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3. Monthly Board Meeting Report
4. Monthly Report - Count of Moderate Faltering Children
5. Monthly Report - Count of Severe Faltering Children
6. Monthly Report - GMP Report
7. Monthly Report - Immunisation Eligible and completed
9. Children turning 3 years as of a particular date
11. CK Severely underweight children
12. Monthly Report - Community meetup attendance
13. Due Visits - Use for Pregnant Women and Mothers
14.New enrolment between 2 dates
17. Monthly Report – Pregnant Woman’s Weight Gain
Criteria / Logic for data
List of all children enrolled in the child program in a given period by age group (0-6, 7-12, 13-36) and growth status (Normal/Mild, Moderate & Severe).
Title of Report in Metabase: Active Children List
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Full Name | Name of the child |
MyChi ID | MyChi ID of child |
Mother's Name | Mother's Name |
Mother's MyChi ID | Mother's MyChi ID |
Floor | Floor |
Household Number | Household Number |
Age Group | Age group (0-6, 7-12, 13-36) |
Weight for age status | Weight for age status (Normal/Mild – 1, Moderate – 2 & Severe – 3) |
Criteria / Logic for data
List of all children who are due for immunization as of today. When is immunization due?
An immunization is due if
- It is not dependent on a previous immunization, and today falls between the due start and end dates.
- It is dependent on a previous immunization, the previous immunization is complete, and today falls between due start day and due end day as compared to the actual completion date of the dependent immunization.
- It is dependent on a previous immunization that is expired, and the current date has passed the minimum age required for this to be administered and less than the duration for which it can remain due.
Title of Report in Metabase: Immunization Due List
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Program Area, where the child belongs to |
MyChi ID | myChi ID given to that child |
Full Name | Full Name of child |
Date of Birth | Date of birth of child |
Address | Address of child |
Phone Number | Contact Number of given at the time of registration |
Mother's Name | Name of Mother of child |
Status | Status of immunization (Due, Critical, Overdue or Expired) |
Vaccinations | List of vaccinations separated by the " |
Context / Purpose of the report
List of indicators for Monthly Board Meeting.
Title of Report in Metabase: Monthly Board Meeting Report
Rows (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Rows | Description |
Total number of registered children in program till the above month | Program - Child, count of children whose exit date > selected end date |
Total number of Pregnant Women in program up-to the above month | Number of women currently enrolled in the pregnancy program within that date range exit date time > selected end date |
Number of new child registration during this month | Enrollment date in the child program falls within the selected date range and exit date time > enrollment date time |
Number of new Pregnant Women registration during this month | Enrollment date in the pregnancy program is within the selected date range and exit date time > enrollment date time |
Number of Male children registered in this month | Enrollment date in the child program is within the selected date range and gender = male and and exit date time > enrollment date time |
Number of Female children registered in this month | Enrollment date in the child program is within the selected date range and gender = female and exit date time > enrollment date time |
Total attendance at Growth Monitoring Promotion (GMP) - Pregnant Women | count of all ANC GMPs where encounter_date_time falls within the selected period and and exit date time > encounter_date_time |
Total attendance at Growth Monitoring Promotion (GMP) - Child | count of all Child GMPs where encounter_date_time falls within the selected period and exit date time > encounter_date_time |
Monthly Immunization Shots Due | Program - Child Number of immunizations due in this period |
Monthly Immunization Shots Attendance | program - Child Number of immunizations given in this period |
Number of Low Birth Weight babies born to CK | program - child, Form - Child enrollment, Question - Was mother associated with CK during Pregnancy? Answer = Yes Form - birth form, fields - date of birth and birth weight |
Number of CK babies born with birth weight of 2.5 kgs and above | program - child, Form - Child enrollment, Question - Was mother associated with CK during Pregnancy? Answer = Yes, Form - birth form, fields - date of birth and birth weight |
Number of LBW babies born without CKT's intervention | program - child, Form - Child enrollment, Question - Was mother associated with CK during Pregnancy? Answer = No, Form - birth form, fields - date of birth and birth weight |
