2.0.1 (2022-08-19)
- only normalize names that are not explicitly provided (ff04551)
2.0.0 (2022-08-19)
- add plugin key to adapt links before they are added to the table
- add plugin key to adapt links before they are added to the table (ca67451)
1.0.2 (2022-08-16)
- fix error in fully qualified name resolution (77ef011)
1.0.1 (2022-08-16)
- add .yaml extension to default configuration file (b0d170f)
- add configuration for import sort in scalafix (58c7edf)
- add missing v in tag push (4145951)
- clarify error codes when publishing (10550ec)
- create target directory if it does not exist when serializing a table (3891302)
- fix behaviour in case of leftover entities (7adcf85)
- fix bug in file lookup (0cdddd3)
- fix configuration parsing (17d3fc2)
- fix error in case class lookup (292ffbf)
- fix error message typing (a9e6cc2)
- fix json parsing of IgnoredSelectors (f45898f)
- fix resolution of selector (e9562a6)
- fix table serialisation (073cb9c)
- get branch name from git command (095b579)
- link generation (9b88820)
- link in markdown table (f7637a6)
- lookupdir instead of working dir in Ubidoc file (630f0d6)
- only consider html files (deccc79)
- plugin parameters (6087842)
- release script (d54ce75)
- removed jitpack resolver for markdown generator library (c83bc23)
- scalafmt reformat (c9d65eb)
- table serialization only applies to Tables with Rows and not entitites (26426df)
- wartremover errors (ea41fb4)
- wartremover silence errors (5933729)
- world normalization (c97bf44)
- add entities parsing (c9a3cb2)
- add Entity parsing (1f34b59)
- add fileNameSuffix key (7e61b82)
- add multiple table reading and ignored files (1ee2d9a)
- add plugin keys (124f512)
- allow custom names (3c52d18)
- change configuration spec to avoid connflicts (4903a2b)
- configuration parsing (ebebe22)
- correctly resolve documentation links (bf2fa1c)
- no longer fail when there are ignored entities (b096fe9)
- normalize row names (7b26ac5)
- table generation from all entities file (0e1af77)
- ubiquitousScaladoc plugin implementation (45a92fa)
- use new selector kind (3f2a137)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2022-07-29)
- add missing v in tag push (0f967e5)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2022-07-29)
- clarify error codes when publishing (207600c)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2022-07-29)
- fix behaviour in case of leftover entities (a00fead)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2022-07-26)
- removed jitpack resolver for markdown generator library (b519ce1)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2022-07-20)
- no longer fail when there are ignored entities (290327e)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-07-19)
- add .yaml extension to default configuration file (cf3b685)
- create target directory if it does not exist when serializing a table (e23c573)
- fix bug in file lookup (94b0c63)
- fix configuration parsing (e40205e)
- fix error message typing (2d6ce55)
- fix json parsing of IgnoredSelectors (9c0be26)
- fix resolution of selector (a9bf2e7)
- fix table serialisation (330cec7)
- link generation (4c40fff)
- link in markdown table (4ed6db6)
- lookupdir instead of working dir in Ubidoc file (5583f76)
- only consider html files (2fd5769)
- table serialization only applies to Tables with Rows and not entitites (1a95bb1)
- world normalization (7125224)
- add entities parsing (0ac73da)
- add Entity parsing (fdb1525)
- add multiple table reading and ignored files (6092729)
- change configuration spec to avoid connflicts (32d02d8)
- configuration parsing (5113a6b)
- correctly resolve documentation links (26f4ed7)
- normalize row names (88cec85)
- table generation from all entities file (8cf1473)
- use new selector kind (b2d4deb)
- add configuration for import sort in scalafix (9590e89)
- get branch name from git command (e0fe7e8)
- plugin parameters (cc6aa32)
- release script (b3c5174)
- scalafmt reformat (3ad85a6)
- wartremover errors (deb41cb)
- wartremover silence errors (b9c3500)
- add fileNameSuffix key (cb97277)
- add plugin keys (b8d92cb)
- ubiquitousScaladoc plugin implementation (06f0210)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2022-07-03)
- add fileNameSuffix key (cb97277)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-06-19)
- get branch name from git command (e0fe7e8)