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QnABot Settings

Setting Valid values Description
ENABLE_DEBUG_RESPONSES true or false Determines whether to log original English responses and translated responses for debugging
ES_USE_KEYWORD_FILTERS true or false Determines whether to detect keywords from Comprehend when searching for answers
ES_EXPAND_CONTRACTIONS JSON format Expand contractions to resolve problems with keyword filters.
ES_KEYWORD_SYNTAX_TYPES comma separate list
See Analyze Syntax
A list of tokens representing parts of speech identified by Amazon Comprehend for matching questions
ES_SYNTAX_CONFIDENCE_LIMIT decimal between 0 and 0.99 Amazon Comprehend makes a best effort to determine the parts of speech in a sentence. The keywords will only be used if the confidence limit is greater than this amount
See query-dsl-minimum-should-match for syntax
Determines how close a question should match to return a hit
ES_NO_HITS_QUESTION text The question QnABot should use when it cannot find an answer
ES_USE_FUZZY_MATCH true or false Determines whether QnABot should return answers similar to the question asked. See Fuzzy Query for more information
ES_PHRASE_BOOST integer If the user's question is a phrase match to a question in the knowledge then boost the score by this factor.
ES_SCORE_ANSWER_FIELD true or false Include the content of the answer field (not just the question fields) when determining the score for a match
ENABLE_SENTIMENT_SUPPORT true or false Enables Amazon Comprehend be used for sentiment analysis
ENABLE_MULTI_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT true or false Enable or Disable Amazon Translate support. See list of Supported Languages
ENABLE_CUSTOM_TERMINOLOGY true or false Enable support for installed Custom Terminology files when using Amazon Translate
MINIMUM_CONFIDENCE_SCORE decimal between 0.0 and 0,99 The minimum confidence before Amazon Comprehend will determine the user's language
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_INDEXES An Array of comma separated Ids A list of one or more Amazon Kendra indexes used for Kendra fallback
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_FALLBACK_CONFIDENCE_SCORE VERY_HIGH | HIGH | MEDIUM | LOW Answers will only be returned that or at or above the specified confidence level when using Kendra Fallback
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_FAQ_CONFIDENCE_SCORE: VERY_HIGH | HIGH | MEDIUM | LOW Minimum Kendra confidence level threshold for Kendra FAQ
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_S3_SIGNED_URLS true or false Enables signed S3 Urls for Amazon Kendra results. If enabled, allows support for Kendra documents which are not publicly accessible.
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_S3_SIGNED_URL_EXPIRE_SECS integer Determines length of time in seconds for the validity of signed S3 Urls in Kendra fallback.
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_MAX_DOCUMENT_COUNT integer Number of documents returned by Amazon Kendra fallback
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_FAQ_MESSAGE string Heading when a Frequently Asked Question is found by Amazon Kendra.
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_TOP_ANSWER_MESSAGE string Heading when the top answer is found by Amazon Kendra
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_ANSWER_MESSAGE string Heading when a Document is returned by Amazon Kendra
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_RESPONSE_TYPES Comma separated list. One or more valid Amazon Kendra response type Kendra fallback will only return responses of the listed types
ALT_SEARCH_KENDRA_ABBREVIATE_MESSAGE_FOR_SSML boolean If a set to "true", an abbreviate Amazon Kendra response will be sent via voice. If set to "false", the full text of the Kendra fallback response will be sent when using voice.
KENDRA_FAQ_INDEX Kendra Index Id Amazon Kendra Index to use sync Elastic Search questions and answers
KENDRA_FAQ_CONFIG_MAX_RETRIES integer Number of times to retry syncing FAQ's when a throttling error occurs
KENDRA_FAQ_CONFIG_RETRY_DELAY integer Amount of time to wait in seconds between attempts to retry syncing
KENDRA_FAQ_ES_FALLBACK true or false When Kendra FAQ is enabled, but does not return an answer then query ElasticSearch
ENABLE_KENDRA_WEB_INDEXER true or false Enables the web indexer
KENDRA_INDEXER_URLS comma separated list List of web addresses QnABot should crawl and index with Kendra
KENDRA_INDEXER_SCHEDULE CloudWatch Rate Syntax Interval Indexer should crawl
KENDRA_INDEXER_CRAWL_DEPTH number Sets the depth to the number of levels in a website from the seed level that you want to crawl
KENDRA_INDEXER_CRAWL_MODE HOST_ONLY | SUBDOMAINS | EVERYTHING Determines which addresses should be crawled
KENDRA_WEB_PAGE_INDEX Kendra Index Id The index to use for the web crawler, a custom data source will automatically be added to the specified index.
