diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/CMakeLists.txt b/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/CMakeLists.txt
index 650917ba..084bb9a8 100644
--- a/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -61,9 +61,8 @@ if(BUILD_TESTING)
-  add_validation_test(regulatory_elements_details_for_traffic_lights)
-  add_validation_test(regulatory_element_details)
+  add_validation_test(regulatory_elements_details_for_traffic_lights)
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/test/src/test_missing_regulatory_elements.cpp b/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/test/src/test_missing_regulatory_elements.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed13af24..00000000
--- a/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/test/src/test_missing_regulatory_elements.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2024 Autoware Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "lanelet2_map_validator/validators/crosswalk/missing_regulatory_elements_for_crosswalks.hpp"
-#include "lanelet2_map_validator/validators/stop_line/missing_regulatory_elements_for_stop_lines.hpp"
-#include "lanelet2_map_validator/validators/traffic_light/missing_regulatory_elements_for_traffic_lights.hpp"
-#include <autoware_lanelet2_extension/regulatory_elements/autoware_traffic_light.hpp>
-#include <autoware_lanelet2_extension/regulatory_elements/crosswalk.hpp>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <lanelet2_core/LaneletMap.h>
-using lanelet::AttributeMap;
-using lanelet::AttributeName;
-using lanelet::AttributeValueString;
-using lanelet::Lanelet;
-using lanelet::LaneletMapPtr;
-using lanelet::LineString3d;
-using lanelet::Point3d;
-using lanelet::Polygon3d;
-using lanelet::RegulatoryElementPtr;
-using lanelet::TrafficLight;
-using lanelet::autoware::Crosswalk;
-using lanelet::utils::getId;
-class TestSuite : public ::testing::Test
-  TestSuite() { initializeAttributes(); }
-  ~TestSuite() override = default;
-  void initializeAttributes()
-  {
-    // Stop Line
-    sl_attr_[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::StopLine;
-    // Traffic Light
-    tl_attr_[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::TrafficLight;
-    tl_attr_[AttributeName::Subtype] = "red_yellow_green";
-    tl_attr_["height"] = "0.5";
-    // Crosswalk polygon
-    cw_poly_attr_[AttributeName::Type] =
-      lanelet::autoware::Crosswalk::AutowareRoleNameString::CrosswalkPolygon;
-    // Crosswalk
-    cw_attr_[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::Lanelet;
-    cw_attr_[AttributeName::Subtype] = AttributeValueString::Crosswalk;
-    cw_attr_[AttributeName::SpeedLimit] = "10";
-    cw_attr_[AttributeName::OneWay] = "no";
-    cw_attr_[AttributeName::Location] = AttributeValueString::Urban;
-    cw_attr_[AttributeName::ParticipantPedestrian] = "yes";
-    // Regulatory element of traffic light
-    AttributeMap tl_re_attr_ = AttributeMap();
-    tl_re_attr_[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::RegulatoryElement;
-    tl_re_attr_[AttributeName::Subtype] = AttributeValueString::TrafficLight;
-    // Regulatory element of crosswalk
-    AttributeMap cw_re_attr_ = AttributeMap();
-    cw_re_attr_[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::RegulatoryElement;
-    cw_re_attr_[AttributeName::Subtype] = AttributeValueString::Crosswalk;
-  }
-  void addTestMap(LaneletMapPtr in_map_ptr)
-  {
-    // Create test map
-    // Points for stop line
-    Point3d p0 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p1 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p2 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 2.0, 0.1);
-    // Points for traffic light
-    Point3d p3 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
-    Point3d p4 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 1.0, 5.0);
-    Point3d p5 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 2.0, 5.0);
-    // Points for crosswalk
-    Point3d p6 = Point3d(getId(), 1.0, 0.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p7 = Point3d(getId(), 1.0, 1.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p8 = Point3d(getId(), 1.0, 2.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p9 = Point3d(getId(), 2.0, 0.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p10 = Point3d(getId(), 2.0, 1.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p11 = Point3d(getId(), 2.0, 2.0, 0.1);
