From 7cd9742ec1ad793bb6f73003893f9fb8fc87f50d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cam-schultz <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:30:18 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] emit events

 contracts/validator-manager/ACP99Manager.sol  | 145 ++++++++++--------
 .../validator-manager/ValidatorManager.sol    |  24 +--
 .../interfaces/IValidatorManager.sol          |  58 -------
 3 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contracts/validator-manager/ACP99Manager.sol b/contracts/validator-manager/ACP99Manager.sol
index 80b5e2d74..c430e353b 100644
--- a/contracts/validator-manager/ACP99Manager.sol
+++ b/contracts/validator-manager/ACP99Manager.sol
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ struct Validator {
     uint64 startingWeight;
     uint64 sentNonce;
     uint64 receivedNonce;
-    uint64 weightChangedAt;
     uint64 weight;
     uint64 startTime;
     uint64 endTime;
@@ -72,59 +71,106 @@ struct Validator {
  * validator management, as specified in ACP-77
 abstract contract ACP99Manager {
-    /// @notice Emitted when an initial validator is registered
+    /// @notice Emitted when an initial validator is registered.
     event RegisteredInitialValidator(
-        bytes32 indexed nodeID, bytes32 indexed validationID, uint64 weight
+        bytes32 indexed validationID, bytes nodeID, uint64 weight
-    /// @notice Emitted when a validator registration to the L1 is initiated
+    /// @notice Emitted when a validator registration to the L1 is initiated.
     event InitiatedValidatorRegistration(
-        bytes32 indexed nodeID,
         bytes32 indexed validationID,
+        bytes nodeID,
         bytes32 registrationMessageID,
         uint64 registrationExpiry,
         uint64 weight
-    /// @notice Emitted when a validator registration to the L1 is completed
+    /// @notice Emitted when a validator registration to the L1 is completed.
     event CompletedValidatorRegistration(
-        bytes32 indexed nodeID, bytes32 indexed validationID, uint64 weight
+        bytes32 indexed validationID, bytes nodeID, uint64 weight
-    /// @notice Emitted when a validator weight update is initiated
+    /// @notice Emitted when removal of an L1 validator is initiated.
+    event InitiatedValidatorRemoval(
+        bytes32 indexed validationID,
+        bytes32 validatorWeightMessageID,
+        uint64 weight,
+        uint64 endTime
+    );
+    /// @notice Emitted when removal of an L1 validator is completed.
+    event CompletedValidatorRemoval(
+        bytes32 indexed validationID
+    );
+    /// @notice Emitted when a validator weight update is initiated.
     event InitiatedValidatorWeightUpdate(
-        bytes32 indexed nodeID,
         bytes32 indexed validationID,
+        uint64 nonce,
         bytes32 weightUpdateMessageID,
         uint64 weight
-    /// @notice Emitted when a validator weight update is completed
+    /// @notice Emitted when a validator weight update is completed.
     event CompletedValidatorWeightUpdate(
-        bytes32 indexed nodeID, bytes32 indexed validationID, uint64 nonce, uint64 weight
+        bytes32 indexed validationID, uint64 nonce, uint64 weight
+    /// @notice Returns the SubnetID of the L1 tied to this manager
+    function subnetID() virtual public view returns (bytes32 subnetID);
+    /// @notice Returns the validator details for a given validation ID.
+    function getValidator(
+        bytes32 validationID
+    ) virtual public view returns (Validator memory validator);
+    /// @notice Returns the total weight of the current L1 validator set.
+    function l1TotalWeight() virtual public view returns (uint64 weight);
-     * @notice Verifies and sets the initial validator set for the chain through a P-Chain
-     * SubnetToL1ConversionMessage.
+     * @notice Verifies and sets the initial validator set for the chain by consuming a
+     * SubnetToL1ConversionMessage from the P-Chain.
      * Emits a {RegisteredInitialValidator} event for each initial validator in {conversionData}.
      * @param conversionData The Subnet conversion message data used to recompute and verify against the ConversionID.