ERRORMESSAGE text Response to the user when a processing error occurs
EMPTYMESSAGE text Response to the user when an answer could not be found
DEFAULT_ALEXA_LAUNCH_MESSAGE text Initial greeting when using Alexa
DEFAULT_ALEXA_REPROMPT text Default text used for Alexa reprompt capability
DEFAULT_ALEXA_STOP_MESSAGE text User response to end session with Alexa
SMS_HINT_REMINDER text Reminds user how to use the bot on first use after SMS_HINT_REMINDER_INTERVAL_HRS
SMS_HINT_REMINDER_INTERVAL_HRS integer The amount of time in hours when to send SMS_HINT_REMINDER
IDENTITY_PROVIDER_JWKS_URLS array of urls User can override this empty list to add trusted IdPs (eg from Lex-Web-UI CognitoUserPoolPubKey)
ENFORCE_VERIFIED_IDENTITY true or false Set to true to make QnABot require verified identity from client
NO_VERIFIED_IDENTITY_QUESTION text If user identity cannot be verified, replace question string with this.
ELICIT_RESPONSE_MAX_RETRIES integer Number of times an elicitResponse LexBot can be called before giving up when the Bot returns Failed
ELICIT_RESPONSE_RETRY_MESSAGE text Default retry message when working with LexBot
ELICIT_RESPONSE_BOT_FAILURE_MESSAGE text Message used when maximum number of retries is exceeded
CONNECT_IGNORE_WORDS comma separated list Throw error if connect client sends individual characters not processable by elastic search
CONNECT_ENABLE_VOICE_RESPONSE_INTERRUPT true or false Return bot response in session attribute to enable contact flow to use response as an interruptible prompt.
CONNECT_NEXT_PROMPT_VARNAME text Name of session var to use for next prompt
ENABLE_REDACTING true or false Enable the system to redact log output
ENABLE_REDACTING_WITH_COMPREHEND true or false Enables Amazon Comprehend based PII Redacting
COMPREHEND_REDACTING_ENTITY_TYPES comma separated list A list of PII Entity Types
COMPREHEND_REDACTING_CONFIDENCE_SCORE number (0 to .99) Only redact PII where Amazon Comprehend's confidence score is greater than this number
REDACTING_REGEX regex expression Redacts expressions matching regex from logs
PII_REJECTION_ENABLED true or false Enables PII Rejection
PII_REJECTION_QUESTION text If PII is found, the user's request (question) will change to this phrase
PII_REJECTION_REGEX regex expression Used to find PII based on a regex
PII_REJECTION_ENTITY_TYPES comma separated list of PII Entity Categories Only recognize PII entity types in the list
PII_REJECTION_CONFIDENCE_SCORE number (0 to 0.99) Only reject PII where Amazon Comprehend's confidence score is greater than this number
DISABLE_CLOUDWATCH_LOGGING true or false Disable all logging in fulfillment es query handler lambda. does not disable logging from Lambda Hooks or Conditional Chaining Lambda functions
MINIMAL_ES_LOGGING true or false do not log utterances or session attributes to ElasticSearch for Kibana logging
S3_PUT_REQUEST_ENCRYPTION text enable header x-amz-server-side-encryption header and set with this value
BOT_ROUTER_WELCOME_BACK_MSG text The text used by QnABot when ending communication from a specialty bot
BOT_ROUTER_EXIT_MSGS comma separated list The exit phrases in comma separated list available for the a user to end communication with a specialty bot
RUN_LAMBDAHOOK_FROM_QUERY_STEP true or false Controls timing of execution for Lambda hooks
LAMBDA_PREPROCESS_HOOK string name of AWS Lambda to run before each question is processed. The name of the Lambda must start with "qna-" or "QNA-" to comply with the permissions of the role attached to the Fulfillment Lambda .
LAMBDA_POSTPROCESS_HOOK string name of AWS Lambda to run after the question is processed. But before user profile information is saved. The name of the Lambda must start with "qna-" or "QNA-" to comply with the permissions of the role attached to the Fulfillment Lambda .
SEARCH_REPLACE_QUESTION_SUBSTRINGS string replace words or phrases in user questions by defining search/replace pairs in a JSON object like: {"searchString":"replaceString"}. Add additional pairs separated by commas, like: {"searchString":"replaceString", "searchString2":"replaceString2"}.