-    // Stop line
-    LineString3d sl1 = LineString3d(getId(), {p0, p1}, sl_attr_);
-    LineString3d sl2 = LineString3d(getId(), {p1, p2}, sl_attr_);
-    LineString3d tl1 = LineString3d(getId(), {p3, p4}, tl_attr_);
-    LineString3d tl2 = LineString3d(getId(), {p4, p5}, tl_attr_);
-    // LineStrings for crosswalk
-    LineString3d cw_ls1 = LineString3d(getId(), {p6, p7});
-    LineString3d cw_ls2 = LineString3d(getId(), {p7, p8});
-    LineString3d cw_ls3 = LineString3d(getId(), {p9, p10});
-    LineString3d cw_ls4 = LineString3d(getId(), {p10, p11});
-    Polygon3d cw_poly1 = Polygon3d(getId(), {p7, p6, p9, p10, p7}, cw_poly_attr_);
-    Polygon3d cw_poly2 = Polygon3d(getId(), {p8, p7, p10, p11, p8}, cw_poly_attr_);
-    // Lanelets for crosswalk
-    Lanelet cw1 = Lanelet(getId(), cw_ls1, cw_ls3, cw_attr_);
-    Lanelet cw2 = Lanelet(getId(), cw_ls2, cw_ls4, cw_attr_);
-    // Traffic light regulatory element
-    RegulatoryElementPtr tl_reg_elem1, tl_reg_elem2;
-    tl_reg_elem1 = TrafficLight::make(getId(), tl_re_attr_, {tl1}, {sl1});
-    tl_reg_elem2 = TrafficLight::make(getId(), tl_re_attr_, {tl2}, {sl2});
-    // Crosswalk regulatory element
-    RegulatoryElementPtr cw_reg_elem1, cw_reg_elem2;
-    cw_reg_elem1 = Crosswalk::make(getId(), cw_re_attr_, cw1, cw_poly1, {sl1});
-    cw_reg_elem2 = Crosswalk::make(getId(), cw_re_attr_, cw2, cw_poly2, {sl2});
-    cw1.addRegulatoryElement(cw_reg_elem1);
-    cw2.addRegulatoryElement(cw_reg_elem2);
-    // Add elements to map
-    for (const auto & re : {tl_reg_elem1, tl_reg_elem2}) {
-      in_map_ptr->add(re);
-    }
-    for (const auto & cw : {cw1, cw2}) {
-      in_map_ptr->add(cw);
-    }
-  }
-  AttributeMap sl_attr_, tl_attr_, cw_attr_, cw_poly_attr_, tl_re_attr_, cw_re_attr_;
-TEST_F(TestSuite, ValidatorAvailability)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  std::string expected_validators_concat =
-    "mapping.crosswalk.missing_regulatory_elements,"
-    "mapping.stop_line.missing_regulatory_elements,"
-    "mapping.traffic_light.missing_regulatory_elements";
-  lanelet::validation::Strings validators =
-    lanelet::validation::availabeChecks(expected_validators_concat);  // cspell:disable-line
-  uint8_t expected_num_validators = 3;
-  std::cout << "size: " << validators.size() << std::endl;
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_validators, validators.size());
-  std::set<std::string> expected_validators_set = {
-    "mapping.crosswalk.missing_regulatory_elements",
-    "mapping.stop_line.missing_regulatory_elements",
-    "mapping.traffic_light.missing_regulatory_elements"};
-  std::set<std::string> testing_validators_set = {
-    lanelet::validation::MissingRegulatoryElementsForCrosswalksValidator::name(),
-    lanelet::validation::MissingRegulatoryElementsForStopLinesValidator::name(),
-    lanelet::validation::MissingRegulatoryElementsForTrafficLightsValidator::name()};
-  for (const auto & name : testing_validators_set) {
-    std::cout << name << std::endl;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(expected_validators_set.find(name) != expected_validators_set.end())
-      << "Unexpected validator found: " << name;
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, MissingRegulatoryElementOfTrafficLight)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check missing regulatory element of traffic light
-  const auto & tl_no_reg_elem = LineString3d(
-    99999, {Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 3.0, 5.0), Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 4.0, 5.0)}, tl_attr_);
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({tl_no_reg_elem});
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::MissingRegulatoryElementsForTrafficLightsValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 1;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message =
-    "No regulatory element refers to this traffic light.";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(99999, issue.id);
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_message, issue.message);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::LineString, issue.primitive);
