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core binings for app-comment


If you are not using this with app-comment then you need to have databaseId and collectionId

Getting started 🚀


  • signup for appwrite cloud or self-host it
  • go to appwrite console and create a project
  • go into projects setting and create api key with scope database, auth and storage
  • you will need projectId , api key and appwrite-baseurl (if you are using appwrite clound then it is [] )
  • make sure you have nodeJs installed in your system if you are using this as stand alone


npm i @app-comment/core

Automated install

npx @app-comment/app-comment-cli

This will setup the app-comment project and install all the required dependencies.


// appcomment.js
import appComment from @app-comment/core
const appConfig = {
    baseURL : "",
    projectId : <your project id>,
    api : <your appwrite api>,
    databaseId : <database id>, // optional
    collectionId : <collection id> // optional
const appcomment = new appComment(...appConfig)

export default appcomment

Now use appcomment in your project

Quick Start ⏩

import appcomment from <path-to-appcomment.js>

// list all the documents of a given collection
// top-level await is only avialable in nodejs 14+
const allDocuments = await appcomment.listDocuments()


let allDocuments
;(async ()=>{
   allDocuments = await appcomment.listDocuments()

built-in methods

methods arguments
createUser email, password,name,userId
userLogin email,password
userLogout void
getLoggedInUser void
getUser userId
getAllUsers query?, search?
createDatabase databaseId?, databasename?
getDatabase databaseId
createCollection collectionId?, databaseId
getCollection collectionId, databaseId
createDocument databaseId, collectionId, data, userId
getdocument documentId
listAllDocuments databaseId, collectionId, query?
deleteDocument documentId
updateDocument databaseId, collectionId, data
createBool databaseId, collectionId, options
createString databaseId, collectionId, options
createNumber databaseId, collectionId, options