paradigm to speed up operations.
The build system of PURIFY will attempt to download and build these additional dependencies, depending on the build options passed to conan
. Most of them are automatically handled by conan
- astro-informatics/sopt v4.0.0: Sparse Optimization Compressed Sensing library. Included as a submodule.
- UCL/GreatCMakeCookOff Collection of
recipes. Downloaded automatically if absent. - Boost v1.78.0: A set of free peer-reviewed portable C++ libraries. Downloaded automatically by conan.
- fftw3 v3.3.9: Fastest Fourier Transform in the West. Downloaded automatically by conan.
- Eigen3 v3.3.7: Modern
linear algebra. Downloaded automatically by conan. - tiff v4.0.9: Tag Image File Format library. Downloaded automatically by conan.
- cfitsio: v4.0.0: Library of
subroutines for reading and writing data files in FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) data format. Downloaded automatically by conan. - yaml-cpp v0.6.3: YAML parser and emitter in
. Downloaded automatically by conan. - casacore - Optional - Needed to interface with measurement sets. The main PURIFY program requires this library (and its dependencies)
- spdlog v1.9.2: Optional - Logging library. Downloaded automatically by conan.
- Catch2 v2.13.9: Optional - A
unit-testing framework only needed for testing. Downloaded automatically by conan. - google/benchmark v1.6.0: Optional - A
micro-benchmarking framework only needed for benchmarks. Downloaded automatically by conan.
To build PURIFY:
Once the mandatory user-provided dependencies are present,
git clone
from the GitHub repository:git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/astro-informatics/purify.git
Create a
package forsopt
conan create /path/to/purify/sopt/ --build missing -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 -pr:h=default -pr:b=default
Then, the program can be built using
:cd /path/to/purify mkdir build conan install .. --build missing -pr:h=default -pr:b=default conan build ..
You can turn the various options on and off by adding flags to the
conan install
command, e.g. The full list of build options can be found in the conanfile.conan install .. --build missing -o cppflow=on -o openmp=on -o mpi=off -pr:h=default -pr:b=default
The sopt
library includes an interface to TensorFlow for using trained models as priors in the Forward-Backward optimization algorithm. To build PURIFY with TensorFlow capability, some extra steps are currently required. We aim to simplify the build process in a future release.
Install the TensorFlow C API
Clone the UCL fork of
and create aconan
package usinggit clone [email protected]:UCL/cppflow.git conan create /path/to/cppflow/ -pr:h=default -pr:b=default
Once the mandatory user-provided dependencies are present,
git clone
from the GitHub repository:git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/astro-informatics/purify.git
Create a
package forsopt
with thecppflow
option set to "on"conan create /path/to/purify/sopt/ --build missing -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 -o cppflow=on -pr:h=default -pr:b=default
Then, the program can be built using
with thecppflow
option set to "on":cd /path/to/purify mkdir build conan install .. --build missing -o cppflow=on -pr:h=default -pr:b=default conan build ..
To check everything went all right, run the test suite:
cd /path/to/purify/build
ctest .
The main purify
executable lives either in the build directory or in the in the bin
of the installation directory. purify
has one required argument, it a string for the file path of the config file containing the settings.
purify path/to/config.yaml
A template with a description of the settings
is included in the data/config
When purify
runs a directory will be created, and the output images will be
saved and time-stamped. Additionally, a config file with the settings used will
be saved and time-stamped, helping for reproducibility and book-keeping.
A Dockerfile is available on DockerHub. We are currently not maintaining it, and cannot guarantee it is up to date. Use the below documentation at your own risk.
If you want to use Docker instead, you can build an image using the Dockerfile available in the repository or pulling it from DockerHub.
docker build -t purify .
docker pull uclrits/purify
Then to use it, you should mount the directory with your data and config files
to /mydata
in the container. To run the container and mount the directory is
docker run -it --name purify -v /full/path/to/data:/mydata uclrits/purify
That will start a shell inside the container in the /mydata
directory where
you can see all the files from your /full/path/to/data
. There you can run
as shown above.`
Check the [contributors](@ref purify_contributors) page (github).
If you use PURIFY for work that results in publication, please reference the webpage and our related academic papers:
- L. Pratley, et al. "Distributed convex optimization for Radio Interferometry with PURIFY". Link will be here soon!
- L. Pratley, M. Johnston-Hollitt, J. D. McEwen, "A fast and exact w-stacking and w-projection hybrid algorithm for wide-field interferometric imaging". Submitted to ApJ arXiv:1807.09239
- L. Pratley, J. D. McEwen, M. d'Avezac, R. E. Carrillo, A. Onose, Y. Wiaux. "Robust sparse image reconstruction of radio interferometric observations with PURIFY". Accepted (2016) arxiv:1610.02400
- A. Onose, R. E. Carrillo, A. Repetti, J. D. McEwen, J.-P. Thiran, J.-C. Pesquet, and Y. Wiaux. "Scalable splitting algorithms for big-data interferometric imaging in the SKA era" Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 462(4):4314-4335 (2016) arXiv:1601.04026
- R. E. Carrillo, J. D. McEwen and Y. Wiaux. "PURIFY: a new approach to radio-interferometric imaging". Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 439(4):3591-3604 (2014) arXiv:1307.4370
PURIFY Copyright (C) 2013-2019
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (LICENSE.txt).
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
For any questions or comments, feel free to contact Jason McEwen, or add an issue to the issue tracker.
The code is given for educational purpose. The code is in beta and still under development.