Number of severely malnourished children | program - child, last calculated weight for age = 3, exit date > selected end date |
Number of severe children of last GMP who graduated to moderate this month | Program - Child, Form - Child GMP Latest weight for age = weight for age from the GMP encounter whose encounter_date_time falls within the selected date range, Previous weight for age = weight for age from the last GMP encounter at any time prior to the selected month. Count all children whose latest weight for age = 2 and previous weight for age = 3 |
Number of moderate children of last GMP who graduate to Mild this month | Program - Child, Form - Child GMP Latest weight for age = weight for age from the GMP encounter whose encounter_date_time falls within the selected date range, Previous weight for age = weight for age from the last GMP encounter at any time prior to the selected month. Count all children whose latest weight for age = 1 and previous weight for age = 2 |
Number of Mild children of last GMP who graduate to Normal this month | Program - Child, Form - Child GMP, Latest weight for age = weight for age from the GMP encounter whose encounter_date_time falls within the selected date range, Previous weight for age = weight for age from the last GMP encounter at any time prior to the selected month, Count all children whose latest weight for age = 0 and previous weight for age = 1 |
Total Number of PNCs completed - Mother | count all encounters of types = PNC, Where encounter_date_time falls between the selected date range and exit_date_time > encounter_date_time |
Total Number of PNCs completed on time - Mother | count all encounters of types = PNC Where encounter_date_time falls between the selected date range and exit_date_time > encounter_date_time and encounter_date_time falls within the earliest_visit_date_time and max_visit_date time |
Total Number of PNCs completed - Child | count all encounters of type = Child PNC Where encounter_date_time falls between the selected date range and exit_date_time > encounter_date_time |
Total Number of PNCs completed on time - Child | "count all encounters of types = Child PNC Where encounter_date_time falls between the selected date range and exit_date_time > encounter_date_time and encounter_date_time falls within the earliest_visit_date_time and max_visit_date time |
Out of them, Number of facility based deliveries | Form – Delivery No of institutional deliveries = count where start date <= date of delivery <= end date AND place of delivery NOT IN (Home in FB, Home outside FB, Other) and exit date time > date_of_delivery |
Number of women who faced birth complications(like, miscarriage, abortion, still births) | Form - Delivery ,Question - Delivery Outcome, Answers = (stillbirths, Early Neonatal death within first 24 Hours of birth), where Date of delivery falls within the selected date range + Form - Abortion form, where date of abortion falls within the date range |
Number of women who started breastfeeding within 24 hours of delivery | Form - child pnc, Question - How soon did the child start breastfeeding after delivery?, Answers IN (Within 1 hour, Within 24 hours)" |
Number of children who have been fed colostrum | Program – Child, Form – Child PNC, Question – Did the baby receive colostrum (first milk)?, Answer – Yes |
Number of women who died during child birth | Form – Delivery Form, Question – Delivery complication, Answer = Maternal Death |
Number of mothers who received curative treatment | Program – mother, Form – Doctor visit. Count all unique mothers who had 1 or more doctor visit encounters for mother program where all encounter_date_time were within the selected period and exit_date > encounter_date_time |
Number of pregnant women who received curative treatment | Program – Pregnancy, Form – Doctor visit. Count all unique pregnant women who had 1 or more encounters of type IN (Doctor checkup, ANC doctor checkup) for pregnancy program and encounter_date_time was within the selected period and exit_date > encounter_date_time |
Number of children who exclusively breastfed for six months | Program - Child, Form: Child home visit. Question - Are you feeding your child any other liquid?, Answer = No |
Every month how many children are exclusively breastfed | Program - Child, Form: Child home visit, Question - Are you feeding your child any other liquid?, Answer = No |
Number of children diagnosed with ARI | Program – Child , Form – Doctor visit, Question – Health problem / Classification, Answer – Respiratory. Logic – count of all unique children with at least 1 encounter of type “Doctor visit” AND program = child and answer to the question above. start date <= encounter_date_time <= end_date" |
Number of children diagnosed with gastrointestinal problems | Program – Child , Form – Doctor visit, Question – Health problem / Classification, Answer – Gastrointestinal, Logic – count of all unique children with at-least 1 encounter of type “Doctor visit” AND program = child and answer to the question above. Start date <= encounter_date_time <= end_date |