-     * @param messsageIndex The index that contains the SubnetToL1ConversionMessage Warp message containing the ConversionID to be verified against the provided {conversionData}
+     * @param messsageIndex The index that contains the SubnetToL1ConversionMessage ICM message containing the 
+     * ConversionID to be verified against the provided {conversionData}.
     function initializeValidatorSet(
         ConversionData calldata conversionData,
         uint32 messsageIndex
     ) virtual public;
+    /**
+     * @notice Initiates validator registration by issuing a RegisterL1ValidatorMessage. The validator should
+     * not be considered active until completeValidatorRegistration is called.
+     *
+     * Emits an {InitiatedValidatorRegistration} event on success.
+     *
+     * @param nodeID The ID of the node to add to the L1.
+     * @param blsPublicKey The BLS public key of the validator.
+     * @param registrationExpiry The time after which this message is invalid.
+     * @param remainingBalanceOwner The remaining balance owner of the validator.
+     * @param disableOwner The disable owner of the validator.
+     * @param weight The weight of the node on the L1.
+     * @return validationID The ID of the registered validator.
+     */
+    function _initiateValidatorRegistration(
+        bytes memory nodeID,
+        bytes memory blsPublicKey,
+        uint64 registrationExpiry,
+        PChainOwner memory remainingBalanceOwner,
+        PChainOwner memory disableOwner,
+        uint64 weight
+    ) virtual internal returns (bytes32 validationID);
      * @notice Completes the validator registration process by returning an acknowledgement of the registration of a
      * validationID from the P-Chain. The validator should not be considered active until this method is successfully called.
      * Emits a {CompletedValidatorRegistration} event on success.
-     * @param messageIndex The index of the Warp message to be received providing the acknowledgement.
+     * @param messageIndex The index of the L1ValidatorRegistrationMessage to be received providing the acknowledgement.
+     * @return validationID The ID of the registered validator.
     function completeValidatorRegistration(
         uint32 messageIndex
-    ) virtual public returns (bytes32);
+    ) virtual public returns  (bytes32 validationID);
     * @notice Initiates validator removal by issuing a L1ValidatorWeightMessage with the weight set to zero.
@@ -151,62 +197,31 @@ abstract contract ACP99Manager {
     ) virtual public returns (bytes32 validationID);
-     * @notice Completes the validator weight update process by returning an acknowledgement of the weight update of a
-     * validationID from the P-Chain. The validator weight change should not have any effect until this method is successfully called.
-     *
-     * Emits a {CompletedValidatorWeightUpdate} event on success
-     *
-     * @param messageIndex The index of the Warp message to be received providing the acknowledgement.
-     */
-    function completeValidatorWeightUpdate(
-        uint32 messageIndex
-    ) virtual public returns (bytes32);
-    /// @notice Returns the ID of the Subnet tied to this manager
-    function subnetID() virtual public view returns (bytes32);
-    /// @notice Returns the validation details for a given validation ID
-    function getValidator(
-        bytes32 validationID
-    ) virtual public view returns (Validator memory);
-    /// @notice Returns the total weight of the current L1 validator set
-    function l1TotalWeight() virtual public view returns (uint64);
-    /**
-     * @notice Initiate a validator registration by issuing a RegisterL1ValidatorTx Warp message. The validator should
-     * not be considered active until completeValidatorRegistration is called.
+     * @notice Initiates validator weight update by issuing a L1ValidatorWeightMessage with a nonzero weight.
+     * The validator weight change should not have any effect until completeValidatorWeightUpdate is successfully called.
-     * Emits an {InitiatedValidatorRegistration} event on success.
+     * Emits an {InitiatedValidatorWeightUpdate} event on success.
-     * @param nodeID The ID of the node to add to the L1
-     * @param blsPublicKey The BLS public key of the validator
-     * @param registrationExpiry The time after which this message is invalid
-     * @param remainingBalanceOwner The remaining balance owner of the validator
-     * @param disableOwner The disable owner of the validator
-     * @param weight The weight of the node on the L1
+     * @param validationID The ID of the validator to modify.
+     * @param weight The new weight of the validator.
