This is the home of the underlying infrastructure for the App 2025 AnyCompany SaaS application. This infrastructure creates one [Amazon EventBridge] custom event bus and an [AWS Lambda] function that allows [AWS Step Functions] workflows to place events onto the bus.
First, build the app.
sam build
Next, deploy the app using a guided deployment.
sam deploy --guided
- At the Stack Name prompt, enter
- At the Stack Name prompt, enter
Record the values of the EventBusName and PublishEventsFunctionArn CloudFormation outputs to use in deploying the customer and operations microservices.
From this directory:
aws events put-events --entries file://events/episode2.json
This places five sample events of various types from various sources onto the custom event bus you created.
aws events put-events --entries file://events/episode2.json
This places a single sample account-created event onto the custom event bus you created.
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