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, MissingRegulatoryElementOfCrosswalk)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check missing regulatory element of crosswalk
-  const auto & cw_no_reg_elem = Lanelet(
-    99999,
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 0.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1)}),
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 2.0, 0.1)}),
-    cw_attr_);
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({cw_no_reg_elem});
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::MissingRegulatoryElementsForCrosswalksValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 1;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message =
-    "No regulatory element refers to this crosswalk.";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(99999, issue.id);
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_message, issue.message);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::Lanelet, issue.primitive);
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, MissingRegulatoryElementOfStopLine)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check missing regulatory element of stop line
-  const auto & sl_no_reg_elem = LineString3d(
-    99999, {Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 3.0, 5.0), Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 4.0, 5.0)}, sl_attr_);
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({sl_no_reg_elem});
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::MissingRegulatoryElementsForStopLinesValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 1;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message =
-    "No regulatory element refers to this stop line.";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(99999, issue.id);
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_message, issue.message);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::LineString, issue.primitive);
-  }
diff --git a/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/test/src/test_regulatory_element_details.cpp b/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/test/src/test_regulatory_element_details.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e6272367..00000000
--- a/map/autoware_lanelet2_map_validator/test/src/test_regulatory_element_details.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2024 Autoware Foundation
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include "lanelet2_map_validator/validators/crosswalk/regulatory_element_details_for_crosswalks.hpp"
-#include "lanelet2_map_validator/validators/traffic_light/regulatory_element_details_for_traffic_lights.hpp"
-#include <autoware_lanelet2_extension/regulatory_elements/autoware_traffic_light.hpp>
-#include <autoware_lanelet2_extension/regulatory_elements/crosswalk.hpp>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <lanelet2_core/LaneletMap.h>
-using lanelet::AttributeMap;
-using lanelet::AttributeName;
-using lanelet::AttributeValueString;
-using lanelet::Lanelet;
-using lanelet::LaneletMapPtr;
-using lanelet::LineString3d;
-using lanelet::Point3d;
-using lanelet::Polygon3d;
-using lanelet::RegulatoryElementPtr;
-using lanelet::TrafficLight;
-using lanelet::autoware::Crosswalk;
-using lanelet::utils::getId;
-class TestSuite : public ::testing::Test
-  TestSuite() { initializeAttributes(); }
-  ~TestSuite() override = default;
-  void initializeAttributes()
-  {
-    // Stop Line
-    sl_attr[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::StopLine;
-    // Traffic Light
-    tl_attr[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::TrafficLight;
-    tl_attr[AttributeName::Subtype] = "red_yellow_green";
-    tl_attr["height"] = "0.5";
-    // Crosswalk polygon
-    cw_poly_attr[AttributeName::Type] =
-      lanelet::autoware::Crosswalk::AutowareRoleNameString::CrosswalkPolygon;
-    // Crosswalk
-    cw_attr[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::Lanelet;
-    cw_attr[AttributeName::Subtype] = AttributeValueString::Crosswalk;
-    cw_attr[AttributeName::SpeedLimit] = "10";
-    cw_attr[AttributeName::OneWay] = "no";
-    cw_attr[AttributeName::Location] = AttributeValueString::Urban;
-    cw_attr[AttributeName::ParticipantPedestrian] = "yes";
