This set of Matlab scripts and functions implements the Shahi and Baker (2014) multi-component pulse classification algorithm.
classify_record_main : This scripts is the one that calls other functions to classify a ground motion as a pulse/non-pulse and then compute the Ipulse and Tp values.
classification_algo.m : This defines the function that selects the prospective pulses for classification
analyze_record.m : This defines the main classification function that classified each prospective pulse
find_Ipulse.m : Defines the function to find if the ground motion is classified as pulse-like or non-pulse-like
find_Tp.m : Defines the function to compute the pulse period. Outputs -999 if the ground motion is non-pulse.
make_plot.m : Defines the function to make a plot showing the velocity time-history of the original ground motion (in the orientation from which pulse was extracted), the extracted pulse and the residual ground-motion.
cont_wavelet_trans.m : This funtion is used to perform the continuous wavelet transform
parseAT2.m : This function parses the NGA West2 AT2 files.
example1.AT2 , example2.AT2 : Example time-histories (recorded components of the Imperial Valley(1979) El centro Array #4 recording) used for demonstration.
Example classification results are available at
The NGA-West2 data used for this analysis is available at
Shahi S.K., and Baker J.W. (2014). "An efficient algorithm to identify strong velocity pulses in multi-component ground-motions". Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(5), 2456–2466.