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SOLID engineering principles. Simple. Clean. OO.
- understandability
- extensibility / modularization (HOW-TO: creating relay event-handlers)
- testing
- customization
- Java 21
- Spring Boot 3.3.4
- Spring WebSocketSession 3.3.4
- Event/Message nostr-java (symmetric fork of tcheeric's nostr-java) API/library
Containerized deployment:
- Docker 27.5.0
- Docker Compose v2.32.4
$ java -version
java version "21.0.5" 2024-10-15 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 21.0.5+9-LTS-239) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0.5+9-LTS-239, mixed mode, sharing)
$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.9.9 (8e8579a9e76f7d015ee5ec7bfcdc97d260186937) Java version: 21.0.5, vendor: Oracle Corporation
$ cd <your_git_home_dir>
$ git clone [email protected]:avlo/nostr-java-avlo-fork.git
$ cd nostr-java-avlo-fork
$ git checkout develop
$ mvn clean install
$ cd <your_git_home_dir>
$ git clone https://github.com/avlo/superconductor
$ cd superconductor
$ mvn clean install
Two test modes, configurable via appication-test.properties file
# ws autoconfigure
# security test (ws) disabled ('false') by default.
server.ssl.enabled=false <-------- "false" for ws/non-secure
# ...
superconductor.relay.url=ws://localhost:5555 <-------- "ws" protocol for ws/non-secure
# wss autoconfigure
# to enable secure tests (wss), change below value to 'true' and...
server.ssl.enabled=true <-------- "true" for wss/secure
# ...also for secure (wss), change below value to 'wss'...
superconductor.relay.url=wss://localhost:5555 <-------- "wss" protocol for wss/secure
SecurityLevel | Specification | Details |
Highest | SSL Certificate WSS/HTTPS (industry standard secure encrypted) |
1. Obtain an SSL certificate. 2. Install the certificate 3. Enable SSL configuration options in application-local_wss/dev_wss.properties file. |
Medium | Self-Signed Certificate WSS/HTTPS (locally created secure encrypted) | 1. Create a Self-Signed Certificate. 2. Install the certificate 3. Enable SSL configuration options in application-local_wss/dev_wss.properties file. |
None/Default | WS/HTTP non-secure / non-encrypted |
Security-related configuration(s) not required |
$ docker --version
Docker version 27.5.0
$ docker compose version
Docker Compose version v2.32.4
(note: Confirmed compatible with Docker 27.0.3 and Docker Compose version v2.28.1 or higher. Earlier versions are at the liability of the developer/administrator)
Superconductor spring boot docker uses buildpacks (preferential over Dockerfile)
$ mvn -N wrapper:wrapper
$ mvn spring-boot:build-image
(optionally edit docker-compose-dev_wss.yml parameters as applicable.)
run without logging:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_wss.yml up
run with container logging displayed to console:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_wss.yml up --abort-on-container-failure --attach-dependencies
run with docker logging displayed to console:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_wss.yml up -d && dcls | grep 'superconductor-app' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker logs -f
run without logging:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_ws.yml up
run with container logging displayed to console:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_ws.yml up --abort-on-container-failure --attach-dependencies
run with docker logging displayed to console:
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_ws.yml up -d && dcls | grep 'superconductor-app' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker logs -f
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_wss.yml stop superconductor superconductor-db
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod_ws.yml stop superconductor superconductor-db
docker compose -f docker-compose-dev_wss.yml down --remove-orphans
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod_ws.yml down --remove-orphans
cd <your_git_home_dir>/superconductor
mvn spring-boot:run -P local_wss
cd <your_git_home_dir>/superconductor
mvn spring-boot:run -P local_ws
$ cd <your_git_home_dir>/superconductor
$ java -jar target/superconductor-1.11.0.war
$ cp <your_git_home_dir>/superconductor/target/superconductor-1.11.0.war <your_container/instance/deployment_directory>
user: sa
password: // blank
Display all framework table contents (case-sensitive quoted fields/tables when querying):
select id, pub_key, session_id, challenge from auth;
select id, concat(left(event_id_string,10), '...') as event_id_string, kind, nip, created_at, concat(left(pub_key,10), '...') as pub_key, content from event;
select id, event_id, event_tag_id from "event-event_tag-join";
select id, event_id_string, recommended_relay_url, marker from event_tag;
select id, event_id, pubkey_id from "event-pubkey_tag-join";
select id, event_id from deletion_event;
select id, concat(left(public_key,10), '...') as public_key, main_relay_url, pet_name from pubkey_tag;
select id, event_id, subject_tag_id from "event-subject_tag-join";
select id, subject from subject_tag;
select id, hashtag_tag from hashtag_tag;
select id, location from geohash_tag;
select id, identifier from identifier_tag;
select id, event_id, geohash_tag_id from "event-geohash_tag-join";
select id, event_id, hash_tag_id from "event-hashtag_tag-join";
select id, event_id, generic_tag_id from "event-generic_tag-join";
select id, event_id, identifier_tag_id from "event-identifier_tag-join";
select id, code from generic_tag;
select id, generic_tag_id, element_attribute_id from "generic_tag-element_attribute-join";
select id, name, "value" from element_attribute;
select id, event_id, price_tag_id from "event-price_tag-join";
select id, uri from relays_tag;
select id, event_id, relays_id from "event-relays_tag-join";
select id, number, currency, frequency from price_tag;
http://localhost:5555/api-tests.html (nostr events web-client)
http://localhost:5555/request-test.html (nostr request web-client)
For Nostr clients generating canonical Nostr JSON (as defined in NIP01 spec: Basic protocol flow description, Events, Signatures and Tags), SuperConductor will automatically recognize those JSON events- including their database storage, retrieval and subscriber notification. No additional work or customization is necessary.
SuperConductor supports any generic tags automatically. Otherwise, if custom tag structure is required, simply implement the TagPlugin
interface (an example can be seen here) and your tag will automatically get included by SuperConductor after rebuilding and redeploying.