-    // Regulatory element of traffic light
-    AttributeMap tl_re_attr = AttributeMap();
-    tl_re_attr[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::RegulatoryElement;
-    tl_re_attr[AttributeName::Subtype] = AttributeValueString::TrafficLight;
-    // Regulatory element of crosswalk
-    AttributeMap cw_re_attr = AttributeMap();
-    cw_re_attr[AttributeName::Type] = AttributeValueString::RegulatoryElement;
-    cw_re_attr[AttributeName::Subtype] = AttributeValueString::Crosswalk;
-  }
-  void addTestMap(LaneletMapPtr in_map_ptr)
-  {
-    // Create test map
-    // Points for stop line
-    Point3d p0 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p1 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 1.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p2 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 2.0, 0.1);
-    // Points for traffic light
-    Point3d p3 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
-    Point3d p4 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 1.0, 5.0);
-    Point3d p5 = Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 2.0, 5.0);
-    // Points for crosswalk
-    Point3d p6 = Point3d(getId(), 1.0, 0.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p7 = Point3d(getId(), 1.0, 1.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p8 = Point3d(getId(), 1.0, 2.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p9 = Point3d(getId(), 2.0, 0.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p10 = Point3d(getId(), 2.0, 1.0, 0.1);
-    Point3d p11 = Point3d(getId(), 2.0, 2.0, 0.1);
-    // Stop line
-    LineString3d sl1 = LineString3d(getId(), {p0, p1}, sl_attr);
-    LineString3d sl2 = LineString3d(getId(), {p1, p2}, sl_attr);
-    LineString3d tl1 = LineString3d(getId(), {p3, p4}, tl_attr);
-    LineString3d tl2 = LineString3d(getId(), {p4, p5}, tl_attr);
-    // LineStrings for crosswalk
-    LineString3d cw_ls1 = LineString3d(getId(), {p6, p7});
-    LineString3d cw_ls2 = LineString3d(getId(), {p7, p8});
-    LineString3d cw_ls3 = LineString3d(getId(), {p9, p10});
-    LineString3d cw_ls4 = LineString3d(getId(), {p10, p11});
-    Polygon3d cw_poly1 = Polygon3d(getId(), {p7, p6, p9, p10, p7}, cw_poly_attr);
-    Polygon3d cw_poly2 = Polygon3d(getId(), {p8, p7, p10, p11, p8}, cw_poly_attr);
-    // Lanelets for crosswalk
-    Lanelet cw1 = Lanelet(getId(), cw_ls1, cw_ls3, cw_attr);
-    Lanelet cw2 = Lanelet(getId(), cw_ls2, cw_ls4, cw_attr);
-    // Traffic light regulatory element
-    RegulatoryElementPtr tl_reg_elem1, tl_reg_elem2;
-    tl_reg_elem1 = TrafficLight::make(getId(), tl_re_attr, {tl1}, {sl1});
-    tl_reg_elem2 = TrafficLight::make(getId(), tl_re_attr, {tl2}, {sl2});
-    // Crosswalk regulatory element
-    RegulatoryElementPtr cw_reg_elem1, cw_reg_elem2;
-    cw_reg_elem1 = Crosswalk::make(getId(), cw_re_attr, cw1, cw_poly1, {sl1});
-    cw_reg_elem2 = Crosswalk::make(getId(), cw_re_attr, cw2, cw_poly2, {sl2});
-    cw1.addRegulatoryElement(cw_reg_elem1);
-    cw2.addRegulatoryElement(cw_reg_elem2);
-    // Add elements to map
-    for (const auto & re : {tl_reg_elem1, tl_reg_elem2}) {
-      in_map_ptr->add(re);
-    }
-    for (const auto & cw : {cw1, cw2}) {
-      in_map_ptr->add(cw);
-    }
-  }
-  AttributeMap sl_attr, tl_attr, cw_attr, cw_poly_attr, tl_re_attr, cw_re_attr;
-TEST_F(TestSuite, ValidatorAvailability)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  std::string expected_validators_concat =
-    "mapping.crosswalk.regulatory_element_details,"
-    "mapping.traffic_light.regulatory_element_details";
-  lanelet::validation::Strings validators =
-    lanelet::validation::availabeChecks(expected_validators_concat);  // cspell:disable-line
-  uint8_t expected_num_validators = 2;
-  std::cout << "size: " << validators.size() << std::endl;
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_validators, validators.size());
-  std::set<std::string> expected_validators_set = {
-    "mapping.crosswalk.regulatory_element_details",
-    "mapping.traffic_light.regulatory_element_details"};
-  std::set<std::string> testing_validators_set = {
-    lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForCrosswalksValidator::name(),
-    lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForTrafficLightsValidator::name()};
