Aplication is used to get information about cities time of sunrise/sunset according to It's coordinates. Two services were implemented:
- city, which provide opportunities:
- to add city to the DB
- to edit city in the DB
- to delete city from the DB
- eventtime, which provides opportunity to get information about time of sunrise/sunset
- to get info
- Parameters:
- action=sunset | sunset | both
- date=today | yyyy-mm-dd (example 2020-03-03)
- city (example city=TestCity)
- Docker
- Git
to Start:
- install Docker on your PC https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/;
- clone repository
- from app directory (where Dockerfile is placed) start terminal and run command
docker build -t aspnetapp .
This will build docker image
- after finishing type next command
docker run -it --rm -p 5000:80 --name sun_city aspnetapp
It will start application.
When in your browser try http://localhost:5000.
SunCity is developed by [Volodymyr Baranov] 2020.