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bangcorrupt edited this page Aug 7, 2023 · 33 revisions

Can I buy hacktribe?

The patch will always be free (as in beer) and I can't distribute pre-patched firmware due to copyright.

If you want to support the project financially you are very welcome to become a sponsor,

see How to support hacktribe for more details.

Will hacktribe be updated?

Hacktribe will continue to be updated. Anything labeled enhancement is something I have some idea how to approach.

Some of these may turn into features some day.

When will there be a stable version?

This will always be a hack. Each new feature is a bug.

How do I upgrade hacktribe?

Apply the latest patch to factory sampler firmware 2.02 every time.

You can upgrade hacktribe without flashing back to factory firmware.

Firmware update file must be at path KORG/hacktribe/System/SYSTEM.VSB.

There is no need to edit the file header if hacktribe or the sampler firmware is currently installed.

How can I restore the factory firmware?

Follow the Hacktribe Tutorial to get the patched firmware files.

See Revert to Factory Firmware and #70, particularly this comment.

Error, invalid file!

This usually means the file has the wrong device ID in the header.

If you are installing Hacktribe from synth firmware you will need to edit the header to look like the synth firmware.

python SYSTEM.VSB synth

Can you add X feature?

Probably not, but I might try.

Small changes to existing features are much easier than big changes and new features.

8 Bar Patterns?

I haven't looked at longer patterns yet.

It might be as simple as increasing the iterator and giving it more data to read, but I doubt it.

How can I patch the firmware from a Windows OS?

See Patch with a GUI.

To patch manually try bsdiff for Windows, which appears to provide bsdiff and bspatch executables. I haven't tried these.

How to apply the patch for a total noob?

Follow the Hacktribe Tutorial to get the patched firmware files.

See #41.

What the hash is a checksum?

Before patching the firmware, sha256 hash of SYSTEM.VSB should match the hash in hash/SYSTEM.VSB.sha.

This proves you have the correct version of the factory firmware.

After patching the firmware, sha256 hash of hacked-SYSTEM.VSB should match the hash in hash/hacked-SYSTEM.VSB.sha.

This proves you have the same modified firmware I have tested.

Where are the factory samples?

See Factory Samples

and #77.

I can't import my samples.

Edit the e2sSample.all file so the first sample is in slot 501.

Put the file at path KORG/hacktribe/Sample/e2sSample.all.

How to edit e2sSample.all

I can't export my samples.

Hacktribe will try to create files under the KORG/hacktribe directory.

If this directory does not exist, many file operations will fail.

I think I found a bug.

Post a bug report in the Issues section.

I have more questions.

Ask questions in the Discussions section.

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