Releases: aws-solutions/qnabot-on-aws
Releases · aws-solutions/qnabot-on-aws
- New Kendra FAQ support (Beta version) using the setting KENDRA_FAQ_INDEX. New menu item in Designer UI to export Questions as a Kendra FAQ. See revised Blog Post for details.
- New GetSessionAttribute Handlebars helper to obtain session attribute. Works similar to lodash get(). Will not through exception and will return a default value.
- Enhanced handlebars to support string concatenation including handlevar 'variables' like Session Attributes and UserInfo, etc. Use case, e.g. to build a url containing a users email, eg a google calendar URL. Example of syntax now supported - in this case to dynamically build a personalized URL based on user info. {{setSessionAttr 'link' '' UserInfo.Email '&ctz=America%2FNew_York'}}
- Moved 'previous' and 'navigation' session attributes under a new 'qnabotcontext' session attribute so that Connect (and other) clients have fewer session attributes to preserve.
- Allows Chaining rule Lambda function to return a modified session object in addition to the string for chaining.
- Allows Chaining of up to 10 documents. Each document's Lambda hooks will also be invoked in sequence if defined.
- Added a new Repeat QID in the QNAUtility example package. Allows QnABot to easily repeat the last answer.
- Allow the chaining rule to specify a specific QID rather than an answer. A QID can be specified in the chaining rule by using string such as QID:: e.g. QID::Admin.001. Note, the new QID:: syntax can also be used from the webUI, say as button values if/when you prefer to target a specific QID (exact query) rather than rely on question matching.
- Fixed a defect to allow conditional chaining to be invoked after an elicit response bot failure.
- Upgrades to and installs ElasticSearch 7.7.
- Install / Upgrade now supports the option to configure S3 Buckets and Elastic Search cluster using encryption at rest
- Install / Upgrade now supports the option to require Cognito based user authorization to access the built-in full screen web UI (Public/Private parameter in template) - Public is the default
- Added two settings parameters to enforce user identity verification check, so that bot can be secured for use by authenticated users only
- ENFORCE_VERIFIED_IDENTITY. Default is false. Set to true to make QnABot require verified identity from client
- NO_VERIFIED_IDENTITY_QUESTION. The default is "no_verified_identity". If user identity cannot be verified, replace question string with this. If not verified, the system will respond to user's question with the result of searching for NO_VERIFIED_IDENTITY_QUESTION. This allows a customizable message which informs the user that they must log in. A default question with qid "no_verified_identity" is included in QNAUtility example package.
- Enhanced Kendra fallback integration to use a specific answer if there is a best answer available and bold face highlighted words from Kendra response
- Added Comprehend sentiment analysis to all utterances and text captured by the QNAFreeText elicit response bot
- Enhanced Kibana dashboard to identify Lex client channels - Connect, Web, SMS
- Improved internal use of Booleans from settings configuration
- Enhanced Connect integration
- Added session attribute named "qnabot_qid" that holds the matching question id found in elastic search
- Added session attribute "qnabot_gotanswer" that holds boolean true/fale if an answer was fround
- Encapsulating all Kendra and Elicit Response Bot session attributes into a single "qnabotcontext" attribute making it easier to store and reset in Connect contact flow
- Added new QNAYesNoExit elicit response bot which allows a user to exit the YesNoExit question using "exit", "bye", "quit", "admin", "rep","representative","stop", "help", "bye", "goodbye" which sets the Yes_No_Exit slot value / session attribute to "Exit".
- Update to 0.17.0 of embedded lex-web-ui
- Resolved additional dependabot identified security issues with dependent packages
- Fixed lambda/fulfillment unit tests
- Fixed defect where response bot was not triggered on next question when using lambda function for conditional chaining
- Update to Elasticsearch 7.4
- Update to 0.16.0 of embedded lex-web-ui
- Fix to redacting feature with respect to kibana metrics
- Fix to CustomNoHits to use configured setting
- npm audit package updates
- Improved question matching accuracy and tuning
- Tolerance for typos and minor spelling errors with fuzzy matching setting
- Easier troubleshooting when using voice or multi-language support with new debug setting
- SSML support when using Amazon Connect
- Fixes and improvements to Amazon Kendra integration, support FAQ answers
- Full upgrade support without data loss when upgrading from previous versions
- Disable response card titles in embedded lex-web-ui
- Added region launch links to README
- Fix to language responses in Language extension. Added mapping of 'Chinese' to use 'Simplified Chinese'
New features in 3.0.3 New content tuning Readme, Enhanced CFN Lex Resource to work with manually created Bot versions
New features in 3.0.2 New Elicit Response Bots, Lambda Functions backing conditional chaining, Lex Bot versioning use
New features in 3.0.0 ElicitResponse, Conditional Chaining, new Launch regions
Note that versions prior to 3.0.0 will not directly upgrade to this version. If running version 2.6.n,
you will need to:
- Export your old configuration to a json file and download to your system using the Designer UI
- Install this stack as a new QnABot
- Import your prior configuration to the new QnABot using the Designer UI
- If using the standalone LexWebUi, you will need to redeploy a new LexWebUi and configure
to use the new QnABot
Once you are completely satisfied with the proper operation of your new Bot and new LexWebUi, you can remove the old stacks.
Migrated to nodejs8.10 from nodejs6.10.
This release changes QnABot to deploy nodejs based Lambdas using nodejs8.10 instead of nodejs6.10 which has been deprecated.
- Updated QnABot Designer UI documents to maintain a fixed order for attributes
- Updated QnABot Designer UI documents to have better indentation
- Updated QnABot Designer UI and Guided Navigation functions to handle Lex buttons
- Added new Specialty Bot Broker example Lambda. This feature allows QnABot to broker an interaction between other QnABots and Lex Bots.
- Next and previous functions now work with documents that have lambda hook arguments, the lambda hook will return the dynamic content while document ordering is properly retained
- Updated aws-lex-web-ui to version 0.14.2.
Merge branch 'develop'
bug fixes from v1.0
Merge branch 'master' of