+     * @return nonce The validator nonce associated with the weight change.
+     * @return messageID The ID of the L1ValidatorWeightMessage used to update the validator's weight.
-    function _initiateValidatorRegistration(
-        bytes memory nodeID,
-        bytes memory blsPublicKey,
-        uint64 registrationExpiry,
-        PChainOwner memory remainingBalanceOwner,
-        PChainOwner memory disableOwner,
+    function _initiateValidatorWeightUpdate(
+        bytes32 validationID,
         uint64 weight
-    ) virtual internal returns (bytes32);
+    ) virtual internal returns (uint64 nonce, bytes32 messageID);
-     * @notice Initiate a validator weight update by issuing a SetL1ValidatorWeightTx Warp message.
-     * If the weight is 0, this initiates the removal of the validator from the L1. The validator weight change
-     * should not have any effect until completeValidatorWeightUpdate is successfully called.
+     * @notice Completes the validator weight update process by consuming a L1ValidatorWeightMessage from the P-Chain
+     * acknowledging the weight update. The validator weight change should not have any effect until this method is successfully called.
-     * Emits an {InitiatedValidatorWeightUpdate} event on success.
+     * Emits a {CompletedValidatorWeightUpdate} event on success.
-     * @param validationID The ID of the validation period to modify
-     * @param weight The new weight of the validation
+     * @param messageIndex The index of the L1ValidatorWeightMessage message to be received providing the acknowledgement.
+     * @return validationID The ID of the validator.
-    function _initiateValidatorWeightUpdate(
-        bytes32 validationID,
-        uint64 weight
-    ) virtual internal returns (uint64, bytes32);
+    function completeValidatorWeightUpdate(
+        uint32 messageIndex
+    ) virtual public returns (bytes32 validationID);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contracts/validator-manager/ValidatorManager.sol b/contracts/validator-manager/ValidatorManager.sol
index 3579cfd56..e4a0e2393 100644
--- a/contracts/validator-manager/ValidatorManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/validator-manager/ValidatorManager.sol
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
             $._validationPeriods[validationID].endTime = 0;
             totalWeight += initialValidator.weight;
-            emit InitialValidatorCreated(
+            emit RegisteredInitialValidator(
                 validationID, initialValidator.nodeID, initialValidator.weight
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
         $._validationPeriods[validationID].startTime = 0; // The validation period only starts once the registration is acknowledged.
         $._validationPeriods[validationID].endTime = 0;
-        emit ValidationPeriodCreated(
-            validationID, nodeID, messageID, weight, registrationExpiry
+        emit InitiatedValidatorRegistration(
+            validationID, nodeID, messageID, registrationExpiry, weight
         return validationID;
@@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
         delete $._pendingRegisterValidationMessages[validationID];
         $._validationPeriods[validationID].status = ValidatorStatus.Active;
         $._validationPeriods[validationID].startTime = uint64(block.timestamp);
-        emit ValidationPeriodRegistered(
-            validationID, $._validationPeriods[validationID].weight, block.timestamp
+        emit CompletedValidatorRegistration(
+            validationID, $._validationPeriods[validationID].nodeID, $._validationPeriods[validationID].weight
         return validationID;
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
         uint32 messageIndex
     ) virtual override public returns (bytes32) {
         WarpMessage memory warpMessage = _getPChainWarpMessage(messageIndex);
-        (bytes32 validationID, uint64 nonce,) =
+        (bytes32 validationID, uint64 nonce, uint64 weight) =
         ValidatorManagerStorage storage $ = _getValidatorManagerStorage();
@@ -402,6 +402,8 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
         $._validationPeriods[validationID].receivedNonce = nonce;
+        emit CompletedValidatorWeightUpdate(validationID, nonce, weight);
         return validationID;
@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
         (, bytes32 messageID) = _initiateValidatorWeightUpdate(validationID, 0);
         // Emit the event to signal the start of the validator removal process.
