This is the home of the simulator app for the App 2025 AnyCompany SaaS application. This simulates the effect of a human operator completing a task which and sending a SendTaskSuccess notification back to a waiting AWS Step Functions workflow.
- First, deploy the customer microservice and copy the values of the AccountQueueArn and StateMachineArn CloudFormation outputs
- Then, build this app by running
sam build
- Next, from this directory, run
sam deploy --guided
- At the Stack Name prompt, enter
- At the AWS Region prompt, ensure you select the same region where you deployed the infrastructure stack and the customer microservice.
- When prompted for a value for the AccountQueueArn parameter, use the value of the AccountQueueArn CloudFormation output from step one.
- When prompted for a value for the StateMachineArn parameter, use the value of the StateMachineArn CloudFormation output from step one.
- At the Stack Name prompt, enter
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