Thanks for your interest in Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure landing zones on Terraform. This module is now deprecated and no longer maintained.
As part of Cloud Adoption Framework landing zones for Terraform, we have migrated to a single module model, which you can find here: and on the Terraform registry:
In Terraform 0.13 you can now call directly submodules easily with the following syntax:
module "caf_resource_group" {
source = "aztfmod/caf/azurerm//modules/resource_group"
version = "0.4.18"
# insert the 4 required variables here
Sets one or more resource groups, each of them in a specific Azure region.
Reference the module to a specific version (recommended):
module "resource_groups" {
source = "aztfmod/caf-resource-group/azurerm"
version = "0.x.y"
prefix = var.prefix
resource_groups = var.resource_groups
tags = var.tags
(Required) Object that describes the resource groups to be created with their geo. Global group of tags will be added to all RG, specific tags can be added per RG.
variable "resource_groups" {
description = "(Required) Map of the resource groups to create"
Example of structure:
resource_groups = {
apim = {
name = "-apim-demo"
location = "southeastasia"
networking = {
name = "-networking-demo"
location = "eastasia"
insights = {
name = "-insights-demo"
location = "francecentral"
tags = {
project = "Pattaya"
approver = "Gunter"
(Optional) You can use a prefix to add to the list of resource groups you want to create
variable "prefix" {
description = "(Optional) You can use a prefix to add to the list of resource groups you want to create"
locals {
prefix = "${random_string.prefix.result}-"
resource "random_string" "prefix" {
length = 4
upper = false
special = false
Name | Type | Description |
object | object | Returns the full set of created resource groups as an object. |
names | map | Kept for backward compatibility, might be removed in a future version. Returns a map of: key = key name (internal name) of the resource group value = name of the resource group |
ids | map | Kept for backward compatibility, might be removed in a future version. Returns a map of: key = key name (internal name) of the resource group value = id of the resource group |