-  for (const auto & name : testing_validators_set) {
-    std::cout << name << std::endl;
-    EXPECT_TRUE(expected_validators_set.find(name) != expected_validators_set.end())
-      << "Unexpected validator found: " << name;
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, RegulatoryElementOfTrafficLightWithoutTrafficLight)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check regulatory element of traffic light without traffic light
-  RegulatoryElementPtr tl_reg_elem_no_tl;
-  // Line string without traffic light attribute
-  const auto & ls = LineString3d(99998, {});
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({ls});
-  // Traffic light regulatory element without traffic light. It refers to the line string without
-  // traffic light attribute.
-  tl_reg_elem_no_tl = TrafficLight::make(
-    99999, tl_re_attr, {ls},
-    {LineString3d(
-      getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 3.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 4.0, 0.1)}, sl_attr)});
-  test_map_ptr->add(tl_reg_elem_no_tl);
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForTrafficLightsValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 2;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message1 =
-    "Refers of traffic light regulatory element must have type of traffic_light.";
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message2 =
-    "Regulatory element of traffic light must have a traffic light(refers).";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    if (issue.id == 99998) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message1, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::LineString, issue.primitive);
-    } else if (issue.id == 99999) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message2, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::RegulatoryElement, issue.primitive);
-    } else {
-      FAIL() << "Unexpected issue id: " << issue.id;
-    }
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, RegulatoryElementOfTrafficLightWithoutStopLine)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check regulatory element of traffic light without stop line
-  RegulatoryElementPtr tl_reg_elem_no_sl;
-  // Line string without stop line attribute
-  const auto & ls = LineString3d(99998, {});
-  const auto & tl = LineString3d(
-    getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 3.0, 5.0), Point3d(getId(), 0.0, 4.0, 5.0)}, tl_attr);
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({tl});
-  // Traffic light regulatory element without stop line. It refers to the line string without stop
-  // line attribute.
-  tl_reg_elem_no_sl = TrafficLight::make(99999, tl_re_attr, {tl}, {ls});
-  test_map_ptr->add(tl_reg_elem_no_sl);
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForTrafficLightsValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 2;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message1 =
-    "ref_line of traffic light regulatory element must have type of stop_line.";
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message2 =
-    "Regulatory element of traffic light must have a stop line(ref_line).";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    if (issue.id == 99998) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message1, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::LineString, issue.primitive);
-    } else if (issue.id == 99999) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message2, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::RegulatoryElement, issue.primitive);
-    } else {
-      FAIL() << "Unexpected issue id: " << issue.id;
-    }
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, RegulatoryElementOfCrosswalkWithoutPolygon)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check regulatory element of crosswalk without polygon
-  RegulatoryElementPtr cw_reg_elem_no_poly;
-  Lanelet cw_no_poly = Lanelet(
-    getId(),
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 0.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1)}),
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 2.0, 0.1)}),
-    cw_attr);
-  // Crosswalk regulatory element without crosswalk polygon. It refers to the polygon without cross
-  // walk polygon attribute.