Number of children with skin problems | Program – Child , Form – Doctor visit, Question – Health problem / Classification, Answer – Dermatological, Logic – count of all unique children with at-least 1 encounter of type “Doctor visit” AND program = child and answer to the question above. start date <= encounter_date_time <= end_date |
Number of diarrhea cases reported at GMP | Program - Child, Form - Child GMP, Question - Diarrhea, Answer = Yes |
Number of children enrolled as moderate in last month. | Form - Birth form, Question - Birth weight OR Enrollment form, question = current weight If date of birth falls within the selected period, get the weight for age grade from the birth weight and if the weight for age = 2, then include in count. If child is not enrolled at birth (ie birth form is not filled), then take current weight from enrollment form if date of enrollment falls within the selected period. Calculate weight for Age from the the current weight field and if WFA grade = 2, add it to the count. Exit date should be after date of birth OR Enrollment date |
Number of moderately faltering children as of last month's GMP | count all children in the child program whose weight_for_age grade = 2 AND Faltering = Yes and encounter_date falls within the selected date range and exit date > encounter date |
Number of children in mild/normal grade | Program - Child, Most recent Weight for Age grade = 1, Exit date > selected end date |
Number of moderate/faltering children who became severe | Program - Child, Form - Child GMP, Latest weight for age = weight for age from the GMP encounter whose encounter_date_time falls within the selected date range. Previous weight for age = weight for age from the last GMP encounter at any time prior to the selected month. Count all children whose latest weight for age = 3 and previous weight for age = 2 |
Number of children who are underweight (Moderate+severe) | Program - Child, Most recent Weight for Age grade = 2, 3 and Exit date > selected end date |
Number of child deaths | from Child Exit form, if reason for exit = death & Date of Death falls within the selected date range |
Number of children graduating in severe status | Program - Child. Last calculated Weight for Age grade = 3 AND age >= 3yrs in that time period and exit date > selected end_date |
Number of children who are fully immunized | Program - Child count all children of age >= 3yrs in that time period AND has no due vaccinations AND exit date > selected end_date |
Context / Purpose of the report
For monthly staff meeting discussions
Title of Report in Metabase: Monthly Report - Count of Moderate Faltering Children
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Catchment name |
Number of Moderate faltering children in GMP | Count of children present (not exited) in the child program in the selected period whose weight was taken in that period (child GMP) and WFA status as of that encounter = 2 and faltering = yes |
Out of them No. of moderately faltering newly comes from Mild/Normal | Program - Child Form - Child GMP Latest weight for age = weight for age from the GMP encounter whose encounter_date_time falls within the selected date range Previous weight for age = weight for age from the last GMP encounter at any time prior to the selected month Count all children whose latest weight for age = 2 and faltering status – yes and previous weight for age = 1 |
No. of new children registered as moderate | count of children whose enrolment date is between the selected date and GMP encounter date is between the selected date and exit date > encounter date and WFA from GMP encounter = 2 |
Context / Purpose of the report
To be shared during the monthly staff meeting
Title of Report in Metabase: Monthly report - Severe Faltering children count
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Catchment name |
Number of Severe faltering children | Count of children present (not exited) in the child program in the selected period whose weight was taken in that period (child GMP) and WFA status as of that encounter = 3 and faltering = yes |
Out of them No. of Severe newly comes from Moderate/Mild/Normal | Program - Child Form - Child GMP Latest weight for age = weight for age from the GMP encounter whose encounter_date_time falls within the selected date range Previous weight for age = weight for age from the last GMP encounter at any time prior to the selected month Count all children whose latest weight for age = 3 and previous weight for age = 2 or 1 |
Out of them No. of new children registered as severe | Count of children enrolled (not exited) in the child program in the selected period and whose weight was taken in that period (child GMP) and WFA status as of that encounter = 3 |
Context / Purpose of the report
List of indicators for Monthly Board Meeting.
