diff --git a/ballerina/Module.md b/ballerina/Module.md
index 355350d..c544d38 100644
--- a/ballerina/Module.md
+++ b/ballerina/Module.md
@@ -1,92 +1,22 @@
 ## Overview
-This is a Ballerina library for [Snowflake JDBC Driver v3.13.11](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/jdbc.html). 
-The Snowflake JDBC driver is a JDBC type 4 driver that supports the core JDBC functionality in version 1.0 of the JDBC API.
-You can create and manage all Snowflake objects, including virtual warehouses, databases, and all database objects. 
-It also provides the capability to query Snowflake data. You can find reference information for all the Snowflake SQL commands (DDL, DML, and query syntax) [here](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference-commands.html). You can find reference information for the system-defined SQL functions [here](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference-functions.html).
+This Package bundles the latest Snowflake driver so that the Snowflake connector can be used in ballerina projects easily.
-## Prerequisites
+## Compatibility
-Before using this connector in your Ballerina application, complete the following:
+| |  Version   |
+|Snowflake Driver | **3.14.4** |
-* Create a [Snowflake](https://www.snowflake.com) account
-* Obtain the JDBC driver connection string, username and password by following [this guide](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/jdbc-configure.html)
-## Quickstart
+> The above Snowflake drivers are released under the [The Apache Software License, Version 2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt).
-To use the Snowflake driver library in your Ballerina application, update the .bal file as follows:
+## Usage
+To add the Snowflake driver dependency the project, simply import the module as below,
-### Step 1: Import driver
-First, import the following modules into the Ballerina project.
 import ballerina/sql;
-import ballerinax/java.jdbc;
+import ballerinax/snowflake;
 import ballerinax/snowflake.driver as _;
-### Step 2: Create a new connector instance
-Provide the JDBC URL, username, password, optional properties and initialize the JDBC client connector with it. 
-You can find more information [here](https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/jdbc-configure.html#label-other-jdbc-connection-string-examples).
-jdbc:Options options = {
-    properties: {
-        warehouse: "<WAREHOUSE>",
-        db: "<DATABASE>",
-        schema: "<SCHEMA>"
-    }
-string jdbcUrl = "jdbc:snowflake://<ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER>.snowflakecomputing.com";
-string user = "<USERNAMR>";
-string password = "<PASSWORD>";
-jdbc:Client baseClient = check new (jdbcUrl, user, password, options = options);
-### Step 3: Invoke connector operation
-1. Now you can use the Ballerina JDBC client connector to consume the Snowflake API.
-    Following is an example on how to verify the version of the driver you are currently using. 
-    Verify your driver version
-    ```ballerina
-    public function main() {
-        sql:ParameterizedQuery sqlQuery = `SELECT CURRENT_CLIENT()`;
-        stream <record {}, sql:Error?> resultStream = baseClient->query(sqlQuery);
-        record {|record {} value;|}|error? result = resultStream.next();
-        if result is record {|record {} value;|} {
-            io:println("Current driver version: ", result.value);
-        }
-    }
-    ``` 
-    Following is an example on how to verify the warehouse, database, and schema you are currently using. 
-    Verify the warehouse, database, and schema
-    ```ballerina
-    public function main() {
-        sql:ParameterizedQuery sqlQuery = `SELECT CURRENT_WAREHOUSE(), CURRENT_DATABASE(), CURRENT_SCHEMA()`;
-        stream <record {}, sql:Error?> resultStream = baseClient->query(sqlQuery);
-        record {|record {} value;|}|error? result = resultStream.next();
-        if result is record {|record {} value;|} {
-            io:println("Current details: ", result.value);
-        }
-    }
-    ``` 
-    Following is an example on how to query data from a table called `DEMO`. 
-    Query the data
-    ```ballerina
-    public function main() {
-        sql:ParameterizedQuery sqlQuery = `SELECT * FROM DEMO`;
-        stream <record {}, sql:Error?> resultStream = baseClient->query(sqlQuery);
-        error? e = resultStream.forEach(isolated function(record {} result) {
-            io:println("Current query details: ", result);
-        });
-    }
-    ``` 
-2. Use `bal run` command to compile and run the Ballerina program.