Running Cost Optimized Spark workloads on Kubernetes using EC2 Spot Instances and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
This GitHub contains sample configuration files for running Apache Spark on Kubernetes using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances. We recommend reading this blog post for more information on this topic. The blog also contains the detailed tutorial for the step-by-step instructions below.
What you’ll run
A word-count Spark application counting the words from an Amazon Customer Review dataset and write the output to an Amazon S3 folder.
Create a S3 Bucket
Create Amazon S3 Access Policy
aws iam create-policy --policy-name spark-s3-policy --policy-document file://spark-s3.json
Replace the output folder with the bucket name
Create an EKS cluster using the following command
eksctl create cluster –name=sparkonk8 --node-private-networking --without-nodegroup --asg-access –region=<AWS Region>
Create the nodegroup using the nodeGroup config file. Replace the string using the ARN string from the previous step.
eksctl create nodegroup -f managedNodeGroups.yml
Create a service account
kubectl create serviceaccount spark kubectl create clusterrolebinding spark-role --clusterrole='edit' --serviceaccount=default:spark --namespace=default
Download and install the Cluster Autoscaler
curl -LO
Edit it to add the cluster-name.
Install the Cluster Autoscaler
kubectl apply -f cluster-autoscaler-autodiscover.yaml
Get the details of Kubernetes master url
kubectl cluster-info
Build the docker image using the instructions here
Use the application file( and upload into the Amazon S3 bucket created.
Download the pod template files
This enables scheduling of the driver pods to On-Demand Instances and executor pods to Spot Instances
Submit the spark job using the command here
- Delete the EKS cluster and the nodegroups with the following command:
eksctl delete cluster --name sparkonk8
- Delete the Amazon S3 Access Policy with the following command:
aws iam delete-policy --policy-arn <POLICY ARN>
- Delete the Amazon S3 Output Bucket with the following command:
aws s3 rb --force s3://<S3_BUCKET>
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