-  RegulatoryElementPtr reg_elem = Crosswalk::make(
-    99999, cw_re_attr, cw_no_poly, Polygon3d(99998),
-    {LineString3d(
-      getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 3.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 4.0, 0.1)}, sl_attr)});
-  cw_no_poly.addRegulatoryElement(reg_elem);
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({cw_no_poly});
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForCrosswalksValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 2;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message1 =
-    "Crosswalk polygon of crosswalk regulatory element must have type of Crosswalk_polygon.";
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message2 =
-    "Regulatory element of crosswalk is nice to have crosswalk_polygon.";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    if (issue.id == 99998) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message1, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::Polygon, issue.primitive);
-    } else if (issue.id == 99999) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message2, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Warning, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::RegulatoryElement, issue.primitive);
-    } else {
-      FAIL() << "Unexpected issue id: " << issue.id;
-    }
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, RegulatoryElementOfCrosswalkWithoutStopline)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check regulatory element of crosswalk without stop line
-  Lanelet cw_no_sl = Lanelet(
-    getId(),
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 0.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1)}),
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 2.0, 0.1)}),
-    cw_attr);
-  // Crosswalk regulatory element without stop line.
-  RegulatoryElementPtr reg_elem = Crosswalk::make(
-    99999, cw_re_attr, cw_no_sl,
-    Polygon3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 3.0, 0.1)}, cw_poly_attr), {});
-  cw_no_sl.addRegulatoryElement(reg_elem);
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({cw_no_sl});
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForCrosswalksValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 1;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message =
-    "Regulatory element of crosswalk does not have stop line(ref_line).";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    EXPECT_EQ(expected_message, issue.message);
-    EXPECT_EQ(99999, issue.id);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Info, issue.severity);
-    EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::RegulatoryElement, issue.primitive);
-  }
-TEST_F(TestSuite, RegulatoryElementOfCrosswalkWithoutCrosswalk)  // NOLINT for gtest
-  // Check regulatory element of crosswalk without crosswalk
-  const auto poly = Polygon3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 3.0, 0.1)}, cw_poly_attr);
-  // Lanelet without crosswalk attribute
-  const auto ll = Lanelet(
-    99998,
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 0.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1)}),
-    LineString3d(getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 1.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 2.0, 0.1)}));
-  // Crosswalk regulatory element without crosswalk. It refers to the lanelet without crosswalk
-  RegulatoryElementPtr reg_elem = Crosswalk::make(
-    99999, cw_re_attr, ll, poly,
-    {LineString3d(
-      getId(), {Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 3.0, 0.1), Point3d(getId(), 3.0, 4.0, 0.1)}, sl_attr)});
-  LaneletMapPtr test_map_ptr = lanelet::utils::createMap({poly});
-  addTestMap(test_map_ptr);
-  test_map_ptr->add(reg_elem);
-  lanelet::validation::RegulatoryElementsDetailsForCrosswalksValidator checker;
-  const auto & issues = checker(*test_map_ptr);
-  uint8_t expected_num_issues = 2;
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message1 =
-    "Refers of crosswalk regulatory element must have type of crosswalk.";
-  static constexpr const char * expected_message2 =
-    "Regulatory element of crosswalk must have lanelet of crosswalk(refers).";
-  EXPECT_EQ(expected_num_issues, issues.size());
-  for (const auto & issue : issues) {
-    if (issue.id == 99998) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message1, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::Lanelet, issue.primitive);
-    } else if (issue.id == 99999) {
-      EXPECT_EQ(expected_message2, issue.message);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Severity::Error, issue.severity);
-      EXPECT_EQ(lanelet::validation::Primitive::RegulatoryElement, issue.primitive);
-    } else {
-      FAIL() << "Unexpected issue id: " << issue.id;
-    }
-  }