Criteria / Logic for data:
All the cases scheduled in a date range are there and out of scheduled for how many GMP is done. (For pregnancy and Chld both)
Title of Report in Metabase: GMP Report (https://reporting.openchs.org/question/336)
Column | Description |
Program Name | Name of the program like child, pregnancy etc. |
Area | Area of CK programs |
Encounter | Name of program encounter |
Scheduled | How many encounters are scheduled for that encounter in given date range |
Weighted (Completed) | No of encounters that are done or weight is taken in case of GMP |
Canceled | No of encounter that are cancelled in the given date range |
Present | Number of indivuduals present in the community during GMP visit (i.e. not away at village) |
Absent for GMP | Number of individuals that did not came for scheduled encounter |
Away at Village | Number of individuals that are not there in the community when the GMP visit was scheduled |
Start Date and End Date - User needs to select a date range to see the number of cases scheduled in that date range (select the date range filter is Mandatory)
Encounter - From this filter user can select for which encounter s/he wants to see the visits
Area - From this filter user can select for which Area s/he wants to see the visits
Context / Purpose of the report
List of indicators for Monthly Staff Meeting.
Criteria / Logic for data:
This report takes all the immunisation shots that are due/critical/overdue in the given date range. It also have the date of completion if the vaccine is given in the given date range. This shows the list of children that are enrolled in the program in the given date range.
Title of Report in Metabase: Monthly Report - Immunizations Eligible and Completed
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Program Area, where the child belongs to |
MyChi ID | myChi ID given to that child |
Full Name | Full Name of child |
Date of Birth | Date of birth of child |
Address | Address of child |
Mother's Name | Name of Mother of child |
Vaccination | Name of due/overdue/critical vaccination |
Completed during time period | Whether the vaccination was given in the selected date range (YES/NO) |
Completion Date | Date of completion (This will be Empty in case if vaccination is not given in the given date range) |
Individula Id | openCHS systemID |
From Date & End Date: Date range, in which user wnats to check the eligible and completed immunisations shots.
Context/Purpose of the report
This is used for planning for a week or month that how many visits needs to be done for children in the area.
Criteria / Logic for data:
It gives the scheduled visits of children in the given date range. It gives all the scheduled visits for children like (GMP, Monthly Home Visit, Doctor Checkup followup etc.) It does not show the overdue visits. (If we select the past date range it will not show the visit on the list if that is done.)
Title of Report in Metabase: Child Visit Due List
Columns (along with logic for columns except for the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Program Area, where the child belongs to |
MyChi ID | myChi ID given to that child |
Full Name | Full Name of child |
Age Group | Age group of the child (A)0-6 months, B)7-12 months and C)13-36 months) |
Date of Birth | Date of birth of child |
Address | Address of child |
Mother's Name | Name of Mother of child |
Phone Number | Contact number given at the time of registration |
Floor | Floor of the house of child |
Recent WFA Grade | WFA grade of the child in her/his last GMP visit done(This is required to prioritise the visit if the child is in lower grade the visit need to be done) |
Recent Faltering Status | Faltering status of the child in her/his last visit done(This is required to prioritise the visit if the child is in severe status the visit need to be done) |
Encounter | Type of visit that is due |
Cancelled On | Date of cancellation in case visit is being cancelled by user |
Scheduled On | Date of the visit scheduled |
ID | Openchs system ID |
Date range: Date range in which a user wants to see the scheduled visit.
Encounter: List of all the encounters and user can select any of the encounter from the list
Catchment: List of Catchment where the child belongs to
Grade: User can enter the WFA grade and the list will be filtered based on that
Age Group: The list is divided into three age groups. (A)0-6 months, B)7-12 months and C)13-36 months). User can enter the age group to filter the cases.
Faltering Status: filter based on the last faltering status of children. (YES/NO)
Context/Purpose of the report
This is to know the list of children turning 3 at any given point of time and needs to be exited from the program.
Criteria/Logic for data:
This report shows the list of children turning 3 in the given date range. It shows the list of non exited children.
Title of Report in Metabase: Children turning 3 yrs as of a particular date
Columns (along with logic for columns except for the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Full Name | Full name of child |
Mychi ID | MyChi ID od child |
Date of Birth | DOB of child |
Household Number | Household number of child's home |
Area | Program Area, where the child belongs to |
Floor | Floor of child's house |
Phone Number | COntact number given at the time of registration |
Mother's Name | Name of mother of child |
Mother's MyChi ID | MyChi Id of mother |
Start Date & End date: User can filter by date range. It will filter out the children that are turning 3 in the given date range.
Context/Purpose of the report
This list gives the faltering children in the area.
Criteria/Logic for data:
In this gives the list of all the falter children. It checks the faltering status in the last visit in the selected date range. It has all the non-exited children in the given date range. You can check for falter logic here.
