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File metadata and controls

180 lines (107 loc) · 6.55 KB


Files I produced during the Apache Kafka classes of my Microservices Full Cycle 3.0 course.


Kafka basic functioning

Producers, Kafka Cluster, Brokers and Consumers


Usually you will want to have the topic partitions inside different brokers. So you can imagine that the partitions 1, 2 and 3 are in different machines. If one machine dies, you have 2/3 of the messages of this topic in other brokers.

Shows that a topic has multiple partitions inside different brokers

You can also choose to duplicate the partitions and distribute them along all brokers using Replication Factor = 2. In this way, if one broker dies, you will have the same partition in another one.

Shows that a topic has multiple partitions inside different brokers


Each topic has associated partitions. Kafka saves messages sequentially to disk!

Shows that a partition of a kafka topic is like an array of messages

Message structure

  • Headers are metadata you can include in the message
  • Key is used to send the same type of messages to the same partition
  • Value is the payload itself
  • Timestamp can be set by the producer or the kafka cluster when the message arrive

Shows that a message has 4 fields: Headers, Key, Value and Timestamp

Partition leadership

When you have Replication Factor greater than 1, Kafka will elect one of the partition replicas as the leader. That means the consumers will always read the leader messages.

This is useful because if one broker dies and it has a leader partition, Kafka will elect one of the partition replicas as the new leader.

Shows multiple brokers with partition replicas and shows one broker with the leader partition

Delivery guarantee

Kafka comes with 3 types of message delivery guarantee:

  • If you send a message with Ack 0, Kafka will return "None" instantly without delivery guarantee.

  • If you send a message with Ack 1, Kafka will return "Leader" after the message is stored on it.

  • If you send a message with Ack -1, Kafka will return "All" after the message is stored on the leader and the followers.

More about delivery guarantee

Kafka comes with other types of message delivery guarantee:

  • "At most once" gives you the best performance but don't guarantee that all messages will be delivered.

  • "At least once" gives you a moderate performance but can delivery two times the same message. So, you need to take care of not processing the same message in your system!

  • "Exactly once" gives you the worst performance but delivery all messages exactly one time.

Producer idempotence

If a producer sends a message and it has a connectivity problem, maybe Kafka may have received and processed the message but the producer will send the message again when it come back.

This is a problem because the message will be duplicated. If you say a producer is idempotent, Kafka will notice the situation and discard one of the messages.

Consumers and consumer groups

If only one consumer is consuming a topic, it will read from all partitions.

But you can create a group of consumers that read from the same topic. In this way, they divide the partitions between them.


Starting Kafka

docker-compose up -d
# After some minutes, go inside kafka container:
docker-compose exec kafka bash

Creating the first topic

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --create --topic=teste --partitions=3
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --list
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --describe --topic=teste

Consuming the first topic

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --topic=teste
# Let this terminal open. The consumer is listening to the topic!

Producing messages in the first topic

Open another terminal and run:

kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --topic=teste
# This will open a console that you can send messages via keyboard input

Putting consumers in the same group

If consumers are in the same group, they read different partitions of the same topic

To describe the consumer group, run:

kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --group=x --describe

The output should be similar to:

GROUP           TOPIC           PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG             CONSUMER-ID                                       HOST            CLIENT-ID
x               teste           0          4               4               0               consumer-x-1-60e8ebe6-2814-4ec9-b5cd-b2283ce42ee3 /     consumer-x-1
x               teste           1          3               3               0               consumer-x-1-60e8ebe6-2814-4ec9-b5cd-b2283ce42ee3 /     consumer-x-1
x               teste           2          3               3               0               consumer-x-1-9a4a2b24-859f-4736-98b2-bb1988f90b3a /     consumer-x-1

The Consumer IDs of the first two lines are equal (consumer-x-1-60e8ebe6-2814-4ec9-b5cd-b2283ce42ee3), so, the same consumer is reading from partition 0 and 1

Doing an implementation in Go

Create the topic and a consumer for it

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --create --topic=goteste --partitions=3
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server=localhost:9092 --topic=goteste

Install Go dependencies and run the producer

go get
go mod tidy
go run cmd/producer/main.go

All consumer/producer properties:

Run your own consumer in Go

Stop the consumer started with kafka-console-consumer and, in another terminal, run:

go run cmd/consumer/main.go

If you wanna test with multiple consumers, edit the inside cmd/consumer/main.go and run another consumer.