- updated wrf_raster projections
- added support to WRF Polar and Mercator grids in wrf_raster
- wrf_get(as_raster = T) uses wrf_raster
- updated wrf_raster cen_lon
- added prefix argument in wrf_create, doc update
- added check option on wrf_put (to check NA and negative values)
- added support for 4d arrays in wrf_raster
- added support to Equidistant Cylindrical projection in wrf_raster function
- added overwrite option in wrf_create
- updates in wrf_create for all wrf emission options
- added argument return_fn to return the name of last file created
- wrf_meta uses stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- wrf_create returns file_name
- Add wrf_summary
- fix #56
- add neu_ecb05 which is ecb05_opt2 Northeastern University group.
- update emisco
- remove geometry arguments from to_rline, now derived in to_rline
- replaces sfx_explode with own function with data.table.
- Drops dependence on tidyr, silicate (>= 0.3), sfheaders (>= 0.2.1).
- Update chem_edgar neu_cb05 (2020-11-07)
- Add article to plot domains
- Add
to read EDGARs NetCDF and return RasterStack from Chemical Mechanism.
chem_edgar` includes units conversion and messages. - Improve documentation
- Included EDGAR 5 and updated links in get_edgar
- Improved example of to_munich, emissions must enter into MUNICH with units ug/km/h
- Add wrf_meta to return attributes from a wrf tile into a data.frame.
- update imported packages to avoid errors for CRAN.
- update wrf_grid.
- improves docs.
- update wrf_grid.
- internal changes on wrf_create, os replaced for separator for minimal structural changes
- add argument change_latlon in wrf_grid
- add argument 'os' in wrf_create to control the name in the resulting file
- added 'time' option to wrf_get to return a POSIXlt object from model time
- wrf_put works with POSIXlt objects for Times/time variable
- improves wrf_put, argument mult now can have any length supporting different hourly profiles
- adds sfx_explode to split lines with hypertidy/silicate#102
- adds as-raster in wrf_grid
- adds get_edgar
- wrf_create update: windowns files has '%3A' on ':' to autorename when transferred with WinSCP
- wrf_profile update
- to_wrf update
- added wrf_add function
- update wrf_create for WRF 4.0.1 and detailed documentation for this function ( fix #36 )
- update emis_opt for WRF 4.0.1
- Add to_munich. Fix #18.
- Fix to_as4wrf when sdf is list..
- Added data gCO.
- Added function as4wrf.
- Added tests.
- Documentation.
- Documentation.
- Remove regrid.
- Prepare submissions to JOSS
- exemple fix
- remove warning message
- Fix wrf_grid. add regrid.
- Adding data rawprofile. Deleting wrf_temporal.R and adding wrf_profile.R
- Adding option in wrf_grid to read wrfinput from real or geo_em files from geogrid.
- Adding wrf_grid to create spatial grids bassed on wrf files.
- Fix #6: Incuding functions to SPM BRAMS.
- Improve documentation of emisco, example of to_rline and Readme.md.
- Adding Lights data
- Adding to_smoke and to_cmaq initial functions
- some fixes
- add the _style_emissions = 1 to wrf_create
- add the internal kemit to the wrf_emission function
- new funtions plot wrf emission
- new set to funtions to work with WRF-chem emissions
- improving format for to_rline output. Deleting argument x in to_rline. Adding Daniel Schuch
- testing first function: to_rline
- First commit