This is just our take on how to hook up a keg in a fun way. It does require some technical know-how, but that's part of the fun 🍖
Prices are accurate as of 10/23/13. Without the Kegerator, the total is around $175. There may be places to cut corners (ie. not using a raspberry pi) that would allow you to save some cash, but you would have to rework some things with the setup later on.
I will also mention that no kegerator is complete without sick tap handles. Ebay is your friend - some are very cheap if you get them used, others normally range between $20-40.
- The Kegerator! - $485
- Rasperry Pi - $41
- Power adapter for RaspPi - $5.50
- SD card for RaspPi - $10
- Breadboard - $6.50
- WiFi adapter - $10
- Arduino - $30
- Temperature sensor - $1.50