IBC channel query subcommands
axelard query ibc channel [flags]
-h, --help help for channel
--chain-id string The network chain ID (default "axelar")
--home string directory for config and data (default "$HOME/.axelar")
--log_format string The logging format (json|plain) (default "plain")
--log_level string The logging level (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal|panic) (default "info")
--output string Output format (text|json) (default "text")
--trace print out full stack trace on errors
- axelard query ibc - Querying commands for the IBC module
- axelard query ibc channel channels - Query all channels
- axelard query ibc channel client-state - Query the client state associated with a channel
- axelard query ibc channel connections - Query all channels associated with a connection
- axelard query ibc channel end - Query a channel end
- axelard query ibc channel next-sequence-receive - Query a next receive sequence
- axelard query ibc channel packet-ack - Query a packet acknowledgement
- axelard query ibc channel packet-commitment - Query a packet commitment
- axelard query ibc channel packet-commitments - Query all packet commitments associated with a channel
- axelard query ibc channel packet-receipt - Query a packet receipt
- axelard query ibc channel unreceived-acks - Query all the unreceived acks associated with a channel
- axelard query ibc channel unreceived-packets - Query all the unreceived packets associated with a channel