diff --git a/specreduce/extract.py b/specreduce/extract.py
index b792be88..af3020a8 100644
--- a/specreduce/extract.py
+++ b/specreduce/extract.py
@@ -117,6 +117,34 @@ def _ap_weight_image(trace, width, disp_axis, crossdisp_axis, image_shape):
     return wimage
+def _align_along_trace(img, trace_array, disp_axis=1, crossdisp_axis=0):
+    """
+    Given an arbitrary trace ``trace_array`` (an np.ndarray), roll
+    all columns of ``nddata`` to shift the NDData's pixels nearest
+    to the trace to the center of the spatial dimension of the
+    NDData.
+    """
+    # TODO: this workflow does not support extraction for >2D spectra
+    if not (disp_axis == 1 and crossdisp_axis == 0):
+        # take the transpose to ensure the rows are the cross-disp axis:
+        img = img.T
+    n_rows, n_cols = img.shape
+    # indices of all columns, in their original order
+    rows = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(n_rows)[:, None], img.shape)
+    cols = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(n_cols), img.shape)
+    # we want to "roll" each column so that the trace sits in
+    # the central row of the final image
+    shifts = trace_array.astype(int) - n_rows // 2
+    # we wrap the indices so we don't index out of bounds
+    shifted_rows = np.mod(rows + shifts[None, :], n_rows)
+    return img[shifted_rows, cols]
 class BoxcarExtract(SpecreduceOperation):
@@ -462,6 +490,23 @@ def __call__(self, image=None, trace_object=None,
         img = np.ma.masked_array(self.image.data, or_mask)
         mask = img.mask
+        # If the trace is not flat, shift the rows in each column
+        # so the image is aligned along the trace:
+        if isinstance(trace_object, FlatTrace):
+            mean_init_guess = trace_object.trace
+        else:
+            img = _align_along_trace(
+                img,
+                trace_object.trace,
+                disp_axis=disp_axis,
+                crossdisp_axis=crossdisp_axis
+            )
+            # Choose the initial guess for the mean of
+            # the Gaussian profile:
+            mean_init_guess = np.broadcast_to(
+                img.shape[crossdisp_axis] // 2, img.shape[disp_axis]
+            )
         # co-add signal in each image column
         ncols = img.shape[crossdisp_axis]
         xd_pixels = np.arange(ncols)  # y plot dir / x spec dir
@@ -483,7 +528,8 @@ def __call__(self, image=None, trace_object=None,
         norms = []
         for col_pix in range(img.shape[disp_axis]):
             # set gaussian model's mean as column's corresponding trace value
-            fit_ext_kernel.mean_0 = trace_object.trace[col_pix]
+            fit_ext_kernel.mean_0 = mean_init_guess[col_pix]
             # NOTE: support for variable FWHMs forthcoming and would be here
             # fit compound model to column
diff --git a/specreduce/tests/test_extract.py b/specreduce/tests/test_extract.py
index c711f2e3..8bd54d83 100644
--- a/specreduce/tests/test_extract.py
+++ b/specreduce/tests/test_extract.py
@@ -3,8 +3,12 @@
 import astropy.units as u
 from astropy.nddata import CCDData, VarianceUncertainty, UnknownUncertainty
+from astropy.tests.helper import assert_quantity_allclose
+from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
-from specreduce.extract import BoxcarExtract, HorneExtract, OptimalExtract
+from specreduce.extract import (
+    BoxcarExtract, HorneExtract, OptimalExtract, _align_along_trace
 from specreduce.tracing import FlatTrace, ArrayTrace
@@ -149,3 +153,47 @@ def test_horne_variance_errors():
         # object doesn't have those attributes (e.g., numpy and Quantity arrays)
         ext = extract(image=image.data, variance=err,
                       mask=image.mask, unit=u.Jy)
+def test_horne_non_flat_trace():
+    # create a synthetic "2D spectrum" and its non-flat trace
+    n_rows, n_cols = (10, 50)
+    original = np.zeros((n_rows, n_cols))
+    original[n_rows // 2] = 1
+    # create small offsets along each column to specify a non-flat trace
+    trace_offset = np.polyval([2e-3, -0.01, 0], np.arange(n_cols)).astype(int)
+    exact_trace = n_rows // 2 - trace_offset
+    # re-index the array with the offsets applied to the trace (make it non-flat):
+    rows = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(n_rows)[:, None], original.shape)
+    cols = np.broadcast_to(np.arange(n_cols), original.shape)
+    roll_rows = np.mod(rows + trace_offset[None, :], n_rows)
+    rolled = original[roll_rows, cols]
+    # all zeros are treated as non-weighted (give non-zero fluxes)
+    err = 0.1 * np.ones_like(rolled)
+    mask = np.zeros_like(rolled).astype(bool)
+    # unroll the trace using the Horne extract utility function for alignment:
+    unrolled = _align_along_trace(rolled, n_rows // 2 - trace_offset)
+    # ensure that mask is correctly unrolled back to its original alignment:
+    np.testing.assert_allclose(unrolled, original)
+    # These synthetic extractions don't fit well with a Gaussian, so will pass warning:
+    with pytest.warns(AstropyUserWarning, match="The fit may be unsuccessful"):
+        # Extract the spectrum from the non-flat image+trace
+        extract_non_flat = HorneExtract(
+            rolled, ArrayTrace(rolled, exact_trace),
+            variance=err, mask=mask, unit=u.Jy
+        )()
+        # Also extract the spectrum from the image after alignment with a flat trace
+        extract_flat = HorneExtract(
+            unrolled, FlatTrace(unrolled, n_rows // 2),
+            variance=err, mask=mask, unit=u.Jy
+        )()
+    # ensure both extractions are equivalent:
+    assert_quantity_allclose(extract_non_flat.flux, extract_flat.flux)