This guide helps you troubleshoot common issues you might encounter when using the Bedrock Access Gateway.
To see errors, first you need to access the CloudWatch Logs of the Lambda/Fargate instance.
- Go to the CloudWatch Console
- Search for
- Click on the
Log Stream
to see the error details
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ParameterNotFound) when calling the GetParameter operation: Parameter /BedrockProxyAPIKey not found.
This error occurs when the Lambda function cannot access the API key parameter in Parameter Store.
Possible solutions:
- Verify that you created the parameter in Parameter Store with the correct name
- Check that the parameter name in the CloudFormation stack matches the one in Parameter Store
- Ensure the Lambda function's IAM role has permission to access Parameter Store
- If you didn't set up an API key, leave the
field blank during deployment
If you receive an error about model access:
{"error": {"message": "User: arn:aws:iam::XXXX:role/XXX is not authorized to perform: bedrock:InvokeModel on resource: arn:aws:bedrock:REGION::foundation-model/XXX", "type": "auth_error", "code": 401}}
Possible solutions:
- Ensure you have requested access to the model in Amazon Bedrock
- Verify the Lambda/Fargate role has the necessary permissions to invoke Bedrock models
- Check that you're using the correct model ID
- Verify the model is available in your chosen region
If you receive a 401 Unauthorized error:
{"detail": "Could not validate credentials"}
Possible solutions:
- Verify you're using the correct API key in your requests
- Check that the
header is properly formatted (Bearer YOUR-API-KEY
) - If using environment variables, ensure
is set correctly
If you're trying to access models in a different region:
{"error": {"message": "Region 'us-east-1' is not enabled for your account", "type": "invalid_request_error", "code": 400}}
Possible solutions:
- Ensure the target region is enabled for your AWS account
- Verify the model you're trying to access is available in that region
- Check that your IAM roles have the necessary cross-region permissions
If you're experiencing throttling or quota issues:
{"error": {"message": "Rate limit exceeded", "type": "rate_limit_error", "code": 429}}
Possible solutions:
- Check your Bedrock service quotas in the AWS Console
- Consider implementing retry logic in your application
- Request a quota increase if needed
If you're still experiencing issues:
- Check the CloudWatch Logs for detailed error messages
- Verify your AWS credentials and permissions
- Review the Usage Guide for correct API usage
- Open a GitHub issue with:
- Detailed error message
- Steps to reproduce
- Your deployment configuration (region, model, etc.)
- Any relevant CloudWatch logs