Title of Report in Metabase: CK Growth Faltering
Columns (along with logic for columns except for the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Program Area, where the child belongs to |
MyChi ID | myChi ID given to that child |
Full Name | Full Name of child |
Age | Age of the child |
Date of Birth | Date of birth of child |
Gender | Gender of Child |
Husband/Father's Name | Father's name of child |
Registration Date | date of registration of child in the system |
Phone Number | Contact number given at the time of registration |
Alternate Phone Number | Alternate Contact number given at the time of registration |
First Weight | First weight of child captured in first Anthropometry assessment in the given date range |
Recent Weight | Weight of child captured in last Anthropometry assessment in the given date range |
Recent Encounter | date of recent encounter |
Weight Gain | Total weight gain during the selected date range |
First WFA Grade | First WFA grade of child captured during first Anthropometry assessment in the given date range |
Recent WFA Grade | WFA grade of child captured in last Anthropometry assessment in the given date range |
First WFA status | First WFA status of child captured during first Anthropometry assessment in the given date range |
Recent WFA status | WFA status of child captured in last Anthropometry assessment in the given date range |
Enrolment Date | date of enrolment of child in child program |
Time since enrolment | How much time has been passed since enrollment(in months and years) |
Individual ID | OpenCHS syatem ID |
Mother's Name | Name of Mother of child |
Mother's Mychi ID | Mychi id of mother of child |
Start Date & End Date: User can filter the cases by date range.
Catchment Name: Filter by catchment.
Context/Purpose of the report
This report is used to get the list of severly underweight children as of any given date.
Criteria/Logic for data:
This report shows all the child with WFA status Severely Underweight
as of the selected date. It shows all the non-exited children as of selected the date.
Title of Report in Metabase: CK Severely underweight children
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Area | Program Area, where the child belongs to |
Full Name | Name of child |
MyCHI ID | MyCHI Id of child |
Age | Age of child |
Date Of Birth | DOB of child |
Gender | Gender of Child |
Mother's Name | Name of the mother of child |
Husband/Father's Name | Name of the father of child |
Address | Address of child's house |
Registration Date | Date when the child got registered in the system for the first time |
Phone Number | Phone number provided at the time of registration |
Alternate Phone Number | Alternate Phone number provided at the time of registration |
Inactive | (Yes/No) based on the answer given at the time of registration |
Latest Encounter Date | Last encounter as of the selected date |
Latest Weight | Last weight captured as of the selected date in Child GMP |
Latest Height | Last height captured as of the selected date in Child GMP |
Latest WFA zscore | Last WFA z-score in the last GMP encounter as of the selected date |
Latest WFA Status | Last WFA status in the last GMP encounter as of the selected date |
Enrolment Date | Date when the child got enrolled in the child program |
Time since enrolment | Time in month and year since the child got enrolled in the child program |
Individual Id | Id given by system |
Mother's MyChi ID | MyCHI Id of the mother of child |
Catchment Name: the cases can e filtered base don Area i.e. 1,2,3,99.
As of date: User can filter by date by choosing the date.
Context/Purpose of the report
List of indicators for Monthly staff Meeting.
Criteria/Logic for data:
Title of Report in Metabase: Community meetup Attendance
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Planned Visit date | |
Area | |
Full Name | |
MyChi ID | |
Date of Birth | |
Age | |
Gender | |
Program | |
Husband or father | |
Mother's Name | |
Mother's MyChi ID | |
Address | |
Registration date | |
Phone Number | |
Alternate Phone Number | |
Cancel Reason | |
Meeting Attendance |
User can filter the cases by date range.
Start Date and End Date:
Context/Purpose of the report
This is the duelist used for planning the visits of pregnant women and mothers
Criteria/Logic for data:
Title of Report in Metabase: Due visits - Use for Pregnant Women and Mothers
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Criteria/Logic for data:
Title of Report in Metabase: New Enrolments between 2 dates
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Criteria/Logic for data:
Title of Report in Metabase: SES Survey due list
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Criteria/Logic for data:
Title of Report in Metabase: User wise Worklog
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |
Criteria/Logic for data:
Title of Report in Metabase: Monthly Report – Pregnant Woman’s Weight Gain
Columns (along with logic for columns except the basic ones):
Column | Description |