-        emit ValidatorRemovalInitialized(validationID, messageID, validator.weight, block.timestamp);
+        emit InitiatedValidatorRemoval(validationID, messageID, validator.weight, uint64(block.timestamp));
@@ -504,7 +506,7 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
         $._validationPeriods[validationID] = validator;
         // Emit event.
-        emit ValidationPeriodEnded(validationID, validator.status);
+        emit CompletedValidatorRemoval(validationID);
         return (validationID, validator);
@@ -554,11 +556,11 @@ abstract contract ValidatorManager is Initializable, ContextUpgradeable, IValida
             ValidatorMessages.packL1ValidatorWeightMessage(validationID, nonce, newWeight)
-        emit ValidatorWeightUpdate({
+        emit InitiatedValidatorWeightUpdate({
             validationID: validationID,
             nonce: nonce,
-            weight: newWeight,
-            setWeightMessageID: messageID
+            weightUpdateMessageID: messageID,
+            weight: newWeight
         return (nonce, messageID);
diff --git a/contracts/validator-manager/interfaces/IValidatorManager.sol b/contracts/validator-manager/interfaces/IValidatorManager.sol
index 37001c44a..414ab5e85 100644
--- a/contracts/validator-manager/interfaces/IValidatorManager.sol
+++ b/contracts/validator-manager/interfaces/IValidatorManager.sol
@@ -44,64 +44,6 @@ struct ValidatorRegistrationInput {
  * @notice Interface for Validator Manager contracts that implement Subnet-only Validator management.
 interface IValidatorManager {
-    /**
-     * @notice Emitted when a new validation period is created by locking stake in the manager contract.
-     * Note: This event does not mean that the validation period has been successfully registered on the P-Chain,
-     * and rewards for this validation period will not begin accruing until the {ValidationPeriodRegistered} event is
-     * emitted.
-     * @param validationID The ID of the validation period being created.
-     * @param nodeID The node ID of the validator being registered.
-     * @param registerValidationMessageID The ID of the ICM message that will be sent to the P-Chain to register the
-     * validation period.
-     * @param weight The weight of the validator being registered.
-     * @param registrationExpiry The Unix timestamp after which the reigistration is no longer valid on the P-Chain.
-     */
-    event ValidationPeriodCreated(
-        bytes32 indexed validationID,
-        bytes indexed nodeID,
-        bytes32 indexed registerValidationMessageID,
-        uint64 weight,
-        uint64 registrationExpiry
-    );
-    event InitialValidatorCreated(
-        bytes32 indexed validationID, bytes indexed nodeID, uint64 weight
-    );
-    /**
-     * @notice Emitted when the staking manager learns that the validation period has been successfully registered
-     * on the P-Chain. Rewards for this validation period will begin accruing when this event is emitted.
-     * @param validationID The ID of the validation period being registered.
-     * @param weight The weight of the validator being registered.
-     * @param timestamp The time at which the validation period was registered with the contract.
-     */
-    event ValidationPeriodRegistered(
-        bytes32 indexed validationID, uint64 weight, uint256 timestamp
-    );
-    /**
-     * @notice Emitted when the process of ending a registered validation period is started by calling
-     * {initializeEndValidation}.
-     * Note: The stake for this validation period remains locked until a {ValidationPeriodRemoved} event is emitted.
-     * @param validationID The ID of the validation period being removed.
-     * @param setWeightMessageID The ID of the ICM message that updates the validator's weight on the P-Chain.
-     * @param weight The weight of the validator being removed.
-     * @param endTime The time at which the removal was initiated.
-     */
-    event ValidatorRemovalInitialized(
-        bytes32 indexed validationID,
-        bytes32 indexed setWeightMessageID,
-        uint64 weight,
-        uint256 endTime
-    );
-    /**
-     * @notice Emitted when the stake for a validation period is unlocked and returned to the staker.
-     * This is done by calling {completeEndValidation}, which provides proof from the P-Chain that the
-     * validation period is not active and will never be active in the future.
-     * @param validationID The ID of the validation period being removed.
-     */
-    event ValidationPeriodEnded(bytes32 indexed validationID, ValidatorStatus indexed status);
      * @notice Event emitted when validator weight is updated.