- Concurrency in Go
- Goroutines
- Channels
- Unbuffered Channels
- Buffered Channels
- Channel Select
- Advanced Concurrency patterns
- Preventing data race conditions with Mutexes
- A deep dive into Go’s http package
- ServeMux and Handler
- Creating custom handlers
- Extending Go’s http package by using third-party packages
- Routing using Gorilla Mux
- Writing HTTP middleware
- Building RESTful APIs
- Using context on http applications
- Using Context for providing deadlines, cancelation signals, and other request-scoped values across API boundaries and between processes
- Using Context for managing Goroutines
- Working with NoSQL Databases: MongoDB
- Working with SQL Databases
- Working with Time-Series Databases: InfluxDB
- Introduction CockroachDB
- Working with global-scale distributed databases: CockroachDB